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Laurel or yanny


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The brainstorm one seems quite simple.


The voice says brainstorm but the low bit rate quality, hisses and distortion create inflections that the brain perceives it as saying green needle. 


That's also why you can choose the word being said, you decide which inflections to listen out for. 

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Green needle? This is a joke right? It's clearly saying reinstall.

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I had heard "yanny" the first three or four loops, then looped it about another sixteen times and heard "laurel" the rest of the time.

It's like my ears had to adjust to it some how, but I'm too dumb to explain it in a sound engineering context. But "laurel" sounds like it's being spoken by one of those middle-aged male narrators of children's audio books on cassette from the 1980s. The initial "yanny" might have something to do with lower bitrate sampling artifacts or some crap.

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