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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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there's a few threads this could go in but..  here it sits. 



White House Declares Pandemic Over As It Cites Renowned Scientist Ivanka Trump



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^ holy shit, just realized that is '90s MTV VJ icon Kennedy! guess I don't pay enough attention to fox business stuff, assumed it is the same as the fox news crazies. 

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6 minutes ago, zero said:

^ holy shit, just realized that is '90s MTV VJ icon Kennedy! guess I don't pay enough attention to fox business stuff, assumed it is the same as the fox news crazies. 

Yeah how did she end up on Fox?? Anyway she aged well and based on this clip, I still like her style.

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How long are you able to watch this? I dare you.


After years of having to endure Trump or Trump-adjacent content—his tweets, his rallies, his sycophants, his critics in the media promising us that the wheels are definitely falling off this time—our brains have slowly curdled, sliding, jelly-like, into the darkest corners of our skulls.

No one, however, has waded into the polluted waters of Trump discourse like Vic Berger, the gonzo video artist who, time and again, has managed to wring laughs out of the sheer stupidity of our current moment. Today, in what feels like a culmination of Berger’s work over the last several years, he’s teamed up with Vice News to drop the ultimate supercut, a 68-minute spiral that will surely live on as the most essential chronicle of the last four years.

Well, it will if anyone actually has the fortitude to finish the thing.


Edited by dcom
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Oh wow, that's a massive compilation of steady geniusing. I'll give it a shot eventually.

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There's something almost metaphysically disturbing about Trump; he emits a whiff of the abyss, his triumphs hint at the death of meaning itself, the end of virtue. The cultists attracted to him remind me of those that appear in Lovecraft stories: people who have utterly given over their humanity to something depraved and alien, and worship it with a savage inhuman joy. I'm in the position of a Lovecraft narrator watching helplessly as these inhuman powers manifest themselves in a slow but inexorable march towards madness.

But horror aside, what drives these people? Either they don't see what I see (but it's not like Trump's qualities are subtle or hard to detact), or they see it and just don't care.

What is it like to be a Trump supporter? (Omniorthogonal)

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trump is just promising anything to anyone as he's always done.  he even changed his religious affiliation from presbyterian to general christian to appeal to a wider audience of jesus people. 

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I don't live in the U.S but if I did, I could never vote for a person who just doesn't care about people regardless of their political affiliation.

To him, Covid victims are just numbers on an excel spreadsheet. A man cannot lead a country if he has a fundamental disregard for them. He has no business being anywhere near politics - let alone being the president.

I've never seen a world leader hold his people in such utter disdain. How he ever reached the pinnacle of US office in probably the most powerful country in the world is something Americans (regardless of their political persuasion) should be ashamed of. 

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8 hours ago, fumi said:

I don't live in the U.S but if I did, I could never vote for a person who just doesn't care about people regardless of their political affiliation.

To him, Covid victims are just numbers on an excel spreadsheet. A man cannot lead a country if he has a fundamental disregard for them. He has no business being anywhere near politics - let alone being the president.

I've never seen a world leader hold his people in such utter disdain. How he ever reached the pinnacle of US office in probably the most powerful country in the world is something Americans (regardless of their political persuasion) should be ashamed of. 

its not their fault they were raised by retard parents and didnt receive proper education. bourgeois electoral democratic republicanism does not work. thats not even taking into account the literal lead poisoning induced brain damaged boomers

Edited by cyanobacteria
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Trump viewed as being under Putin's influence

The Trump–Russia dossier alleges that the Russians possess kompromat on Trump which can be used to blackmail him, and that the Kremlin promised him that the kompromat will not be used as long as he continues his cooperation with them.[71][72] Trump's actions at the Helsinki summit in 2018 "led many to conclude that Steele's report was more accurate than not.... Trump sided with the Russians over the U.S. intelligence community's assessment that Moscow had waged an all-out attack on the 2016 election,... The joint news conference,.. cemented fears among some that Trump was in Putin's pocket and prompted bipartisan backlash."[73]

At the joint news conference, when asked directly about the subject, Putin denied that he had any kompromat on Trump. Even though Trump was reportedly given a "gift from Putin" the weekend of the pageant, Putin argued "that he did not even know Trump was in Russia for the Miss Universe pageant in 2013 when, according to the Steele dossier, video of Trump was secretly recorded to blackmail him."[74]

In reaction to Trump's actions at the summit, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) spoke in the Senate:

Millions of Americans will continue to wonder if the only possible explanation for this dangerous and inexplicable behavior is the possibility — the very real possibility — that President Putin holds damaging information over President Trump.[75]


Several operatives, and lawyers in the U.S. intelligence community reacted strongly to Trump's performance at the summit. They described it as "subservien[ce] to Putin" and a "fervent defense of Russia's military and cyber aggression around the world, and its violation of international law in Ukraine" which they saw as "harmful to US interests". They also suggested that he was either a "Russian asset" or a "useful idiot" for Putin,[76] and that he looked like "Putin's puppet".[77] Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper wondered "if Russians have something on Trump",[78] and former CIA director John O. Brennan, who has accused Trump of "treason", tweeted: "He is wholly in the pocket of Putin."[79] Former acting CIA director Michael Morell has called Trump "an unwitting agent of the Russian federation", and former CIA director Michael V. Hayden said Trump was a "useful fool" who is "manipulated by Moscow".[80]

2018 Russia–United States summit (Wikipedia)

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Rant about conservatives ahead - also  tired so some sentences may not be a little confusing:


Trying to understand and debate conservatives is so frustrating. A childhood conservative friend of mine who voted in 2016 for Trump has done almost nothing but talk negatively about him over the past 4 years, at least around me. So naturally I assume he will be voting for Biden this time due to Trump being borderline fascistic, which he disagreed with similar to a lot of Trumps rhetoric.

Nope, he went and picked up his whole family in his town just to take them to vote for Trump, so no one would be lazy enough to stay home instead.

After he said that he voted from Trump, I told him I was disappointed. Also told him that I don't want to hear him say anything negative about Trump again as I will now think he is insincere when he "pays anti-Trump lip service" - and I will remind him of it every time it happens.

I feel I wasted all of the political discussions I have had with him over the past four years - dozens of hours of them. Yet he still thinks Joe Biden is a socialist even when I showed him overwhelming evidence the guy is a somewhat conservative democrat.... I didn't change his opinion at all and it seems he is in the same place he was four years ago. Fuckin ruined my day yesterday.

I'm definitely going to just ignore any conversation with him that steers into political territory by now on as I know for sure he only pays attention to Trump's narratives. He usually starts them, I somewhat try to avoid them  because I know we might as well be speaking other languages - I don't think he gets that. 

When we spoke about things like climate change, he believed that it was happening - when we spoke about the broken health care system, he thought it would be best to AT LEAST make  basic healthcare either affordable or free. AND YET he voted Trump, and will go on to vote for conservatives, and the more progressive things he claims to champion WILL NEVER be endorsed by the Republicans as they are now. 

God I hate politics, especially when the facts don't seem to matter.

EDIT: he disagreed with Trumps fascistic rhetoric, NOT agreed. At least not to me

Edited by Brisbot
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1 hour ago, Brisbot said:

Rant about conservatives ahead - also  tired so some sentences may not be a little confusing:


Trying to understand and debate conservatives is so frustrating. A childhood conservative friend of mine who voted in 2016 for Trump has done almost nothing but talk negatively about him over the past 4 years, at least around me. So naturally I assume he will be voting for Biden this time due to Trump being borderline fascistic, which he agreed with similar to a lot of Trumps rhetoric.

Nope, he went and picked up his whole family in his town just to take them to vote for Trump, so no one would be lazy enough to stay home instead.

After he said that he voted from Trump, I told him I was disappointed. Also told him that I don't want to hear him say anything negative about Trump again as I will now think he is insincere when he "pays anti-Trump lip service" - and I will remind him of it every time it happens.

I feel I wasted all of the political discussions I have had with him over the past four years - dozens of hours of them. Yet he still thinks Joe Biden is a socialist even when I showed him overwhelming evidence the guy is a somewhat conservative democrat.... I didn't change his opinion at all and it seems he is in the same place he was four years ago. Fuckin ruined my day yesterday.

I'm definitely going to just ignore any conversation with him that steers into political territory by now on as I know for sure he only pays attention to Trump's narratives. He usually starts them, I somewhat try to avoid them  because I know we might as well be speaking other languages - I don't think he gets that. 

When we spoke about things like climate change, he believed that it was happening - when we spoke about the broken health care system, he thought it would be best to AT LEAST make  basic healthcare either affordable or free. AND YET he voted Trump, and will go on to vote for conservatives, and the more progressive things he claims to champion WILL NEVER be endorsed by the Republicans as they are now. 

God I hate politics, especially when the facts don't seem to matter.

have had similar experience w/someone i know who is in his 20s. an engineer. has a really interesting job making things for healthcare purposes. fixing MRIs and making parts for things like those robots that do surgery. spends lot's of time w/doctors in hospitals etc. After a couple years he finally admitted he thinks healthcare should be free. He said many things over the previous 4 years about wishing the right would go big time on renewables and environmental conservation. he's somewhat of a Futurology type who is way into tech and design etc. but there's a huge disconnect when i make sure he understands that those things he thinks are part of a better future are in no way part of the plan that the right has embraced and is pushing. there really is some kind of fear that capitalism is only safe in the hands of the right and w/o the right w/their finger on the scale we'll end up a socialist country like cuba or venezuela or whatever non-realistic example.  even after explaining that socialism isn't what biden and most or all of the left is pushing for.. just a better safety net, better education ,free healthcare and like 5% more taxes on people who are fucking rich.  Once he said "well, if you were in my tax bracket" which i just said - "stop dude.. just stop".  he's also anti-abortion, smokes weed.  but grew up in a conservative household.  so his parents did a number on him i guess.. as happens to a lot of people. 

i told him no one would know if he votes for biden and he could tell his conservative family he voted for trump... but i'm sure he voted for trump out of fear of communism marching down main street or some other fantasy drilled into people's heads. 

how can educated people be so stupid? it's not even a conservative philosophy at this point.. it's something else. i have a conservative or two in the extended family who stayed home in 2016 even after asking them to just hold their noses and vote for hillary for all that is sane.. but nope.. even though they were afraid of trump and his wacko followers they couldn't bring themselves to vote for hillary.  college education with masters in business but nope.. can't do the selfless thing and swallow the pride. but that's hillary and they all hate the clintons because what/// 

fuck it.. we have a few more days and we'll see what's what.

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yeah, i'm getting revelations into the fog of info war, also. the big boss is fox news. relatives watch fox news and it's like i have to save them from a cult. they tell me cnn is just as bad. i'm sorry but no. that's the cult's mental booby trap. fox tells viewers that other news is biased, and that makes it hard for them to realize that fox bias is leagues beyond. fox was married to a business strategy of bias from the beginning. it was the whole plan of the shameless, compromised australian, murdoch, whose own son disowned the family business.

fox runs disinfo that real journalism won't touch. and they zap true information. they utterly pulled the wool over the public's eyes about the abuse of power impeachment, weaving counternarrative after counternarrative to prevent a majority from understanding that the president illegally withheld congressionally allocated funds, as well as top-level diplomatic support, to a close and important ally, who is at with russia, to get them to announce investigations into the bidens. there is no universe where anything like this normal, ethical, or reasonable. this is actually the precise thing you never want a president doing, which is why the fairly brief US constitution includes specific instruction to impeach a president for things like abuse of power, bribery and corrupting the elections. even without bolton, it was amply proven, but fox and the congressional republicans just kept chanting that it was a partisan impeachment. bolton ended up confirming it all, in his book


very normal. this is what cultists look like. authoritarians have bases. this is dangerous idiocy. 


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