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Decide what I'm going to do for an hour tonight


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I've got some studying to knock out along w/ house chores etc., but I should have that most rare of all things: about 1 hour tonight where my wife is out teaching and I'm totally left to my own devices. Yes I'm old AF. What should I do WATMM? Options include but are not limited to:


  • Work on music
  • Fap
  • Play video games on the Big TV. Sub options include game: RDR2, COD, Crackdown, etc. 
  • Watch S3 E8 of Twin Peaks (GOTTA LIGHT!!?!!!!!)
  • Exercise
  • Browse WATMM aimlessly wishing I could come up with something clever to say, writing a bunch of posts only to delete them halfway through, crying deeply when I realize I've spent 43 minutes doing absolutely nothing of substance 
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Do whatever you did before you got married.


Ok, so basically anything on that original list is fair game (minus wishing I was married) Ta!





Grindr? I barely know 'er!  wacka wacka




Oh, no, gotta be careful there. I try and hold dank memes for the Friday afternoon slump at work. Also, when did Danke Memes thread surpass the funny pictures thread in lolability? It's weird.

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I can't help but think about how I killed time at my old computer lab desk proctor job back in 2006 and 2007:


- find the most obscure niche articles on wookipedia, like this, or this or my fav non-speaking character


- go through all of this http://techno.org/electronic-music-guide/


- browse google earth / google maps - once I followed a road in the far outback of Australia that stretched from Alice Springs to the West Coast. I google anything I saw name wise: there'd literally be nothing for a hundred mile stretches except an unmanned refuel depot or occasional station or aboriginal majority village of maybe a dozen or so people

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^^ this



(also, we all know you're going to fap while exercising while browsing watmm aimlessly at the same time)


Marking this solved as, yeah, that's essentially what I know will happen. 



But if you weren't married you would have made up your mind already.


It's true! Or, more likely, I wouldn't even think about. I would just do whatever seemed like the thing to do at that time. . .



sit completely still with your eyes closed in a dark room


Forgot to meditate today - this is a good reminder cheers!


I can't help but think about how I killed time at my old computer lab desk proctor job back in 2006 and 2007:


- find the most obscure niche articles on wookipedia, like this, or this or my fav non-speaking character


- go through all of this http://techno.org/electronic-music-guide/


- browse google earth / google maps - once I followed a road in the far outback of Australia that stretched from Alice Springs to the West Coast. I google anything I saw name wise: there'd literally be nothing for a hundred mile stretches except an unmanned refuel depot or occasional station or aboriginal majority village of maybe a dozen or so people


it's weird to think how far google earth shit has come - became intimately aware of it when we were house shopping for a home 200 miles away. . . something crazy about zooming down to street view and clicking through the streets, catching these little snapshots in time where someone was sitting on their porch watching the google car drive by. . . .

Sculpt 7 waxen busts of Powers Booth.


 I had to look up Powers Booth. And then I had to ask why I would do that. And then I realized he is now dead and won't be in the Deadwood movie. And then I cried. 

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^^ this



(also, we all know you're going to fap while exercising while browsing watmm aimlessly at the same time)

Marking this solved as, yeah, that's essentially what I know will happen.


But if you weren't married you would have made up your mind already.

It's true! Or, more likely, I wouldn't even think about. I would just do whatever seemed like the thing to do at that time. . .


sit completely still with your eyes closed in a dark room

Forgot to meditate today - this is a good reminder cheers!

I can't help but think about how I killed time at my old computer lab desk proctor job back in 2006 and 2007:


- find the most obscure niche articles on wookipedia, like this, or this or my fav non-speaking character


- go through all of this http://techno.org/electronic-music-guide/


- browse google earth / google maps - once I followed a road in the far outback of Australia that stretched from Alice Springs to the West Coast. I google anything I saw name wise: there'd literally be nothing for a hundred mile stretches except an unmanned refuel depot or occasional station or aboriginal majority village of maybe a dozen or so people

it's weird to think how far google earth shit has come - became intimately aware of it when we were house shopping for a home 200 miles away. . . something crazy about zooming down to street view and clicking through the streets, catching these little snapshots in time where someone was sitting on their porch watching the google car drive by. . . .

Sculpt 7 waxen busts of Powers Booth.

I had to look up Powers Booth. And then I had to ask why I would do that. And then I realized he is now dead and won't be in the Deadwood movie. And then I cried.

You guys will hate me for this but I didn’t really love Deadwood. I moderately enjoyed it.

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Start out romantically with a bon fire, nekkid of course, eating meat off the bone like a real man. As you gorge yourself on mead and meat you find your own meat engorged. Of course, you start up your favorite manowar compilation and next thing you know you're jacking off into fire. 


Right as you're about to erupt to your favorite part of battle hymn, you find wolves circling you. Member still in your non-dominant hand, you take the wolves on, fighting them one by one until you're bleeding and they're yipping but retreating back into the woods.


Nothing is as manly as this.



edit: let us know how it turns out.

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