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23 hours ago, caze said:

basic arithmetic isn't your strong suit I take it?

Pro-brexit parties:

Brexit Party: 31.6%
UKIP: 3.3%

Total: 34.9%

Anti-brexit, pro 2nd referendum parties:

Lib Dems: 20.3%

Green: 12.09%

SNP: 3.6%

Change UK: 3.4%

Plaid Cymru: 1%

Total: 40.39%


That leaves Labour with 14.1% (who are a majority remain party, in terms of support if not leadership), and the Tories with 9% (who are a majority leave party), plus a few % scattered about amongst a few others (which together accounts for 2 pro-remain MEPs and 1 leave MEP from NI). Taken together that accounts for a few more % for the remain side, though it would be difficult to apportion it out exactly so I'll leave it out for the sake of fairness.


Pro-brexit parties btw increased their vote share by 7.4%, while the anti-brexit parties increased theirs by 22.43%.

being a sore loser IS your strong suit lol

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loser? lol. you do realise that a party getting the largest share of the european election results (and nowhere close to a majority I might remind you) doesn't win them anything. the brexit party will send some MEPs to europe to sit with a bunch of other swivel eyed loons, where they will have zero impact on anything, they're a minority grouping who everyone else hates. back in the UK the massive swing to the pro-remain parties has forced labour to finally publicly back a 2nd referendum. that's been the only 'win' so far for anyone.

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1 hour ago, B1000 said:

being a sore loser IS your strong suit lol

A number of pro Brexit voters didn't vote, boycotting the EU elections comes part and parcel for some people.

This wasn't a clear cut fake referendum.

I also know a green voter who voted leave in the referendum.

I would also imagine there are plenty of leave voters who couldn't put their name against something associated with Farage or UKIP. 

Adding up the pro/leave party votes could kinda give an indication sure, but it doesn't mean that is what would happen at a referendum.


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I should also add that the turnout was a lot lower than the 2016 referendum, a lot of people are generally fed up with this shit now.

Spin the numbers however you like, Brexit Party got the most people motivated to vote, but it doesn't mean shit.

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you're right that doesn't mean shit, the lib dems, greens, plaid and snp all got more voters motivated to vote for them than in past elections too. all based on solely campaigning for remain. brexit party did well, but UKIP topped the european elections the last time, so that was no surprise. they barely increased their vote at all (taking a few more pissed off tories and probably a handful of labour voters, but the majority who changed switched to the parties who were solely campaigning on one issue). it was a big win for remain parties and as expected for people who always wanted out.

you're right that doesn't mean shit, the lib dems, greens, plaid and snp all got more voters motivated to vote for them than in past elections too. all based on solely campaigning for remain. brexit party did well, but UKIP topped the european elections the last time, so that was no surprise. they barely increased their vote at all (taking a few more pissed off tories and probably a handful of labour voters, but the majority who changed switched to the parties who were solely campaigning on one issue). it was a big win for remain parties and as expected for people who always wanted out.


and again, the only actual real world change from all this has been to change official labour policy to supporting a 2nd referendum.

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  • 1 month later...
The writing on this show is starting to get a tiny bit unrealistic for me.
Yeah, ain't nobody in the future gonna believe this shit actually went down.

But how is it, if Boris can't get enough ministers to his cabinet are there going to be new elections or what?
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21 minutes ago, MichaelListon said:

The writing on this show is starting to get a tiny bit unrealistic for me.

Hope the second season with new cast will be better than the first ;)

O wait, I hear the show got cancelled. Boris thinks it's more productive to whine about the EU while being in the EU instead of out.

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12 minutes ago, zkom said:

Yeah, ain't nobody in the future gonna believe this shit actually went down.

But how is it, if Boris can't get enough ministers to his cabinet are there going to be new elections or what?

Ha. There won't be anyone "in the future". The polar ice will completely melt by 2040 (conservative estimates). That's the refrigerator for the planet. Temperatures will increase at an increasing rate. Before the permafrost completely melts and releases tons more greenhouse gases and ancient microbes into the atmosphere, people  will kill or be killed over potable water supplies. 

Fuck this plot. It's too predictable.

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unfortunately runaway global warming due to melting of the permafrost and release of massive amounts of methane is extremely likely to happen. it will be catastrophic and humanity will be lucky to survive in even a basic way. this is why i'm not having kids. truly... we're fucked. totally fucked. and not in a thousand years or some shit, in less than 100, probably less than 50.

we all know it. deep down we all know it.

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Boris becoming PM seemed inevitable, unfortunately.

GE next, following the next Brexit failure, I guess.

But that won't yield us any certain results given the current political mixed bag of nuts that we have and the shitshows from the Tory oppositions.



  • Farnsworth 1
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The most certain result, at this point .. still ... is that it's a giant nothingburger. No deal Brexit will be some sort of nuclear explosion. Not going to happen. So nothing will happen. As another deal will always be worse than what the UK currently has. It's a giant piece of FU.

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Hopefully Boris the Giant White Carrot will have the balls to call it quits on this Brexit nonsense. He's might just be the perfect nutcase to do so, btw.

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1 hour ago, BCM said:

unfortunately runaway global warming due to melting of the permafrost and release of massive amounts of methane is extremely likely to happen. it will be catastrophic and humanity will be lucky to survive in even a basic way. this is why i'm not having kids. truly... we're fucked. totally fucked. and not in a thousand years or some shit, in less than 100, probably less than 50.

we all know it. deep down we all know it.

isn't it wiser to go full egoist and guarantee your own survival? just in a hypothetical sense 

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5 minutes ago, goDel said:

Hopefully Boris the Giant White Carrot will have the balls to call it quits on this Brexit nonsense. He's might just be the perfect nutcase to do so, btw.

Not likely - his speech to Parliament basically doubled down on leaving by 31 October "do or die" 

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You're probably right. But this is politics. Yesterday's "No, not over my dead body!" is tomorrow's "Yeah, let's do that! It's the only viable option!". Whatever Boris says, it hasn't much to do with his personal opinion. It's all about political power. Behind the scenes, he has to deal with a sizeable amount of hard Brexiteers. My take, in order to be able to flip his position, he has to show the Brexiteers he was on their side and did everything necessary, but lost because of some reality. The Brexiteers will need to accept a new reality at some point.

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