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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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i dont see what's wrong with hillary. i see a lot of vitriol against her online but the specifics of it is generally insubstantial or marginally significant. the emails and the bengazi shit was plainly empty. very reminiscent of the kind of undeserved antipathy received by president obama. not hard to imagine where it may be originating, psychologically.

It's kinda strange how squarely and neatly you align with the Democratic Party Line


Hillary is the quintessential 'cynical demagogue owned by corporations'

I don't even know where to begin...

She's only as progressive as she needs to be at any given moment (e.g. Gay marriage)

She has a long history of hardcore shilling for big ugly corporations (e.g. Walmart, entire Wall St)

Bragging about being pals with Kissinger (war criminal)

Moral hypocrisy when it comes to allegations against her husband (also war criminal)

Just look at her campaign contributions...should tell you all you need to know

These are just what I could think of off the top of my head



P.S. Who cares about emails or Bengazi? I certainly don't

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Talking about voting; I hope the Brits vote for the Brexit! Please leave the EU!


Lol the death knell of England.



Death to "The Empire"! (and God save the Queen)

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The worst thing about brexit is no one fucking knows whats going to happen either way, so pure conjecture from both sides. And we've got months and months of it to come. Farage, Boris and Galloway joining forces is probably the strongest indication that it's a fucking shit idea.

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Farage, Boris and Galloway joining forces is probably the strongest indication that it's a fucking shit idea.




I think once Sturgeon makes it clear there's another independence referendum back on the table (which I think they'd comfortably win this time), all it would take is Cameron giving it the go ahead to scare any vacillating eurosceptics back into the fold.

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Farage, Boris and Galloway joining forces is probably the strongest indication that it's a fucking shit idea.




I think once Sturgeon makes it clear there's another independence referendum back on the table (which I think they'd comfortably win this time), all it would take is Cameron giving it the go ahead to scare any vacillating eurosceptics back into the fold.



pretty much this.

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The worst thing about brexit is no one fucking knows whats going to happen either way, so pure conjecture from both sides. And we've got months and months of it to come. Farage, Boris and Galloway joining forces is probably the strongest indication that it's a fucking shit idea.

I'm sure the EU will be just fine without the Brits stepping on the brake. The Brits however, good luck.

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she was head of the state department when the massive world-wide sanctions where organized against iran. even china and russia agreed to them, which was amazing. this was after iran refused to swap their enriched uranium for prepared nuclear fuel rods for no good reason. these sanctions brought iran to the negotiating table and got them to allow un inspectors in, something nobody would have expected to happen.


she was also head of the state department when israel halted contested settlement development in both the west bank and jerusalem at the behest of the us government for the sake of negotiations with palestine, another thing that nobody expected to actually happen.


i believe she was also head of the state department when the new start treaty was agreed to between the us and russia, an agreement to diminish the nuclear weapon stockpiles by a huge percent.


just off the top of my head.


i expect i'll have to flesh out the list more as time goes on

And she got cucked by Lewinsky

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Talking about voting; I hope the Brits vote for the Brexit! Please leave the EU!

Lol the death knell of England.


The death knell of the whole EU project. It's dysfunctional as is. There is no European solidarity, every member state is only looking after their own interests, except maybe Finland who obediently follows every directive like it's law and even footing the bill for other nations who can't be bothered to pay their dues. Nice idea on paper but in practice it's just a huge bureaucratic dinosaur woefully inept at adapting to the changing trends of the globalized world. The worry is that if/when the EU is dissolved whatever replaces it would be even worse, considering the general worship of Mammon so prevalent today.

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“We had people who didn't really seem to understand finances," a laughing Carson told CNN's Poppy Harlow on "CNN Newsroom," adding, "or maybe they did—maybe they were doing it on purpose."
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People running the Carson campaign as a scam is the only explanation why he's still even in the race. Run it into the ground to maximize the haul. Carson seems like a puppet for someone to make a quick buck and he's too out there to even realize it.

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People running the Carson campaign as a scam is the only explanation why he's still even in the race. Run it into the ground to maximize the haul. Carson seems like a puppet for someone to make a quick buck and he's too out there to even realize it.


but i though his entire campaign was just an excuse to sell his book, which despite the fact that he's running to be president, is actually wrong on almost all points

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Jesus that KKK sign in support of trump. I know you can't choose your supporters but fuuuuck.


i think it's more hilarious he was the most popular republican candidate amongst hispanic voters. the guy that wants to build a wall to keep out hispanics, is most popular with them.

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Jesus that KKK sign in support of trump. I know you can't choose your supporters but fuuuuck.


i think it's more hilarious he was the most popular republican candidate amongst hispanic voters. the guy that wants to build a wall to keep out hispanics, is most popular with them.



Hispanic voters for the republican party?? That's gotta be a small number of people.

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Jesus that KKK sign in support of trump. I know you can't choose your supporters but fuuuuck.


i think it's more hilarious he was the most popular republican candidate amongst hispanic voters. the guy that wants to build a wall to keep out hispanics, is most popular with them.



Hispanic voters for the republican party?? That's gotta be a small number of people.



well, he won 45% of the hispanic voters. whether it's small numbers, it's amazing that trump won them over rather than cruz or rubio. the real sad part is that it's been trump's campaign to loose at this point. unless he quits or there's some kind of divine intervention, trump is the republican candidate.

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When they are polled with the information in the question mentioning that illegals will get free handouts from the existing citizens' tax money, the results from existing populations of migrants with residency are not sjw worldview friendly. And fair enough, they should all vote trump. If he's not assassinated before then.

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