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15 hours ago, marf said:

something a  little nutty about her. 

but in a good way. she seems fun. probably really good at dance dance revolution and skee ball. 

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love how she said tucker has to go from "i hate him passionately" to realizing "president trump is the greatest president we've ever known"

that's going to be such a drastic change in opinion. think about a person you hate passionately, then think about what it would take for you to think of that person as the greatest person you've ever known. according to kari lake, this is possible for tucker carlson.

i disagree.

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posted this in the qanon thread but really belongs here too.. 

listened to the 2 part behind the bastards on the foxnews lawsuit by dominion and he goes thru all the emails/text chains they were having about the election conspiracy stuff and it's amazing how fucking awful these people are. how on one hand they're saying "we're losing our audience and we need to back the election lies" and on the other hand are saying "sidney powell is absolutely crazy and all this stuff is bullshit".  it's hilarious until you remember that people have killed themselves over the election lies and killed family members etc. 

sidney powell's source for election lies even she refers to as "wackadoodle" and they read a quote from the source where she says she got her info "because i've had the strangest dreams my entire life and the wind tells me things and in my dream i'm decapitated" and all kinds of crazy shit. it's totally a "simulation broken" type of thing but they kept pushing it and the evidence is so overwhelming that the dominion lawyers asked for a summary judgement by the judge in the case which doesn't happen often in cases like this.  since the evidence is so overwhelming and proves their case w/o even an argument they think the judge will rule in their favor. 

it's really funny 2 parter and i guess they found them so relevant and crucial to the audience they put them on youtube. 




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13 hours ago, Upset man said:

Whoever said he’ll burn it all down if he can was spot on. This is like only one of a few criminal things imminent-ish too, right?

hopefully. him applying pressure on the DOJ not to indict him is to hopefully quell the possibility of making this public to cover up the other "criminal things imminent-ish". but as any trump supporter would have once screamed:


misgendered on purpose ?

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12 hours ago, exitonly said:

uhhh no crime is ever proven when there is an indictment since the trial hasn’t happened yet

Never realized the New York legal system is entirely funded by George Soros.

13 hours ago, Upset man said:

Whoever said he’ll burn it all down if he can was spot on. This is like only one of a few criminal things imminent-ish too, right?



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