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2 hours ago, BCM said:

unfortunately runaway global warming due to melting of the permafrost and release of massive amounts of methane is extremely likely to happen. it will be catastrophic and humanity will be lucky to survive in even a basic way. this is why i'm not having kids. truly... we're fucked. totally fucked. and not in a thousand years or some shit, in less than 100, probably less than 50.

we all know it. deep down we all know it.


it is crazy how the most likely scenario is really fuckin cool and out of an apocalyptic sci-fi film. god i hope i die before that happens

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12 minutes ago, goDel said:

You're probably right. But this is politics. Yesterday's "No, not over my dead body!" is tomorrow's "Yeah, let's do that! It's the only viable option!". Whatever Boris says, it hasn't much to do with his personal opinion. It's all about political power. Behind the scenes, he has to deal with a sizeable amount of hard Brexiteers. My take, in order to be able to flip his position, he has to show the Brexiteers he was on their side and did everything necessary, but lost because of some reality. The Brexiteers will need to accept a new reality at some point.

Well Theresa May went down in flames trying to push that broken car down the road... so you might be right - Boris might be playing this to "save the UK" at the last minute by convincing the conservative party that Brexit isn't good for England (ya think?)...

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7 minutes ago, Joyrex said:

Well Theresa May went down in flames trying to push that broken car down the road... so you might be right - Boris might be playing this to "save the UK" at the last minute by convincing the conservative party that Brexit isn't good for England (ya think?)...

Luckily the voters made the decision for Brexit to pass, and it's finally going ahead now.. few hiccups on the way mind you (T-May)

Congrats to Mr. Johnson :catsalute:






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2 minutes ago, marf said:

I have zero knowledge how a prime minister is elected. 

In Boris' case he wasn't elected by the people per se - he was elected along party lines, no?

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1 minute ago, Joyrex said:

In Boris' case he wasn't elected by the people per se - he was elected along party lines, no?

i think if there's a no confidence thing and the PM can't get it done the PM resigns and the party in power picks the new PM right? 

seems crazy but maybe it's better than being stuck w/someone for 4 years. 

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18 minutes ago, Joyrex said:

In Boris' case he wasn't elected by the people per se - he was elected along party lines, no?

he was elected PM by around 0.001% of the population

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20 minutes ago, ignatius said:

i think if there's a no confidence thing and the PM can't get it done the PM resigns and the party in power picks the new PM right? 

 seems crazy but maybe it's better than being stuck w/someone for 4 years. 

No, if there's a vote of no confidence in the government, then the leader of the opposition is given a chance to form a government, or anyone else after that if they can't. they have two weeks to sort it out so that a majority of parliament will vote for someone, if not then there's a general election. so in theory there could be a temporary government of national unity type deal, e.g. with the sole purpose of legislating for a new referendum, after which there'd be a GE. all quite unlikely, but it's one of the few remaining ways out of this mess.

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On 12/4/2018 at 9:13 PM, BCM said:

Yeah so I think it's safe to assume we ain't leaving. ECJ judge saying we can unilaterally call it off. May's government in contempt of parliament so now has to publish the full legal advice on the whole thing, which will undoubtedly advise that leaving is a very bad idea indeed. Either they'll just call the whole thing off or it'll be a second referendum and everyone will vote to remain because we're so thoroughly sick of the whole charade.


Terribly sorry for all the bother Europe.


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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the best line I've read on this whole shit-show in a while:


This takes the total allocation of spending on no-deal preparation this year alone up to £6.3bn, in the political equivalent of hitting yourself in the face and paying someone to patch up your broken nose.


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  • 4 weeks later...

scorched earth boris. who knew? and wtf. 

scotland must be worried he'll suspend parliament up there as well.  wtf.  calculated move. is there going to be people in the streets protesting? general strike? anything? seems an ideal time to go all french about it and get in the streets and throw some shit. 

also, 'temporary' suspending parliament.. let's hope it's only temporary. 

Edited by ignatius
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