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5 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

Sidney Powell and Lin Wood order by judge to attend ethics classes, and may lose their law licenses:


haha!  and they're still being sued by Dominion. 

Parker on Thursday also ordered the pro-Trump lawyers to reimburse election officials for the cost of defending the lawsuit. The amount will be determined by the judge in the coming months, said David Fink, a lawyer for the City of Detroit who requested sanctions, in an interview.

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Kevin McCarthy is now trying to threaten any company that complies with a records subpoena request from the January 6 committee. This just smacks of guilt, and how little leverage the GOP actually has to stave this off.


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How is going over there, honestly? Joe Biden looks like a real turd from over here. Is he doing anything good?

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looks like an infrastructure bill is gonna pass? and they pushed back student loan repayments another ~6 months until next year bc COVID. and there’s some permanent/semi-permanent child tax credits he’s solidified i think (could be wrong about that, not read fully). and um yeah the Afghanistan stuff is really looking bad on him but he’s at least owning up to it partly (slightly better than the bare minimum).

he’s done some not good stuff too obv

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A lot of good is being done for Americans that’s not getting press bc it’s not sexy; but student loan forgiveness, ACA & Medicaid expansion, food assistance, prescription assistance & discounts all benefit US society, whether the conservatives support them or not. They sure don’t turn down free money, do they? (Unless they’re a GOP Governor) ?

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13 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

Kevin McCarthy is now trying to threaten any company that complies with a records subpoena request from the January 6 committee. This just smacks of guilt, and how little leverage the GOP actually has to stave this off.


stalling and positioning to frame the committee as unfair (gop rejected the offer of a neutral commission). 


this is dangerous because the liars just dig in deeper, as we try to set things right. liars lying about other people being liars is kind of the essence of the information divide. given trump's attempted self coup, the rise in domestic terrorism, and the problem of the industry of shit takes & deception, i view these seething republicans as very scary.


13 hours ago, Silent Member said:

How is going over there, honestly? Joe Biden looks like a real turd from over here. Is he doing anything good?

hard to engage with your argument of "looks like a turd" due to a lack of substance. not sure what you're looking at.


  • kicked ass with vaccine roll out, despite trump trying to sabatoge it by leaving no plan for distribution.
  • covid deaths were at their hgihest point when he took office and he brought them down ike 90% 
  • ended the afghanistan war
  • is a sane individual who says masking and distancing can help with the pandemic
  • the infrastructure bills look deece and likely to pass, including significant green initiatives.

the real test of this congress and his first term is democracy legislation. dems need to get sinema and manchin to change the filibuster rules so they can pass legislation based on the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights bill. the right is full-blown fascist, now: basically rabid. if the dems fail to combat state-level anti-democratic activity with federal democracy legislation, they have screwed the pooch. schumer and biden need to make it happen, and anyone in arizona or west virginia need to get manchin and sinema to unfuck their shit.

Edited by very honest
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I seriously doubt any further voter rights legislation will pass before the 2022 mid-term elections. The Left will just have to redouble their efforts to get voters registered, and see what assistance can be provided around election days. The filibuster will remain, there just isn’t the unified will to change that in the midst of multiple crises, and factions looking to use that chaos to their advantage.

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10 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

I seriously doubt any further voter rights legislation will pass before the 2022 mid-term elections. The Left will just have to redouble their efforts to get voters registered, and see what assistance can be provided around election days. The filibuster will remain, there just isn’t the unified will to change that in the midst of multiple crises, and factions looking to use that chaos to their advantage.


i'm not sure where you are getting that. indications point to this fall.

state governments are consolidating power to throw out election results they don't like, and republican voter suppression and gerrymandering are expanding. rightist narratives are firmly entrenched in fantasyland and actively hostile to truth. this is america beyond the pale, and the next step is american fascism. congress must act.

this may be the month. we may see a vote on changing filibuster rules. don't give up. raise awareness.

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31 minutes ago, ignatius said:


p much the dream team of shitheads right there. throw in cancun cruz + turtle man, and you've got a softball team ready to go! 

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2 hours ago, very honest said:


i'm not sure where you are getting that. indications point to this fall.

state houses consolidating power to throw out results they don't like, legalized voter intimidation, and states making it illegal to bring water and snacks to people forced to wait in line for hours to vote. add these to the continually expanding republican voter suppression and gerrymandering, and rightist narratives firmly entrenched in fantasyland and actively hostile to truth. this is america beyond the pale, and the next step is american fascism. congress must act.

this may be the month. we may see a vote on changing filibuster rules. don't give up. raise awareness.

I meant Federal voting rights, as in HR-1 have little chance of passing. The filibuster is a double edged sword, yes it has been abused beyond its intended purpose, but a flip of the party in control could come back to bite us years down the line. I’m more pissed the SCOTUS didn’t hear the Texas abortion ban, underhanded as usual from the Texas GOP.

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1 hour ago, ignatius said:


I am interested in knowing more about this and ofc can Google it but I want to ask again that if watmmers are gonna use Twitter as a news source then please link to things that actually have sources and not just images of statements from fuck knows where. Especially now that it seems I cannot browse entire Twitter threads without an account (recent change I guess?) and will have to completely ignore "news" like this. It really sucks that everything is either paywalled or unsourced bullshit. 

tldr if this is BREAKING - and it certainly seems believable - then why screencap the story instead of linking it? wtf

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6 minutes ago, luke viia said:

I am interested in knowing more about this and ofc can Google it but I want to ask again that if watmmers are gonna use Twitter as a news source then please link to things that actually have sources and not just images of statements from fuck knows where. Especially now that it seems I cannot browse entire Twitter threads without an account (recent change I guess?) and will have to completely ignore "news" like this. It really sucks that everything is either paywalled or unsourced bullshit. 

tldr if this is BREAKING - and it certainly seems believable - then why screencap the story instead of linking it? wtf

lmao this account


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4 minutes ago, auxien said:

lmao this account


the american flag fisting is hilarious. i hesitated posting because there's so much bullshit and screengrab fakery. people screen grabbing and laying over celebrity accounts etc so it looks like the tweet or whatever is from a celebrity.

at this point everything is a psyop. it's feeding drivel to go viral so enough lazy people will believe it and not do any work to verify which then becomes a thing people buy into. 

it's awful but i did it anyways because idk.. it's kind of hilarious in some way. but i'm weird 

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1 hour ago, luke viia said:

I am interested in knowing more about this and ofc can Google it but I want to ask again that if watmmers are gonna use Twitter as a news source then please link to things that actually have sources and not just images of statements from fuck knows where. Especially now that it seems I cannot browse entire Twitter threads without an account (recent change I guess?) and will have to completely ignore "news" like this. It really sucks that everything is either paywalled or unsourced bullshit. 

tldr if this is BREAKING - and it certainly seems believable - then why screencap the story instead of linking it? wtf

I’ve found only the Twitter app embeds here, if the member is using a web browser, it can be more difficult.  But yeah, at least one source if it’s newsworthy. 

*I will probly eat these words later ?

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2 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

I meant Federal voting rights, as in HR-1 have little chance of passing. The filibuster is a double edged sword, yes it has been abused beyond its intended purpose, but a flip of the party in control could come back to bite us years down the line. I’m more pissed the SCOTUS didn’t hear the Texas abortion ban, underhanded as usual from the Texas GOP.

it's not easy to pass, it's hard to pass. but all we need is 2 votes: manchin and sinema need to realize that they should change the filibuster rules.

i'm sorry but i don't buy the argument that the filibuster is a good thing. i will make these points:

  • the founders considered it and rejected it
  • it is a product of the senate and was created by accident.
  • senators allowed it to persist because it makes their job easier: less legislation passes that they need to work on and be accountable for. blame the filibuster, which the masses (historically more so) don't understand
  • many nations pass legislation by simple majority and it's fine
  • many nations have 1 legislative chamber instead of 2. the US having 2 means we already have an added layer to filter legislation through. the filibuster makes it too hard for legislation to pass.
  • there could be no better scenario to justify a rule change than the current need to protect american democracy.
  • the argument about the filibuster protecting us from bad laws fails when you look at nations with simple-majority-passed legislation. the voters see and experience the impact of legislation and vote accordingly. legislation can be subsequently amended or repealed.
  • we have a fascist party intent on overthrowing democracy, aided by fraudulent media and foreign enemies. election tricks give them majority control while they actually represent a minority. changing the filibuster rule, to pass hr1 and hr4, is how we fix that.
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46 minutes ago, very honest said:
  • many nations pass legislation by simple majority and it's fine
  • many nations have 1 legislative chamber instead of 2. the US having 2 means we already have an added layer to filter legislation through. the filibuster makes it too hard for legislation to pass.
  • the argument about the filibuster protecting us from bad laws fails when you look at nations with simple-majority-passed legislation. the voters see and experience the impact of legislation and vote accordingly. legislation can be subsequently amended or repealed.

I'm against the filibuster but as a counterpoint here, I wonder how many nations that pass legislation by a simple majority only have two parties.

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28 minutes ago, randomsummer said:
1 hour ago, very honest said:
  • many nations pass legislation by simple majority and it's fine
  • many nations have 1 legislative chamber instead of 2. the US having 2 means we already have an added layer to filter legislation through. the filibuster makes it too hard for legislation to pass.
  • the argument about the filibuster protecting us from bad laws fails when you look at nations with simple-majority-passed legislation. the voters see and experience the impact of legislation and vote accordingly. legislation can be subsequently amended or repealed.

I'm against the filibuster but as a counterpoint here, I wonder how many nations that pass legislation by a simple majority only have two parties.

britain has 2 major parties and passes by simple majority. australia, also. 

most US states do not have a filibuster, and pass state laws by simple majority.

for those interested in the case against the filibuster in the US, here are some resources

quote from the indivisble link:


The filibuster makes the country ungovernable, according to Barack Obama. Reforming the filibuster is not a radical idea held by fringe leftists. In 2018, Barack Obama argued that the filibuster has got to go. Reflecting on his own presidency, Obama said, “Adding the filibuster … has made it almost impossible for us to effectively govern at a time when you have at least one party that is not willing to compromise on issues.” In 2020, Obama again called to eliminate the filibuster, calling it a “Jim Crow relic.” Obama is far from alone. A host of liberals, centrists, and even one or two conservatives have noted the incredible political dysfunction fostered by the filibuster.


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1 hour ago, very honest said:

it's not easy to pass, it's hard to pass. but all we need is 2 votes: manchin and sinema need to realize that they should change the filibuster rules.

i'm sorry but i don't buy the argument that the filibuster is a good thing. i will make these points:

  • the founders considered it and rejected it
  • it is a product of the senate and was created by accident.
  • senators allowed it to persist because it makes their job easier: less legislation passes that they need to work on and be accountable for. blame the filibuster, which the masses (historically more so) don't understand
  • many nations pass legislation by simple majority and it's fine
  • many nations have 1 legislative chamber instead of 2. the US having 2 means we already have an added layer to filter legislation through. the filibuster makes it too hard for legislation to pass.
  • there could be no better scenario to justify a rule change than the current need to protect american democracy.
  • the argument about the filibuster protecting us from bad laws fails when you look at nations with simple-majority-passed legislation. the voters see and experience the impact of legislation and vote accordingly. legislation can be subsequently amended or repealed.
  • we have a fascist party intent on overthrowing democracy, aided by fraudulent media and foreign enemies. election tricks give them majority control while they actually represent a minority. changing the filibuster rule, to pass hr1 and hr4, is how we fix that.

I never said a filibuster is a good thing, it has been weaponized and can be turned on either party. Thinking that both Manchin & Sinema will change their votes is a pipe dream, I’m sorry but it’s true. Optimism and positivity are welcome now, but reality is a slap in the face. The more Democrats do that helps our country and people, only enrages and emboldens the Right to react, and usually with prejudice. It’s a fucked up system, so engrained into our government, that it is highly unlikely to be reformed in any real way. Not with the current contentious atmosphere in DC. I still hope for the best.

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15 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

Thinking that both Manchin & Sinema will change their votes is a pipe dream, I’m sorry but it’s true.

disagree. activists have been pushing and it would be cool if you didn't pretend to see the future, which works to prevent further activism. congress people change their minds when the phones blow up. those in touch with the facts know that democracy is in peril.

manchin started out opposing filibuster reform, at the beginning of the year, and then said he may be open to changing some rules. he is a dem representing a red state, and his tack is to play conservative before the vote, then vote with his party when they need him.

sinema is a freshman senator. she's a hot chick in a purple state who thinks she can play both sides, but i would guess there is a point at which she folds. for example, if manchin folds, then i don't see her standing in the way of her own party on a momentous issue. that fact that 48 dem senators favor this is significant. 

their arguments are bad. some people walk stubbornly into doom, many don't. constituents need to help these 2 individuals see the light.

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45 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

phoning the government, demanding they release a few old tunes volumes one and two. it’s time

dude we have those. if they could get us Acid Memories or Play By Numbers, then I'll vote for whoever they want.

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