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Gorillaz - HUMANZ

Rubin Farr

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Haha no I wasn't! It was out of stock in the US a few hours after the announcement but they still had copies when you ordered it from France and since I have a little spare cash at the moment I really thought of buying one, would it be to sell it for 2 or 3 times more after!
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I like that Jamie always comes up with backstory and something of a plot to string the albums together.  Damon said in his Radio 1 interview last week, this album is kind of his apocalyptic vision of Trumpland, whom he doubted would win the election at the time of writing.



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I didn't really enjoy any of the new tracks, but my computer seemed to like them even less.  While playing one of them, my computer shut itself down and somehow no longer recognises the driver for my amplifier.  I think it is overreacting, it hasn't even heard the whole album yet.

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I didn't really enjoy any of the new tracks, but my computer seemed to like them even less.  While playing one of them, my computer shut itself down and somehow no longer recognises the driver for my amplifier.  I think it is overreacting, it hasn't even heard the whole album yet.


shave off its ironic handlebar moustache and teach it a lesson.

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I've never liked gorillaz, though I wilil give Demon Days another try in a few weeks, once I feel up to it.


Though hype has a way of drawing me in, even when I've never liked or heard of the artist. I think it happened to me for Bowie around Blackstar.

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