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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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5 hours ago, Squee said:

He'll continue to be their president because he... well, he won. And he'll continue to rally and in 2024 he or one his kids will run for president. I don't see it going any other way.

that's my prediction as well. he spends the next 4 years campaigning on 'election fraud', and runs again in 2024......he's back!!!

5 hours ago, Squee said:



love me some vic b.

have you ever listened to the office hours podcast?

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i say we're about to see a spectacular downfall. 


look at it this way. let's say, hypthetically, the information environment had undergone a rapid evolution, and this was misused by deceivers, and large swaths of the population were living under illusions. and this created a need for a correction. the natural mechanisms of adaptaton would come into play. individuals would engage and inform each-other of their logical errors, to help them become more in touch with reality. this could be prompted by the situation coming to a head, with an exceptionally egregious set of liars and lies. in such a scenario, the event would be so powerful that it would become a symbol. it would allow the correction to be complete. those who participated in the fraud would find themselves obliterated.

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7 minutes ago, very honest said:

the information environment had undergone a rapid evolution, and this was misused by deceivers, and large swaths of the population were living under illusions

imo the current situation is such that you have multiple very large groups who each believe that they are the informed group seeing objective reality, and that the other group is the one who has clearly been placed under an illusion. The longer this goes on the greater the polarization becomes, as each distinct system bolsters its respective reality - whatever reality you subscribe to, there's going to be someone out there who can make it sound smart. And ultimately I think this leads to one of three scenarios

A. There is a strikingly clear-cut "truth event" which the majority of the overall population can agree upon, regardless of their previous political orientation. This could perhaps be something like you describe - a lie so egregious that even those who would have previously stood with the liar can no longer do so in good faith. This truth event would become a collective orientation point of sorts, an idea around which the conflicting parts could once more start building a (somewhat) unified vision of society.

B. We become increasingly used to the idea of multipolar truth, aka living in a single society where there are multiple large groups with completely opposed ideas of "how things are", but somehow these groups are still able to function somewhat harmoniously in terms of maintaining basic social cohesion.

C. The disparities grow to the point where there's actual hot civil war 2.0

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14 minutes ago, Cryptowen said:

imo the current situation is such that you have multiple very large groups who each believe that they are the informed group seeing objective reality, and that the other group is the one who has clearly been placed under an illusion. The longer this goes on the greater the polarization becomes, as each distinct system bolsters its respective reality - whatever reality you subscribe to, there's going to be someone out there who can make it sound smart. And ultimately I think this leads to one of three scenarios

A. There is a strikingly clear-cut "truth event" which the majority of the overall population can agree upon, regardless of their previous political orientation. This could perhaps be something like you describe - a lie so egregious that even those who would have previously stood with the liar can no longer do so in good faith. This truth event would become a collective orientation point of sorts, an idea around which the conflicting parts could once more start building a (somewhat) unified vision of society.

B. We become increasingly used to the idea of multipolar truth, aka living in a single society where there are multiple large groups with completely opposed ideas of "how things are", but somehow these groups are still able to function somewhat harmoniously in terms of maintaining basic social cohesion.

C. The disparities grow to the point where there's actual hot civil war 2.0

reality is not post-truth. it's possible to learn the skills of assessing logical support and recognizing actual journalism. it may take decades but this is the inevitable adaptation. let's try to avoid events. just engage in arguments.

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8 minutes ago, very honest said:

is there a link to the pick a brick specs or something ?


I actually made two of them.  ?

I made one small change with the sloped bricks on the top of his belly.  I know the whole design is "brick-like", but I feel that the sloping line at the top of his belly adds a lot without affecting the overall aesthetic too much.


Edited by randomsummer
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2 hours ago, very honest said:

individuals would engage and inform each-other of their logical errors, to help them become more in touch with reality.

Your argument hinges on this, and I don't see this happening in the current climate. We are still very much split into 2 tribes. To "inform each-other of their logical errors" (i.e. to correct falsehoods in the tribal messages) is to fight against the messages and thus to be a tribal traitor. The tribalism might gradually cool down; that certainly seems to be happening within my information bubble. But I'm not convinced that we're near the end of the road for the Fox News / Tea Party / Trump / QAnon / OANN populist authoritarian fascism-lite tribe.

It does seem like every iteration is messier, with increasingly less qualified leadership, so maybe there will be a point where it's such a mess that it's completely dysfunctional. But there have always been masterminds like Karl Rove, Steve Bannon, and other intelligent enablers/exploiters of the idiots.

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Jan. 6th is the new election day. all that voting nonsense that happened before doesn't count... it all boils down to 1 frumpy, cartoon character of a man:


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10 hours ago, Cryptowen said:

imo the current situation is such that you have multiple very large groups who each believe that they are the informed group seeing objective reality, and that the other group is the one who has clearly been placed under an illusion. The longer this goes on the greater the polarization becomes, as each distinct system bolsters its respective reality - whatever reality you subscribe to, there's going to be someone out there who can make it sound smart. And ultimately I think this leads to one of three scenarios

A. There is a strikingly clear-cut "truth event" which the majority of the overall population can agree upon, regardless of their previous political orientation. This could perhaps be something like you describe - a lie so egregious that even those who would have previously stood with the liar can no longer do so in good faith. This truth event would become a collective orientation point of sorts, an idea around which the conflicting parts could once more start building a (somewhat) unified vision of society.

B. We become increasingly used to the idea of multipolar truth, aka living in a single society where there are multiple large groups with completely opposed ideas of "how things are", but somehow these groups are still able to function somewhat harmoniously in terms of maintaining basic social cohesion.

C. The disparities grow to the point where there's actual hot civil war 2.0

A and C are the most likely

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i'm going with B.

i mean that's already the situation innit

rudy out there saying "truth isn't truth" and yet we all still have day jobs and make sex at each other, facts be damned. that's probably enough for a minimally useful and generally unhappy society, which is, again, already the situation innit

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On 12/28/2020 at 9:36 AM, very honest said:

apparently pence has the opportunity to toss democracy on jan 6 if he wants? sweet

i guess i should start sounding the nonviolence signal again, just in case. i think trump is also amplifying a rally of crazies in dc on that day.

let's remember who put us in this position. senators are up once every 6 years. we have 2 years to work on rubio, who is up in 2022, etc. the arguments stacked up with which to wake people up to coordinated political deception are clear and easy.

looks like that might not happen now:


In new court filings made public Tuesday, the plaintiffs disclosed that they had reached out to Pence before filing their suit in an attempt to join forces but their talks did not reach any kind of agreement.


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5 hours ago, luke viia said:

i'm going with B.

i mean that's already the situation innit

yeah that's my general feeling. at any point in any society you're going to have some degree of general tension, owing to the fact that lots of people can agree on liking enough things (food, shelter, music, baby making) to want to work together to effectively obtain those things - but at the very same time those same people will have plenty of things they disagree on (taxation, morality, aesthetics, longterm vision, that time you decided to stop plucking your unibrow for a few months). These disagreements are constantly being negotiated in any semi-functional B scenario: some issues become less important with time & are forgotten. Other issues become more important & reach critical mass: option C. What we've seen this year in the USA (and globally in many ways) is a drastic increase in tension, but it's hard to make the call if things are going to reach some kind of breaking point, or settle back down of their own accord. My gut feeling is jesus dude why'd you eat all that pizza that "unbearable tension" can last for many years before War actually happens. very gradually then all at once, innit? (i can say innit, right? they put the queen on my money still)

I'm generally pessimistic about option A. While I'm open to the idea that there is some kind of objective reality out there (perhaps even one that most people can tune into to various degrees), I dunno so much about getting people to agree on a single truth regarding abstract things like ethics, morality, justification, rights, visions, etc. Events & Ideologies are complex multiplicities, and we only ever get small fragments of a great totality, from sources that are always going to be biased towards some particular outcome. The most we can usually agree on is to not kill each other long enough to keep the debate going

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rudy announced the trump campaign is trying to bring another case to the supreme court. jesus these fucks. 





The move was announced by campaign lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who said the filing was aimed at the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s decision to reject their claims against more than 50,000 ballots. Joe Biden won Wisconsin by a margin of about 20,000 votes.


The Trump campaign says its petition will present claims that ballots were counted by voters without identification, incomplete absentee ballots were counted, and ballots were collected by hand at events held before the election.

It is the Trump campaign’s second filing in the Supreme Court after its challenge to the Pennsylvania election results on 20 December.



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3 hours ago, Nebraska said:

big T ain't got time to party when there's an election being stolen from right under his nose


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man I'd be pissed! imagine spending hundreds of your hard earned dollars, to stand packed into in a room with a bunch of crusty old racist fucks (at the orange fuhrer's palace nonetheless), and the main attraction didn't even give a crap enough to make an appearance! 

oh well. maybe they'll get lucky enough to get a cameo from Eric. or a slurred rambling mess of a speech from Don Jr.

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18 minutes ago, zero said:

man I'd be pissed! imagine spending hundreds of your hard earned dollars, to stand packed into in a room with a bunch of crusty old racist fucks (at the orange fuhrer's palace nonetheless), and the main attraction didn't even give a crap enough to make an appearance! 

oh well. maybe they'll get lucky enough to get a cameo from Eric. or a slurred rambling mess of a speech from Don Jr.

i actually think they'll love it knowing the man never stops fighting for their right to make assumptions of how the election results should turn out. 

the t train don't stop except to pick up patriots 


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