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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Saw recently the number of teachers out there that have second jobs. America sucks. Getting rid of the orange weirdo ain't gonna change shit.


nope. Sadly, the trumpanzees are a whole new political leech that is going to effect conservative politics for the foreseeable future. It will fizzle...eventually.

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Saw recently the number of teachers out there that have second jobs. America sucks. Getting rid of the orange weirdo ain't gonna change shit.


nope. Sadly, the trumpanzees are a whole new political leech that is going to effect conservative politics for the foreseeable future. It will fizzle...eventually.



leave my boy trump alone, you lefty skumm :doge: 

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Saw recently the number of teachers out there that have second jobs. America sucks. Getting rid of the orange weirdo ain't gonna change shit.


nope. Sadly, the trumpanzees are a whole new political leech that is going to effect conservative politics for the foreseeable future. It will fizzle...eventually.



And the judicial system is getting packed with a bunch of conservative judges, not to mention the SCOTUS. That shit will be there for decades after the moron is out of the WH. One way to fix the SC after Trump is to add some more seats on it and fill them with more sane judges to offset the crazies already on it. That would of course mean that the D's need to get their candidate into the WH and get a substantial majority in both houses. But that would mean that the Dems need to get their shit together and getting people to vote and have new fresh candidates to replace the crusty old guard that would just keep the status quo and just use bandaids to fix the damage done by the GOP. And the GOP have done an excellent job to cement their power with gerrymandering and all kinds of voter disenfranchisement shenanigans, so it's going to be very difficult to change anything.


Shits only going to get worse, unless there is a serious push from the people to fundamentally change the fabric of the US political system and society. But lol the planet will be a hellscape before any of that happens.

Edited by azatoth
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If you need to ketchup on the Manafort plea deal, this next clip gives a great view on what happened in court. Rachel Maddows walking through the actual transcripts.



The bit about Manafort doing some undercover stuff for the special council has me wondering how long Manafort has already been cooperating, btw. Could it be much longer?

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They seized his property and a bunch of cash. Like 46 million or something. He’s a pretty fucked up guy. The texts released have crazy stuff in there. His daughters calling the family money “blood money” because where it came from. And discussions about how their mother is basically raped in gang nang orgies that their father (Manafort) films. She had a severe head injury or something and he’s apparently manipulated her ever since. The texts are crazy. His own daughters talking about how to rescue their mom, how sick their dad is and enjoying their blood money.



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They seized his property and a bunch of cash. Like 46 million or something. He’s a pretty fucked up guy. The texts released have crazy stuff in there. His daughters calling the family money “blood money” because where it came from. And discussions about how their mother is basically raped in gang nang orgies that their father (Manafort) films. She had a severe head injury or something and he’s apparently manipulated her ever since. The texts are crazy. His own daughters talking about how to rescue their mom, how sick their dad is and enjoying their blood money.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Link to these?

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there's a public archive here.


I personally don't know what to make of some of those texts re sex parties, it could just be girl talk hysteria between the daughters. but the man is definitely neck-deep in dirt in multiple ways and I wouldn't put it past him to actually do that either. the reason the press haven't made a huge deal about the more sexual shit is because it's essentially unverifiable.


edit: the Ukraine-related hits on the other hand sound far more probable.

Edited by usagi
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Manafort is the 8th known person to plead guilty in the rigged witch hunt.

  • George Papadopoulos
  • Rick Gates
  • Paul Manafort
  • Michael Flynn
  • Richard Pinedo
  • Alex van der Zwaan
  • W. Samuel Patten
  • Michael Cohen

Following the ouster of Soviet-loyalist Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, who Manafort worked for, Manafort had money problems. He was in debt 19 million to Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch with close ties to Putin. At this time, Manafort sought a position in the Trump campaign, offering to work for free. Manafort asked Russian intelligence operative Konstantin Kilimnik how they could use the Trump campaign chair position to "get whole" with Oleg Deripaska. At the same time, he was taking out numerous fraudulent loans in order to cover his extravagant living expenses, apparently counting on a huge windfall in the future.


Manafort was in the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Veselnitskaya, in which a connection was drawn between election help and Russian sanction relief. Manafort was maybe the senior-most member of the Trump campaign present. He likely could speak to what Trump knew and directed before and after the meeting.


So, Manafort flipping is big.


Reportedly, now Cohen is cooperating with Mueller, too.

Edited by very honest
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"The Fake News Media and the Dems are showing their desperation! They still won't answer for Crooked Hillary and Benghazi! FBI and Dems are so corrupt! Very corrupt! But they will never slow us down! Here's to another term in 202-"

(Door to Oval Office swings open, revealing a small team of MIB stiffs, one of them holding a neatly folded orange jumpsuit..)

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Tha unflippable just got flipped. It’s possible that these plea deals were done earlier than we thought. He still had a joint defense agreement with Trump, lol. Whoopsies.

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Seems like impeachment talk is gathering speed. Isn't that a bit premature though? You don't want to energise the republican base just before the midterms, galvanising turn out. I suppose it depends just how serious the charges they're working on are, there's probably nothing that they could find which would cause Trump's hardcore supporters from turning away from him, but it could be serious enough to turn off moderate republicans. There's also a decent chance the talk will die down now for a few more months I guess, it was just a temporary reaction to the Manafort news.

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If White House concubines are gonna be a thing now, then the MAGA camp are forfeiting their position to scrutinize the Clinton administration for the Lewinsky fiasco.



they're pretty much tone deaf in regards to those kinds of things. 

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