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2 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

Why are these people such terrible shots? 

there would be such chaos if either of these candidates were hit or assassinated before the election.   it'd be pretty bad really. people would lose whatever shred of "i'm not gonna take out my guns and shoot people" they are holding onto. and i'm guessing there's enough of those people that it'd be a banger of a time in america. 

if trump loses and we get a nice transfer of power from biden to harris... then trump gets shot.. well.. idk.. it'd be less bad but still bad.. i mean.. he's a fucking asshole.. 100%... but is not worth the trouble... i'd be fine if he got the polonium tea or something down the road though. he's a pariah. why can't he just go play golf like any other rich asshole and leave the world alone?

it'll be an interesting first year in a harris admin.... and a nightmare first year in a trump admin. that's my hot take. but the world will still have all the same problems... we'll just have someone focusing on all the wrong shit if it's trump at the helm.. not that harris is gonna magic up solutions to all the very real problems.. .

the kicker will be whatever happens in congress.. house and senate gonna be nail biters as well. 

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25 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

To me, this proves one thing: you have to be a sick motherf#cker to still post tweets on X. 

/disclaimer: i use the term “proves” loosely. It’s the type of proof often used on the internet. A proof built on hot air and heated by the dark triad personality. 

Yeah, I've used Twitter for many many years mainly to follow people or projects I find fascinating. But the last 12 months have been a fucking nightmare of bots (the profile photo is always a cleavage) liking 8 year old posts, posting "tits in profile" and hate speech. I think I'm pretty much done with it as I'm already using Bluesky way more.

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That's disgusting, ignoring the racist/hate speech for a second MFers brazenly shouting fire in the theater at this point.  The folly that Fuckface will ever be held accountable or Fucktard for his attempted coup. Can't wait for the real world repercussions assholes.

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15 minutes ago, Nebraska said:



these guys love having "events" and "debates" announcing their never ending/realized list of "to-do" tasks

me after 5 minutes in this auditorium w/these people



Edited by ignatius
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On 9/15/2024 at 6:28 PM, auxien said:

so you're saying Trump knowingly, purposefully, willingly killed thousands or millions of Americans by letting COVID spread beyond what it would've anyway (even though most of the country went into various rounds of lockdowns to varying degrees for weeks or months, which Trump largely supported publicly, at least at times) so that months later the population would be lessened*, and mail-in ballots would be more widely used/acceptable, and then if he lost the election, he could claim fraud because of the mail-in ballots and incite a coup?

except for the part about the population being lessened. i didn't say anything about the population being lessened (wtf with you imagining that?). but yeah

On 9/15/2024 at 6:28 PM, auxien said:

and somehow the resulting economic problems felt by the US (and the vast majority of the world, ofc) would have him exercising emergency powers that would help him enact widespread unrest, martial law, etc. (remember, this didn't happen to any great degree, the cases where it happened were small temporary pockets)

if you're going to try a coup, yeah, spread a plague to bump the chaos level a good bit

On 9/15/2024 at 6:28 PM, auxien said:

and of course none of this really happened to an extent that worked for him, so like....he was just bad at it?

he tried his coup and it came pretty close. pence stood up against him in a rather remarkable way. he tried to ride to the capital himself but his secret service stopped him. pence luckily escaped an engagement between his detail and the crowd, which could have escalated to gunshots. raffensperger happened to stand up to trump. some staffers happened to grab the electoral votes from the chamber before evacuating. there are a million ways things could have gone worse, and we came strangely close to the certification of the election getting indefinitely delayed under emergency control powers by the president 2 weeks before inauguration day. his using the mail-in narrative was part of that. the shit fucking happened and it came way too close to working, man. glad we agree that it would matter if that were the case. it is. you can see it with your eyes. no one wants it to believe it but he's a sociopath and he's compromised by putin. 

On 9/15/2024 at 6:28 PM, auxien said:

or are you claiming he started COVID or someshit?

wtf are you talking about man. i never said anything close to that. seriously wtf is wrong with you


anyway, some other contextual info, i was way too plugged in in 2020 and i remember shit like how he had cdc do less testing in jun 2020. that's the "spread covid" switch. testing is one of, if not the most important tools in dealing with a pandemic. precisely at the time when there was a shortage of testing and an extreme need for it, and when the federal government was uniquely poised to be able to solve that problem, trump inserts himself to cause the institutions to test less. 

that's just one example, but there was the same disturbingly consistent pattern.

why did he keep flipping those spread-covid switches? hey, i'll play devils advocate. maybe there was another purpose to not testing. but it's preposterous. it's fucking preposterous. i cannot take it seriously.

so, once you establish that he was flipping the "spread covid" switch, the next question naturally is why? with the benefit of hindsight, now, it's not a mysterious question. we know he committed a coup attempt months later. i'm sorry but i was watching and he knew what he was doing when he was spreading covid. he knew he was fucking spreading covid. and he was grinning about hydroxychloroquine and bleach next to dr deborah birx who is beside herself as she experiences this sociopath trolling a real deadly pandemic

how do you make an excuse for him like his brain somehow is broken in exactly the perfect way that he's innocent or something? it's ridiculous. people are in denial.

Edited by may be rude
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i mean, he says it in the article you linked. he wanted to stop testing bc testing makes him look bad bc the more you test, the more positive cases you record.

did this lead to unnecessary suffering and death for innocent people? most definitely. 

but it absolutely is not proof that trump wanted to stop testing in order to spread covid so that the country would be more chaotic when he carried out a coup. 

you're leaping here, which is fine go off and be you, but this isn't "proof" of anything

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it's quite interesting to me bc the trump i saw during covid was inept, incompetent, careless. he brushed covid off until it became an undeniable reality, at which point he eventually said there would be no federal response and it was up to the states to manage. which is on par for a piece of shit like trump who has zero interest in leading the country. covid was an inconvenience to trump, it made him look bad, so he mostly just tried to pretend it wasn't his problem. 

but for mr. Rude her on watmm, trump is like an evil genius who was actually doing strategic biological warfare on the citizens so he could...stay in the white house...so that he can...be president? or whatever.

i find it hard to believe trump cares at all about any of that. trump just cares about himself, how he looks on tv, on twitter. he's a little clown strutting around imo

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17 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

it's quite interesting to me bc the trump i saw during covid was inept, incompetent, careless. he brushed covid off until it became an undeniable reality, at which point he eventually said there would be no federal response and it was up to the states to manage. which is on par for a piece of shit like trump who has zero interest in leading the country. covid was an inconvenience to trump, it made him look bad, so he mostly just tried to pretend it wasn't his problem. 

but for mr. Rude her on watmm, trump is like an evil genius who was actually doing strategic biological warfare on the citizens so he could...stay in the white house...so that he can...be president? or whatever.

. i find it hard to believe trump cares at all about any of that. trump just cares about himself, how he looks on tv, on twitter. he's a little clown strutting around imo

yeah. and i think the reason he reduced testing in various places at different times is because he wanted the numbers to go down because then that would be reported on and he would look better in the press.. because that's all he cares about. 

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24 minutes ago, decibal cooper said:

I saw one of these one time and it was about watmm users. Cannot find it now but thought it was really funny.

It was about kakapo and the Lifetime Members Forum


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