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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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“Look at the council membership, and you see an appalling disrespect for the most basic rights,” said Haley, citing Venezuela, China, Cuba and Democratic Republic of Congo.


that's pretty fucking rich coming from these cunts



I have to play devil's advocate a little bit here, the US pullout has some substantive reasoning that makes it a little more complicated than Trump simply pulling some absurd pro-Israel / anti-UN bullshit.




If you’re wondering why the US would do such a thing:

UN Human Rights Council Condemnations 2006-2016

Israel 68

Syria 20

Burma 11

North Korea 9

Belarus 6

Iran 6

Eritrea 5

Sudan 3

Sri Lanka 3

Libya 2

Burundi 1

Honduras 1

Algeria 0

China 0

Iraq 0

Pakistan 0

Russia 0

Somalia 0

Turkey 0

Venezuela 0

Vietnam 0

Yemen 0

Zimbabwe 0

That’s why.


That said it's still an exaggerated claim that this is some courageous defiance by the USA. It's not like the charges against Israel are largely false, it's the fact that the same body won't condemn far greater abuses by other countries INCLUDING council members.

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That Nielsen bitch who did the press briefing about the child detainment has possibly out-counted Huckabee-Sanders and I didn’t think she could be out-cunted at all. Impressive.


I hope this completely rapes the GOP. They deserve no mercy at all.



they ruined her dinner tonight. bunch of protestors went into the restaurant where she was eating and chanted and yelled at her. 


what's more fucked up is they don't have a plan to reunite these kids w/their parents. absolutely no plan.  a lot them will just be lost in the system here in the US. wtf. 



it was at a Mexican restaurant no less


cognitive dissonance to the max

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Australia's fucked on the same record. I personally suspect it might be worse in some ways actually, because a lot of it goes undocumented and undiscussed as there isn't a collective desire for accountability from the Australian public.


(in that vein, with the recent inquiry into possible ADF war crimes in Afghanistan, there's a sickening amount of popularly-approved commentary out there along the lines of "they're our diggers, they're doing their jobs, they're defending us, we can't criticise them, there are no rules in war [like fuck there aren't], why don't you look at what the enemy's doing instead", blah blah blame-dodging irresponsibility. it's disgusting, and comes from the same place as our unspoken racism.)


I'll give this to America, there's enough diversity there that if a problem exists it will likely be talked about publicly, no matter how much sensitivity or controversy there may be around it. in Australia, the comfortable middle and upper classes don't have the spine to speak up against injustice, especially if it doesn't directly affect them.


IIRC Aussie customs and border patrol (i.e. coast guard) is pretty damn tight? 


Reading up on the ADF war crimes now - doesn't shock me to be honest. I've read that their Commando and SAS units have had a feud that has gone from being esprit de corps rivalry to a serious breakdown in command and control. In general SpecOPs of all countries have gone from being in infrequently and cautiously order  precision operation to perpetual shock troops. They've literally become restrained professionals to supersoldier grunts. Considering this occurred under Obama and post-Bin Laden raid I only imagine Trump has poured even more money with fewer oversights. The US special forces has had a similar breakdown in code of conduct and standards - specifically with SEAL TEAM 6 - two are suspected of murdering a US Army Green Beret in Africa for snitching, there are multiple cases of mutilation of the dead, detainee beatings, and other unauthorized killings in Afghanistan, and all of the post-Laden raid press has made many SEALs disclose classified missions mere years after they were conducted - much to the chargrin of their peers the Delta Force and other units. In the past it would literally be decades before missions and personal were even declassified, let alone turned into NTY bestselling books. They've gone from "quiet professionals" to loud ass warriors. 


I'm not sure what you mean by the recent round of articles or the leader they reference - do you mean in connection with the Afghanistan inquiry?


it's amazing, that kind of complacence and wilful cognitive dissonance. a medal as an object means nothing, it's the principle of the thing, and principle is supposed to be universal and equally applicable to everyone. if you grant a medal to someone for bravery or heroism, you don't hold their actions to any less of a standard than that associated with someone who is an actual "hero" i.e. someone who fights for what is right, as a principle, regardless of the cost to their allegiance.


I think this type of complacence is uniquely Australian, and is the central reason we haven't been able to root out racist attitudes and why we're pretending we've succeeded as a multicultural society when we're not really one in spirit (or practice, for that matter).


it's worrying to think about this in the long term when things are becoming increasingly unstable and fluid internationally. we're going to get migrant flows (legal and illegal) whether we like it or not, we're going to be entangled in international conflicts whether we like it or not, and when our principles aren't right at home I worry about how we're going to handle all that.


I get the impression that Australia and The US have similar parallels regarding this surface level progress with multiculturalism and/or melting pot attitude while not tackling more deep rooted institutional racism. I'd even say it's a bit like Texas and California - not just the geographic parallels of big open country but also this stereotype of friendly gregarious people and culture - but in reality there's still plenty of bigotry, ignorance and class divides.

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Trump Friday: u can't sign an executive order to fix the child separation, gotta build my wall


Trump today: lol ok I guess I'll sign an executive order

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is such shit.. he doesn't have to do anything but order the AG to reverse the policy. but he's going to make a show of "taking action because congress wouldn't get it done"


this whole thing is so awful. 

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Trump Friday: u can't sign an executive order to fix the child separation, gotta build my wall


Trump today: lol ok I guess I'll sign an executive order


even more absurd - he implemented the policy, said congress should fix it (even though they didn't create the problem) and he lied and said Dems did the same in the past


this is literally the antithesis of leadership

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“Look at the council membership, and you see an appalling disrespect for the most basic rights,” said Haley, citing Venezuela, China, Cuba and Democratic Republic of Congo.

that's pretty fucking rich coming from these cunts

I have to play devil's advocate a little bit here, the US pullout has some substantive reasoning that makes it a little more complicated than Trump simply pulling some absurd pro-Israel / anti-UN bullshit.

If you’re wondering why the US would do such a thing:

UN Human Rights Council Condemnations 2006-2016Israel 68

Syria 20Burma 11

North Korea 9Belarus 6

Iran 6Eritrea 5

Sudan 3Sri Lanka 3

Libya 2Burundi 1

Honduras 1Algeria 0

China 0Iraq 0

Pakistan 0Russia 0

Somalia 0Turkey 0

Venezuela 0Vietnam 0

Yemen 0Zimbabwe 0

That’s why.

That said it's still an exaggerated claim that this is some courageous defiance by the USA. It's not like the charges against Israel are largely false, it's the fact that the same body won't condemn far greater abuses by other countries INCLUDING council members.

Well said. This list here is the eternal reason why Israel has been forever cast as the sole oppressors of the world packaged comfortably and sold to liberal causes. And many of us well meaning liberals don't fully understand the darker side of it's source. Zionism = racism movement, the BDS movement and other destructive efforts are exports from none other than egregiously human right violating countries--a number of whose governments and leaders promote their passive (or even blatant) not-a-huge-fan-of-jews-ism (or unrelenting anti-zionism at the least).


Has Israel violated human rights? Yes. Are they Dr. Evil incarnate of the modern global hierarchy? Nope. But bullying entities like elements of the UN Human Rights Commission will have you drink that Kool Aid.

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Donnie's been on a tear lately. He usually is infuriating, but it seems like in the past 2 weeks or so he's really notched the crazy up past 10...dissing allies, praising nk dictator, space force, trade wars, kids in cages... I mean how is this not grounds for removing him from office? The guy is so far down the rabbit hole, no way he will snap out of whatever reality show he thinks he's in and come to his senses...he is 1000% mentally unfit to be in the position of u.s. president, yet we have no way of doing real shit about it. It's like watching a movie and the bad guy keeps getting away with everything...

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 It's like watching a movie and the bad guy keeps getting away with everything...


pretty much this, yeah. I find it absolutely insane how this has gone on for this long. This is democracy I guess? =/

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where is Robocop when we need him? 


even his chief of staff is apparently done w/him and saying impeachment is inevitable or so the insider chatter says so.. and that guy is another asshole as well. assholes even can't stand each other. 


meanwhile trump is having rallies and people are all excited to be near him and hoping to shake his hand. and the news always finds the guy o interview who is head to toe in red white and blue and talking about how his business is up and "they are breaking the law" when asked about kids in cages etc.. "i've been to 11 trump rallies and can't wait to see this one". 


wtf. mericuh. 

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Donnie's been on a tear lately. He usually is infuriating, but it seems like in the past 2 weeks or so he's really notched the crazy up past 10...dissing allies, praising nk dictator, space force, trade wars, kids in cages... I mean how is this not grounds for removing him from office? The guy is so far down the rabbit hole, no way he will snap out of whatever reality show he thinks he's in and come to his senses...he is 1000% mentally unfit to be in the position of u.s. president, yet we have no way of doing real shit about it. It's like watching a movie and the bad guy keeps getting away with everything...

Utterly unreal isn't it? His blatant lies and deceit are like a random page out of 1984. The cult of Trump is quite terrifying, even moreso than Trump himself.


Both of my parents--one a libertarian and one conservative--though divorced, living in opposite places in the US and completely at odds in every world view incl politics... And even different beliefs/religion... are both Trump supporters. My wife whose ultra liberal just avoids the convo and so do I when we go over there to either of them. It's pretty awkward.

Edited by Lane Visitor
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We need a space force to fight the aliens,why so negative?

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I really want some reporters to ask him some super basic but leading/trick questions like, where does the sun go at night? How many aliens are there on Mars? I'd love to hear him try and answer these things.

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Protesters who interrupted the president during his rally with supporters in Duluth, Minnesota, got the Donald Trump treatment.
“Oh we have a single protestor, there we go. Goodbye, darling,” Trump said as his supporters in their red “Make America Great Again” hats cheered.
“So we have a single protestor, he’s going home to his mom. Say hello to mommy. And tomorrow, the fake news will say tomorrow, massive protests at the Trump rally. One person. Massive protests.”
A couple of minutes later, another protester appeared in the crowd holding up a photo of Trump with his former friend Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced billionaire financier and convicted pedophile. On the picture of the two men was the caption: “Who is Jeffrey Epstein?”
“Get ‘em outta here. Go home to your mom, darling. Go home,” Trump said as security made their way to the man, who was near to Trump at the front of the crowd.
Trump supporters booed as the man was escorted through the rally, still holding up the photo of Trump and Epstein, and chanted “USA!”
“Was that a man or a woman because he needs a haircut more than I do?” Trump said as his fans cheered. “Couldn’t tell, couldn’t tell. I couldn’t tell. Needs a haircut.”



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With all this Space Force binnez, I feel like Donnie is making a desperate, hamfisted, half-assed attempt to bring back the days of Reagan. I think it's all about ego when it comes down to it. All talk and no walk.

If we really want to do something useful in space, maybe we ought to look into establishing an artificial magnetosphere on Mars to protect against solar and cosmic radiation if we're gonna pave the way for colonization. And our oil reserves on Earth will likely deplete at some point, and we'll have more to worry about than Donnie doing stupid shit all the time. So maybe we could find a way to mine the hydrocarbon-rich Titan, after clearing a very steep hurdle of accomplishing a round trip. This all sounds far-fetched now, but one can dream. Besides, not like we had internet, smartphones, and IDM two centuries ago.

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