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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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MAGApalooza this weekend in DC, looks like some pretty good bands are going to be playing:



The disparate tribes of MAGA Nation — Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, Infowars fanatics, Groypers, Proud Boys, white nationalists, neo-Nazis and the people who would simply call themselves die-hard MAGA — have declared that they are simply going to show up in Washington en masse over the weekend to rally together, with the marquee event on Saturday.

The groups have assigned the gathering different names: the Million MAGA March, the March for Trump, Stop the Steal DC. But they’re all set to take place Saturday in the nation’s capital, around noon, with most set to congregate near Freedom Plaza, just east of the White House, though some groups have also suggested the Supreme Court building down the National Mall. It’s unclear how many people may show up, and past promises of massive rallies have sometimes fizzled out. Notably, organizers have not filed for permits, according to a spokesperson for the D.C. Metropolitan Police. But disinformation and extremist researchers have estimated anywhere from several hundred to several thousand may show up.


will this be like one of those mob wars, where all the different families show up in the same place and shoot it out?

or like one of those police round ups, where they lure all the kiddie diddlers into a trap and arrest them all?

wonder if the orange king will make an appearance?

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3 hours ago, zero said:

MAGApalooza this weekend in DC, looks like some pretty good bands are going to be playing:



will this be like one of those mob wars, where all the different families show up in the same place and shoot it out?

or like one of those police round ups, where they lure all the kiddie diddlers into a trap and arrest them all?

wonder if the orange king will make an appearance?

sweet. maybe they'll erupt into fist fights and brawls and beat the shit out of each other with their misdirected rage juice. 


“It is solely designed to create disruption, and possibly chaos. It's basically a giant online comment troll come into life,” said Angelo Carusone, president of Media Matters, a progressive group that monitors conservative media.



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i can see why trump would be on edge right now. he's been hoppin around for the last four years like he was mario with an invincibility star, & the news media was a floor made of goombas. now he's blinkin & all those pow blocks are just givin coins

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8 hours ago, zero said:

MAGApalooza this weekend in DC, looks like some pretty good bands are going to be playing:



will this be like one of those mob wars, where all the different families show up in the same place and shoot it out?

or like one of those police round ups, where they lure all the kiddie diddlers into a trap and arrest them all?

wonder if the orange king will make an appearance?

so it'll be safe to cruise around portland this weekend. dope.

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2 minutes ago, nikisoko said:

so it'll be safe to cruise around portland this weekend. dope.

too bad we can't somehow pull up the ladder and strand them on the other coast. 

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trump/hitler tactics comparison and more. 





The similarities between Trump and Hitler are crystal clear to every German. But many Americans don’t see the similarities, because they don’t even know that they don’t know anything about Hitler.

They think Hitler was an evil genius. He wasn’t. His contemporaries thought he was ridiculous. Hitler was an almost comical figure. Just like Trump. Even Mussolini called Hitler a mad little clown. People made fun of the way he looked and talked. Nobody took Hitler and his cult followers seriously. Until it was too late.

Hitler was a con man with a gift: He knew how to bullshit dumb people. He figured out how to use lies as a weapon. He convinced the German people that there was a global anti-German conspiracy, controlled by Jews, who’re trying to destroy Germany, exterminate the white German race, and replace them with subhuman mongrels.



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Civil war brewing inside Proud Boys as top leader says he’s done pretending he isn’t a Nazi

“Due to the recent failure of Proud Boy Chairman Enrique Tarrio to conduct himself with honor and courage on the battlefield, it has been decided that I Kyle Chapman reassume my post as President of Proud Boys effective immediately,” Chapman wrote. “We will no longer cuck to the left by appointing token negroes as our leaders. We will no longer allow homosexuals or other ‘undesirables’ into our ranks. We will confront the Zionist criminals who wish to destroy our civilization.”



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12 minutes ago, Hugh Mughnus said:

Where are the FBI etc dismantling the seemingly abundant hate groups that keep popping up lately? Isn’t this shit their jurisdiction? 

Sounds like the groups are doing a pretty good job themselves? 

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1 hour ago, sweepstakes said:

Sounds like the groups are doing a pretty good job themselves? 

Lol true they’re very disorganized. But I thought there were limits to this free speech stuff, haven’t the fbi been arresting active kkk members etc? I figured this would fall along those lines ?‍♂️

Granted I’m sure these groups are well infiltrated and we just don’t hear about it - I’m sure arrests will be made when legal lines get crossed?

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