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Been looking at their manifesto but it is mainly "stop this nonsense" without any detail of what they would want to do after. Pretty much just the opposite of the Brexit Party statement.
They want to "create" a 7.5 billion pound emergeny brexit support fund - how and where from?
lib dems are a very well established party with their views on most issues being known already. they are climate focused, believe strongly in equality in all areas, have progressive and sensible stances on drugs and crime, and are centrist for the most part. more egalitarian and less socialist than labour, sensible on business and would be less likely to crash the whole economy into the ground a la mr corbyn.
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they didn't stand with their thumb up their arse at all. if anything they tempered the tories more extreme policies and were a force for good in the cabinet during the coalition years.

inevitable that someone will bring up tuition fees in a minute.

on that one, whilst obviously it was disappointing - they have paid a huge price and learned lessons from it. also they probably didn't have a lot of choice in the matter if they wanted some of their other policies to be accepted by the conservatives. they chose to concede on that to win in other areas. with hindsight that was the wrong thing to concede on, but like i said - lesson learned.

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austerity didn't lead to brexit anyway, it's been the end result of a very long campaign, started long before austerity, or even before the financial crash happened (under Labour's watch). the reason for brexit is that people are stupid and will fall for any old xenophobic nonsense at the drop of a hat, nothing else.

the anger over tuition fees was a joke as well, nothing wrong with them. if you end up with a degree and good paying job you should have to pay for it, it's just a graduate tax. if you can't repay your student loans you don't have to, repayments only kick in after you earn enough.

Edited by caze
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Tuition fees that only encourage the rich to pursue a degree yet the outrage over them is a joke. Definitely time to stop posting in this thread before I begin hurling insults out of utter rage. 

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they don't only encourage the rich to pursue a degree though...i believe attendance at university from all income levels is rising and tuition fees are not seen as a huge problem by most. personally i don't agree with them and would bring back the grant system, but i don't think tuition fees are some kind of attack on the working classes or whatever.

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Lib Dems got led astray by Clegg. What doesn't fit is how/why voters dropped them b4 the Tory hordes themselves. Unfortunately Clegg has appeared w/Facefuck immediately after sharing a cabinet with Gideon, Dave et al, so that will inevitably lead to further questioning. You side w/the devil & it never ends well.

Fully agree LD's are one of the only sane(ish) options left, but they seem a protest vote in the immediate climate plus most of their more coherent top brass are either dead (Ashdown) or near death (Cable).

Brexit has been a Tory prolapse many decades in the making, compounded by the weakest Labour leadership this human has yet to witness. We could get Doris from the local residential nursing home in her late 90's into the gaff & there'd be more vision, energy & class than this current collective bag of spunk.


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im voting snp again tommorow. considered green and libdem, but i still think they are the nicest actual human beings in british politics. 

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best thing about brexit so far: the headline '' breaking news: nigel farage held hostage on brexit party bus by milkshake wielding protesters'



anyway fuck england. the fact that this actual piece of human shit is looking to scoop a majority in the european elections is a the nail in the coffin of my respect for my place of birth. i actually feel like worldwide, it must be quite rare to actually be disgusted by your own nation. most people seem reasonably proud of their culture. 

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17 hours ago, Nebraska said:

who is more brexisn't?



So many questions. 

Why is she wearing a microphone that seems to be hooked up to a speaker?

is this an outtake from The Thick of It? 

Is the MP an idiot, a man with some form of mental handicap, or both?

this is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. Thanks brexit!

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On 5/13/2019 at 9:09 AM, pcock said:

nigel farage is now actually a potential candidate for the leader of this country. britain is such a disgusting place. 

i almost believe he could have been smart enough to see this as a potential outcome to the formation of UKIP. playing the long game. 

I doubt it, he's just an opportunistic little toad. He's in this position due to the infighting and incompetence of the current government. Swine one and all.

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1 hour ago, MadameChaos said:

I doubt it, he's just an opportunistic little toad. He's in this position due to the infighting and incompetence of the current government. Swine one and all.

Well exactly, started up a limited company (The Brexit Party Ltd) to cover his head if it all goes tits up.  If the government or their opposition were doing a decent job, we wouldn't even be having these elections and Nigel would still be sitting under a rock having lost his position as an MEP.... ?



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On 5/23/2019 at 2:57 PM, Soloman Tump said:

Well exactly, started up a limited company (The Brexit Party Ltd) to cover his head if it all goes tits up.  If the government or their opposition were doing a decent job, we wouldn't even be having these elections and Nigel would still be sitting under a rock having lost his position as an MEP.... ?



Yes you're right, I have no idea how he's still drawing a pay check as an MP. Can we please just deport the odious little shit already? And Bojo Jobins. CUNTS!

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why did she even take this job, did she really think things would go well with such a bunch of infighting selfish ball bags like the Tories?


I'm sure she would have made a fantastic Private School headmistress. She probably would have enjoyed it a lot more too. 

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1 hour ago, MadameChaos said:

Yes you're right, I have no idea how he's still drawing a pay check as an MP.

Did you mean MEP? He's tried and failed to be elected as an MP on 5 occasions.

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2 minutes ago, caze said:

Did you mean MEP? He's tried and failed to be elected as an MP on 5 occasions.

I'm pretty sure I read he's still getting paid for the MEP role. Let me see if I can find the article....

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12 minutes ago, MadameChaos said:

why did she even take this job, did she really think things would go well with such a bunch of infighting selfish ball bags like the Tories?

I'm sure she would have made a fantastic Private School headmistress. She probably would have enjoyed it a lot more too. 

Incredibly this could happen in such a public way. I'm sure she expected a difficult and unthankful job, but I don't think many could have predicted it would be this bad. I'm sure she'd expected to find a bit more reason and a glimpse of cooperation within Tory. This felt more like a malign form of bullying on an international stage. She should start a #MeToo twitter thread on stories about being bullied in her job.

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