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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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13 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

Protesters in Hong Kong are using this as a rallying cry, since Trump signed a document in support of their movement.


JFC. To paraphrase Tommy Boy: I could take a dump in a box, sign it guaranteed, and ship to HK and it'd be just as effective.

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Giuliani is in Ukraine right now, meeting again with the same corrupt prosecutors, trying to further their bogus conspiracy theory, and produce a documentary on how unfair the "witch hunt" is.  The ballz.


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"Trump caught on microphone congratulating himself about his Trudeau attack: 'That was funny when I said the guy's two-faced'"



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LOL the guliani shit is so interesting - im guessing one or all three:

1.      His cons to make millions are getting exposed so he's desperately trying to cash in if it's not too late already

2.      He's there to try to keep any other co-conspirators quiet

3.      He's there from Trump threatening them to keep helping him get these biden investigations going...or else!!!


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11 hours ago, auxien said:


yeah. i've been spending way too much time following this stuff and even to me there is a lot of information to keep track of. GOP efforts to distract and mislead multiply the complexity.


zelensky didn't want to bend. that's why trump needed to undertake a prolonged push to get him to do the corrupt behavior trump was seeking. zelensky was a comedian who ran for president on an anti-corruption platform. he expressed concerns to US officials, in early may, in a US embassy. the concerns were relayed to ambassador marie yovanovich, who testified to their content: zelensky said he was feeling pressure from the Trump administration to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden. early may is also when ambassador yovanovich was suddenly dismissed.


i think that's why trump brought the stuff up on the jul 25 call, with state and defense officials on the call. he was trying to make it seem less shady to zelensky. see? there's a state department guy on the call. 

ukraine struggles with significant corruption issues. it's former soviet union. russia tries to keep it corrupt, as a military objective. ousted ukrainan president yanukovych, who was chased from the capital and fled to moscow in 2015, (this is the guy manafort worked for), was a putin proxy. his successor, poroshenko, went down in a scandal involving russian-linked corruption. it doesn't surprise me that a group of ukrainian legislators have decided to do this. it seems like something putin would like.


it's heartening to see that zelensky was saved from giving the cnn interview announcing investigations, by 2 days, because the IC IG alerted congress that the whistleblower complaint was being withheld and the white house released the aid. the truth got out. zelensky seems to have fought valiantly to resist putin/trump corruption. even as he seemed to have given in, arranging a cnn interview to announce investigations, he seems to have left himself a door to retain integrity. with the leveraged request from the US graced with state/defense dept legitimacy, he chose to use words like “assurances to run a fully transparent investigation” and "turn over every stone". that sounds like he was trying to leave himself the ability for the investigations to be begun but not to be unfair. 


that this is all dragged into the light is a profound illustration for humanity on the trajectory of civilization. look at putin. whenever you see him he is acting, he is trying to look like people who are admirable and have integrity. they are the people fighting him. putin is demonstrating the lie of the corrupt path. putin is a hollow shell, lying, cheating, stealing, and killing to maintain his facade, sapping the vitality of his country's people. 


this is what obama was talking about when he cut down this ethos at the funeral of elijah cummings. he landed a blow to the core of trump's being. 


it is interesting to see how this is playing out. the courts and the congress are establishing new patterns and precedents regarding these checks and balances between branches of government. the fbi has been required to handle grave and challenging investigations involving the system they exist within, which mueller, mccabe and others demonstrated how to navigate, both adhering to the constitution and protecting the fbi itself. a lot of talented and virtuous people have been activated and are fighting.


accumulated human technology means we no longer need to fight over resources. the corrupt, deceptive, gangster mindstate is archaic, out-dated, and doomed. it seems that the scale of the climate crisis has collided with the scale of big oil power to result in this dialed-up manifestation of the human struggle for justice: the most extreme example of corrupt oil interests, a nuclear superpower mafia state primarily dependent on oil power, seeks to disrupt the democratic world so it won't disrupt its oil power.


but yeah this will be used by certain right-wing elements to falsely say burisma is a high-prioriy corruption issue in ukraine. 

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22 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

Jesus that’s horrifying. 

It's completely typical of trump supporters though, I'm not at all surprised after seeing that.

I'm surprised (and scared) as to the trend over the last 3-4 years seeing people blindly (morally/ethically/intelligence wise) support Trump and the whole "fake media", extreme partisanship, and general (inexplicable to me?) brainwashing of tens of millions of people into actually supporting such a overtly corrupt and shitty cause.

I'm sure there are parallels to authoritarian/dictatorship states like Nazi Germany that are relevant here, I'm just not smot or articulate enough to make a point. But this shit is terrifying really... 


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2 hours ago, chenGOD said:

Jesus that’s horrifying. 

She's had felony theft charges against her, and her account has been permanently banned from Twitter:





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10 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

I guess they figure if the president can be a criminal,  no problems for congress. What a joke. 

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Saturday he did not think North Korean leader Kim Jong Un wanted to interfere in next year’s U.S. presidential election and said he would be surprised if Pyongyang acted hostilely.

“We’ll see about North Korea,” Trump told reporters after North Korea’s ambassador to the United Nations said on Saturday that denuclearization was off the negotiating table with the United States.

“I’d be surprised if North Korea acted hostilely,” Trump said at the White House before leaving for Florida. “He knows I have an election coming up. I don’t think he wants to interfere with that, but we’ll have to see ... I think he’d like to see something happen. The relationship is very good, but there is some hostility, there’s no question about it.”






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Interesting interview with David Jolly, former GOP, about what happened to his party (and congress)

Also, vhonest: whats the deal with posting entire twitter threads? Trying to force read twitter?



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8 hours ago, goDel said:

Also, vhonest: whats the deal with posting entire twitter threads? Trying to force read twitter?

i thought it would result in people actually reading the thread, which is interesting.

the secret ballot in the senate would free senators to vote yes. making the vote secret only requires a simple majority, 51 senators. GOP has 53 in the senate so dems need 4 in order to win procedural votes. it would only take 4 GOP senators to trigger it.

that would be a huge jump. right now dems need 20 GOP to vote to remove in the senate because that vote is super majority - 67. public GOP support for removal is almost nonexistant, but there are cracks. key word there is "public." recently retired Jeff Flake and others say that GOP would vote to remove if the vote were secret. it's just their team-playing that prevents them from voting for removal.

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N.Korea may be forced to drop the dotard slang again on donnie's senile ass:



“As (Trump) is such a heedless and erratic old man, the time when we cannot but call him a ‘dotard’ again may come,” Kim Yong Chol said.

but c'mon n.Korea...get creative. re-using dotard again? donnie better come up with something other than "rocket man" this time when he twitter battles them back...

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I'm sure Fox rather has someone with an opinion that fits their/trumps narrative. ?

Actually surprised they did book him initially. Perhaps they were honestly thinking they could play the proverbial guillotine game with comey? With an emphasis on "honestly", btw. As in: they really expected some kind of outcome from the IG report which they could use on Comey. 

Its all speculation, obviously. But as an outside spectator, the bias is a pretty marvelous thing to see. Also comes along with a big warning though. We're all equally susceptible to fall in our own mental rabbit holes if we don't watch out (... and speculate freely). And it can happen to entire societies. (Note the difference between understanding the logic such things can happen, and actually witnessing it in real time, btw. )

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