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I like mange toot and I'll not hear anything against it!!! more elaboration on my point, figures are from 2012.



OK it goes against my point a little, we just need to keep spain sweet and we're fine.

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European fruit industry is a topic for itself. It's corrupt as fuck and makes a lot of mafiosi rich and a lot of African refugees work as slaves there

At least the UK will prospectively be making Brazilian gangsters rich with their fruit imports from now on, not Italian ones. I guess that's a plus

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not sure about the whole running out of food thing though, do you ever check the labels on your food? mine is either from the UK or Africa/outside the EU




I think the thing which you should keep in mind here is the difference between where stuff has been made and the route products take before it is in British shops. Eg "How do these stats take into account the food that's made outside of the EU, but is transported through the EU? "


By passing more borders, transportation will take more time. All the stuff that's entering the UK through the EU, but is coming from outside the EU will also be problematic. If there's no EU involved, there's no worries. But if goods pass through some EU haven, there's going to be some impact.


I'm guessing these stats don't take this into account. Not sure though. It doesn't seem obvious either way, but I assume this is about where stuff has been produced.

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I worked in a restaurant that used only Scottish produce, it was a logistical nightmare. Companies would try and cover up the origin stickers sneakily all the time.


I would say for a good cook it won't be an issue, otherwise not

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end to No Deal option gets through by one fkn vote, love to see the voting pattern by MP's on this one


meanwhile, throughout our rivers & along our coasts, raw sewage from storm water overflows continues to pour into tributaries & onto beaches unabated


Brexit has to be the biggest ruse since......since.....fuck knows, so instead of talking about wild meadow depletion, fauna/flora collapse from pesticides, fish stocks abused til the North Sea is effectively empty, we're chewing the fat over the various incompetencies of a dithering public school commie & a bunch of braying ERG public school cunts, with a PM who might need an actual exorcism to get her out of office


Neil Hamilton was in S Wales y'day and got heckled repeatedly to the point he had to bail early....yeah you and your cunt wife can both do one, fkn parasites

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Been trying to listen to LBC the last few days, O'Brien is quality, even if he's a bit too left for me I respect his intelligence and most (but not all) what he says, he can be a twat of epic proportions when somebody has him on the ropes on any subject.


Anyway there was some lunatic on this afternoon frothing at the mouth and going on about full on violence and advocating huge trouble on the streets if the Right Wing don't get there own way. I do honestly believe there is going to be big trouble if somehow Brexit doesn't materialise how the knuckleheads of both sides want it to. Somehow there needs to be a way forward, a way out of the malaise.

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peak prolapse is yet to be reached


hammers bought, tinned tuna/peaches stocked, traps/trapdoors set and tunnels excavated Viet Cong styles, fuel/generator + sound test done, all good cos we know all about the inclination of English raiding gangs in times of sketchy


when the shit hits rob all your local pharmacies cos they'll go down first, opiates/benzos/rusks, then the shops, then individual homes, then Ree-Smogg suspends habeas corpus in a coup while Gove struts out across this new freakshow land in a lederhosen inspired home counties meets Waffen-SS hybrid, kinkeh cunt, so the only answers are hammers folks, hammers & Fray Bentos

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im getting the same vibes as when you thought you might miss school because of a snowstorm, but then you still have to go in anyway but some of your teachers arent there and you just had to study anyway. 

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im getting the same vibes as when you thought you might miss school because of a snowstorm, but then you still have to go in anyway but some of your teachers arent there and you just had to study anyway.

This time there's no toilet paper either.
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i'm back to the "we're not leaving" mindset and am sticking to it now. article 50 will be revoked within 12 months, possibly much sooner.

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Voter apathy / protest for the imposed european elections could be fun.


If the REMAIN camp use it to voice their strength, we could have massive turnouts.


Conversely if anti-EU candidates stand as MEPs then there could be a strong turnout for them too, basically a referendum v2.0


Or everybody has given up on politics and its a flop, nobody gives a shite and nobody stands.

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