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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Hottest ticket in town is McCain's funeral and poor Donny isn't invited. Wonder what sort of moronic nonsense the orange clown will tweet about it.


"Thoughts & prayers. John McCain...was a man. I am a man. Hey, we both is man. #MAGA"

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LOL indeed


Donny deserves a replay of his remarks on McCain not being a real hero and more a loser because he got caught in 'nam.

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Hottest ticket in town is McCain's funeral and poor Donny isn't invited. Wonder what sort of moronic nonsense the orange clown will tweet about it.


"Thoughts & prayers. John McCain...was a man. I am a man. Hey, we both is man. #MAGA"

Wasn't far from that:

'sympathies and respect go out to his family' 

In other words, fuck that guy he disagreed with me and i'm glad he's dead

Pretty much the intelligence level and reasoning of the edgelords over in celebrity deaths/elsewhere online right now shitting on McCain like it makes them cool to remember that, yes, he did dumb shit in his life.

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Best thing he could do without losing face. 


Really hope this Trump-nightmare will be over soon. Although I currently understand the Democrats would rather having him out the next election cycle, instead of going the impeachment route. So 2 more years of having this disaster living in the White House.


When he's out, his business will be dead though. ;)

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Best thing he could do without losing face. 


Really hope this Trump-nightmare will be over soon. Although I currently understand the Democrats would rather having him out the next election cycle, instead of going the impeachment route. So 2 more years of having this disaster living in the White House.


When he's out, his business will be dead though. ;)

His business is sure doing fine right now. I think the Dems are just holding the impeachment card for when it's actually relevant. They know if they scream impeachment from day one (a few of them have been basically) then it won't hold any weight when he's got actually impeachable offenses at his doorstep. They also know that impeachment talk doesn't play great in the election (gotta be about something, not just against someone) coming up, being mostly local politics and all with the House races. But I've also seen speculation that they're glad if he's in office through this term, as it could play up their chances in 2020...not 100% sure what that argument has for it, but I guess it could make sense? Dunno.




Just finished this with Paul Ryan, a bit of a long read, but interesting points of how Ryan's sorta given up in ways, how much of a pussy he's become, and how much he's deluding himself the last couple years. A bit sad at times, I kinda like Ryan, despite not liking pretty much any of his conclusions on policy. It's his own fault though, no one's forced him to kiss Trump's ass. 

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Hmmm, not sure if I agree. To a certain degree he already has impeachable stuff on his doorstep. He's doing plenty stuff which normally should have put him out of office. Blunders like what they're doing at the borders. Blunders on the international stage. He's not even trying to deal with the hacking of the elections. He seems to completely disregard Congress when it comes to his international policies. In terms of running the government, he seems to be hell bent on ruining it. His government basically needs to do what law says it should. Instead he puts in people who seem to be there to break things down, instead of actually running the place.


Not even started talking about his business dealings while in the White House. 


No I really think the Dems will prefer controlling him from either senate or house, instead of impeaching him. They'll only go that route if Mueller (or SDNY) comes with stuff so dark and clear, they simply can't escape impeaching him. But it looks like SDNY will be going after the Trump Organisation first and foremost. And Mueller probably won't indict Trump either. As it's policy to not indict the sitting president. Let alone a legal debate on its own. So Mueller most likely goes directly after anyone but Trump.


For the Dems it's safer if the people vote Trump out the democratic way. As it will take away any argument of the Trumpians after his potential impeachment: the Dems conspired to impeach him and it's all Hillaries fault. It's better to completely avoid that scenario, imo. Especially when he's so inpopular, he'll not be able to be re-elected. The Dems just need to make sure he'll be that unpopular.

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Has he been impeached yet?

















I'm waiting. Still hasn't happened. 


(i'm being a smartass because the point here is pretty obvious I think...)


To a certain degree he already has impeachable stuff on his doorstep.

There you go...."to a certain degree" being important because there's no hard line for impeachment. It's up to Congress. 


Y'all remember Bill Clinton? He got impeached. He did some shit he shouldn't have... *looks up clips of Clinton removed from office, resigning early, being forcefully taken away in handcuffs...huh, there's nothing here* waiiiiiit a second... impeachment doesn't lead to removal from office anyway? WHAT?!!??!




goDel I mean you basically ended up where I started, and nothing you said went against anything I said. The only difference is I just assumed everyone knows that 'impeachable offenses at his doorstep' is a pretty nebulous thing. Nothing about Trump or his 'presidency' if you can call it that is normal, we shouldn't think things like being acknowledged by Cohen as an unindicted co-conspirator will matter to him like it would've for literally any other president, as it obviously did for Nixon. You make a good point with the Dems wanting Trump to go out a safe way with just being voted out, could very well be their logic.

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Has he been impeached yet?

















I'm waiting. Still hasn't happened. 


(i'm being a smartass because the point here is pretty obvious I think...) 




actually i am curious how you would state what "the point" is

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Has he been impeached yet?

















I'm waiting. Still hasn't happened. 


(i'm being a smartass because the point here is pretty obvious I think...) 



actually i am curious how you would state what "the point" is

If you just would've kept reading!


There you go...."to a certain degree" being important because there's no hard line for impeachment. It's up to Congress. 

Which ties back in to my original assertion of holding the card for when it's relevant....for when Congress is willing to act against the president. It's obvious they're not now. Screaming "Impeach!!!" from the rooftops does nothing to help. 

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oh. yeah. so we agree that the case for legal impeachment is there, and that it's just a question of the willingness of congress to impeach and sentence.



they need to convince the public who are divided. they haven't had that moment yet. that moment when all the things come together and the obviousness of it is apparent to everyone. 





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oh. yeah. so we agree that the case for legal impeachment is there, and that it's just a question of the willingness of congress to impeach and sentence.

Pretty much. He likely 'should' be impeached for his role in campaign finance violations, but they're a touch to the grey area so it'll likely need a bit more than just what Cohen's claiming. If there were investigations into his business role while in office, there might be some meat there too. But the problem is that it's just Congress and their whims essentially.


...which also means of course that Congress could've impeached Obama for killing a fly on camera that time, if they wanted to. The wording for impeachment is purposefully slightly vague and open. The founders for some reason assumed we'd have reasonable presidents and congresses at all times.  :tongue:


edit: lol at that flag

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oh. yeah. so we agree that the case for legal impeachment is there, and that it's just a question of the willingness of congress to impeach and sentence.

Pretty much. He likely 'should' be impeached for his role in campaign finance violations, but they're a touch to the grey area so it'll likely need a bit more than just what Cohen's claiming. If there were investigations into his business role while in office, there might be some meat there too. But the problem is that it's just Congress and their whims essentially.


...which also means of course that Congress could've impeached Obama for killing a fly on camera that time, if they wanted to. The wording for impeachment is purposefully slightly vague and open. The founders for some reason assumed we'd have reasonable presidents and congresses at all times.  :tongue:


edit: lol at that flag




in addition to that basis for impeachment that you mentioned, the number of violations of the emoluments clause are far too numerous to count. that would form a sound basis for removal, as well.


and it looks like there was treasonous coordination with moscow. trump always acted like he was being installed, reluctantly, by a foreign intelligence agency. look at his mockery of disabled reporter Kovaleski. that's what someone does when the russian mob is trying to install you as president and you don't really want to get elected but you have to act like you are trying to. i was keeping a list of instances of trump doing things that could not conceivably be aimed at winning the election, but looked like ways he was trying to throw it. it had over 30 items by the time i stopped keeping track. it's coincidental that a mountain of evidence is accumulating that trump is compromised by moscow.

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new flag is catching on. 


@auxien: gladly want to give you your point. not sure why, but it looks pretty important to you.


Honestly, I was arguing against your point that the Dems were holding back the impeachment card to when it mattered, by arguing they rather not play it at all. But yeah, sure, I completely confirmed your point. You win!

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He’s going to be implicated in capital crimes. The Dems are just being coy about impeachment now so it doesn’t get the republicunt base motivated.


There will be some ugly stuff revealed about Trump that will make even GOP members of Congress wish they dropped him earlier. Distancing themselves from him will be the only thing they can do to keep the sane 70% of the country from being even more disgusted in them than they already are and cause even longer term damage to the party. Shit will get weird.


We’re nowhere near rock bottom yet with this fucker.

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@very honest:


Yeah, the emoluments clause/business dealings will come to light eventually (they're already sorta out in the open) but right now everyone's just trying to get him for shit from before he even got elected basically (SDNY, Cohen campaign finance admission of guilt). Mueller's doing work too, and we're only hearing about what his team is doing usually as it's closing in, so they're (by most estimates) a month - a few months ahead of the news cycle. And there's seemingly no end to the shit they're finding either, Trump's eventually going to actually try to fire him (once he drops Sessions) and then we might actually get some push back as the polls are still for the most part showing that firing Mueller is a red line for the American people (most in Congress agree). 


I'm not seeing much actual 'treasonous coordination' with Moscow yet, though there's hints from Stone and a few others that it may have happened...I just haven't seen anything serious evidence-wise...yet. I think the things you point out, Trump trying to win but acting like he was going to throw it, were much more to do with him wanting to just get the notoriety, lose, and turn it into big profits with a tv channel/media business blitz. I honestly doubt the legitimacy of the full pee tape report and all, though there was some truth in it apparently... Not making any claims as to the certainty of ANY of that stuff really, just sorta explaining my own thinking and doubts. I've seen the same stuff you have I'm sure, I'm not seeing a 'mountain of evidence' of Trump being installed. A few coincidences and a lot of bumbling is all I've seen so far. I'm open to the possibility if the evidence points to it, but the evidence doesn't yet. 

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He’s going to be implicated in capital crimes. The Dems are just being coy about impeachment now so it doesn’t get the republicunt base motivated.


There will be some ugly stuff revealed about Trump that will make even GOP members of Congress wish they dropped him earlier. Distancing themselves from him will be the only thing they can do to keep the sane 70% of the country from being even more disgusted in them than they already are and cause even longer term damage to the party. Shit will get weird.


We’re nowhere near rock bottom yet with this fucker.

Yup re: Dems/impeachment.


I hope you're right it turns the Republican party upside down, I really hope so. 

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Just finished this with Paul Ryan, a bit of a long read, but interesting points of how Ryan's sorta given up in ways, how much of a pussy he's become, and how much he's deluding himself the last couple years. A bit sad at times, I kinda like Ryan, despite not liking pretty much any of his conclusions on policy. It's his own fault though, no one's forced him to kiss Trump's ass. 



Yeesh. This bit:




He bills himself as a guardian of the free-trading, debt-shrinking notions that Republican-led governments used to stand for before Trump crashed the tent.


Yeah, George W. Bush was just a fiscally conservative Republican that improved the debt by starting two multi trillion dollar wars.

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