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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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which end?




Every day, the U.S. nuclear early warning system is triggered by some event or another, mostly civilian and military rocket launches by one or more of a dozen countries with ballistic missiles. When such launches appear to threaten North America, the head of U.S. Strategic Command is alerted, and sometimes these alerts warrant the urgent notification of the president. That alert comes by way of a direct call from the Strategic Command or via the White House Situation Room, the emergency-operations bunker beneath the East Wing, or the national security adviser. Partly a remnant of the Cold War, this system remains in place today to ensure the president can be notified quickly of any direct threat to the United States’ nuclear arsenal and the facilities that control it. That way, he can launch nuclear missiles before they are destroyed or the U.S. government is incapacitated by incoming weapons.
In normal times, this system is precarious, and it can pressure even experienced leaders to consider nuclear weapons in a crisis sooner than warranted. Alerts stemming from ambiguous ballistic nuclear missile threats occurred multiple times during the administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama, and some alerts went directly to those presidents.
Yet, this system seems especially ill-suited to a president who has demonstrated time and again that he can be provoked into taking rash action, and who, as a candidate, openly questioned why the United States could not use the nuclear weapons it possesses. This is a dangerous set of instincts for a commander in chief with sole and unchecked authority over almost 4,000 nuclear weapons, nearly 1,000 of which could be fired within a few minutes.
For over a year, Mattis has been trying to reassure congressional leaders that he could help check some of Trump’s impulses, in part by intervening in the nuclear chain of command. In a break with normal procedures, Mattis reportedly told the commander of the Strategic Command to keep him directly informed of any event that might lead to a nuclear alert being sent to the president. He even told the Strategic Command “not to put on a pot of coffee without letting him know.”

Trump can launch nuclear weapons whenever he wants, with or without Mattis


Yes, that's the guy who just resigned in protest, saying in his resignation letter that the president does not believe in standing by our allies or standing up against adversarial powers.

Edited by very honest
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they're going to get a 20m 3ft high fence for that amount of money.



5 million = half a billion.  math doesn't matter!  so long as they build a wall of any shape or size all problems will be fixed

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Lol, how does he sleep at night?

Estranged from his wife.
Next to a cold cheeseburger and empty Diet Coke cans.

In the dark with the glowing rays of Fox news & Twitter casting throughout a cold and lonely white house master suite. Accidentally texting the wrong Sean (Spicer instead of Hannity), longing for those GOP golf outtings back when people weren't such morons, dreaming of the wall, knowing better days are ahead... As he drifts to sleep, voices from within call out "You're a killer Donny, ruler of New York, you got this. Build it and they will come. Build. The. Wall."

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