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How does the World view China these days?


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59 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

How is it racist to state a fact?

Except that it’s not a fact. Only some of the non-Han minorities in the very southern part of China sometimes eat dog meat (at very special occasions).

Bringing up this nonsense every time is just lazy racism (intended to reinforce a stereotype of Chinese people being dirty in all sorts of ways).

The Chinese eat chicken claws. And duck tongues (not bad, btw). Not dog meat.

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5 minutes ago, rhmilo said:

Only some of the non-Han minorities in the very southern part of China sometimes eat dog meat

So...Chinese people eat dog meat. Your use of non-Han minorities as if they are exclusionary from China is part of the Han chauvinism that's entirely problematic with the Chinese propaganda about 5,000 years of Han Chinese culture.


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34 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

So...Chinese people eat dog meat. Your use of non-Han minorities as if they are exclusionary from China is part of the Han chauvinism that's entirely problematic with the Chinese propaganda about 5,000 years of Han Chinese culture.


Don’t be daft. Out of a population of 1.3 billion maybe 20 million eat dog meat.

Your projecting the customs of a remote people with customs very different from the Han mainstream (as these minorities themselves are more than happy to confirm) onto the Han majority makes no sense whatsoever.

That’s like saying all Chinese are Muslims because Uighurs - a non-Han minority, I think you’ll agree - are Muslims.

And yes, I’m aware of the non-Uighur Muslim Hui population that’s spread out throughout China (and that is not, afaik, oppressed in any way or form). The fact that they exist does not in any way make China a Muslim country.


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18 hours ago, Milwaukeeeee said:

Chinese people still eat dog meat?

french people still eating horses? 

humans eat everything. african bush meat is basically anything that lives in the bush. monkey, chimp, sloth etc.. 

i hope lab grown meat becomes a thing sooner rather than later. 


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49 minutes ago, rhmilo said:

Don’t be daft. Out of a population of 1.3 billion maybe 20 million eat dog meat.

Your projecting the customs of a remote people with customs very different from the Han mainstream (as these minorities themselves are more than happy to confirm) onto the Han majority makes no sense whatsoever.

That’s like saying all Chinese are Muslims because Uighurs - a non-Han minority, I think you’ll agree - are Muslims.

And yes, I’m aware of the non-Uighur Muslim Hui population that’s spread out throughout China (and that is not, afaik, oppressed in any way or form). The fact that they exist does not in any way make China a Muslim country.


It happens throughout China - maybe not in Shanghai and Beijing (although you could probably find it in Beijing - I never spent enough time in the city), but places like Shenzen just recently banned the sale.

It's nothing at all like saying all Chinese are Muslim. It's saying that some Chinese people do in fact, eat dog. Some Chinese are Muslim, some Chinese eat dog. Nowhere did I say that all Chinese eat dog, but it is a fact that Chinese people eat dog.

Again, your insistence on using the term non-Han as if that excludes then from being Chinese is what is problematic here.

Edit: I'm not sure why you brought up the Hui and the differentiation between them and the Uighurs, but thank you - you are indeed correct that the Muslim Hui are not oppressed. The question is not one of freedom of religion. It is rather about political control on Xinjiang (which is ironic because Xinjiang was never conquered by any of the Han dynasties, rather the Manchu during the Qing dynasty). China needs to maintain control of the border regions, where the population is largely non-Han. This includes Xianjing, Tibet, and Inner Mongolia (this is not a new issue). Mao said it best: "We say China is a country vast in territory, rich in resources and large in population; as a matter of fact, it is the Han nationality whose population is large and the minority nationalities whose territory is vast and whose resources are rich, or at least in all probability their resources under the soil are rich." (In the same document Mao also ironically said: "We must not follow the example of the Soviet Union in concentrating everything in the hands of the central authorities, shackling the local authorities and denying them the right to independent action." which contrasted with his actual policies). Now while Inner Mongolia has benefited quite nicely (strong development, big rise in average GDP) they are soon going to find out what protesting against cultural assimilation will bring.

We already know how the CCP plans to control Xianjiang, and it's not pretty. It's all about political power though, and we see it manifest in other ways such as China's attempts to expand its maritime territory through the nine-dash line claim.


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34 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

everyone knows "chinese people eat dogs" is a common racist statement.

It's not a racist statement in my objective and subjective reality, because it's a simple statement of fact that ascribes neither a negative nor positive value to it. Koreans also eat dog (the soup is better than the steaks I find), although just like in China, the practice is diminishing (largely because of the evil western imperialism imposing their moral values).

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2 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

It's not a racist statement in my objective and subjective reality, because it's a simple statement of fact that ascribes neither a negative nor positive value to it. Koreans also eat dog (the soup is better than the steaks I find), although just like in China, the practice is diminishing (largely because of the evil western imperialism imposing their moral values).

glad to see we're in agreement.  if only western imperialists would follow their own morals of not eating intelligent animals like dogs cows chickens etc

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7 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

glad to see we're in agreement.  if only western imperialists would follow their own morals of not eating intelligent animals like dogs cows chickens etc

lol bruh.

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I'm against eating any type of mammals. But eating dogs I find it particularly abnormal, just a subjective thing. Maybe we should only eat chiken or fish. Probably the Halal and jewish traditions concerning food feel kinda right in that respect

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1 hour ago, chenGOD said:

Again, your insistence on using the term non-Han as if that excludes then from being Chinese is what is problematic here.

How does non-Han equal non-Chinese? Those are two different things.

Notice that you yourself also wrote


China needs to maintain control of the border regions, where the population is largely non-Han. 

So the term is probably not that problematic as you claim as at least one other member of this forum - you - uses it freely.



And then, of course, you started quoting chairman Mao.

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17 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

please delete this post

Poor labour folk like me can't afford the forum fees to have the privilege to delete posts. Not saying that i'd do it, i'd prefer the guillotine

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9 minutes ago, dingformung said:

What happened here?


91% of Chinese people are Han.

The Communist Party recently prohibited the Mongol minority to use their native language in schools.


pathetic considering opposing Han chauvinism is in the chinese constitution. pretty sure lenin enforced minority languages must be continued to be taught alongside russian.  they should take his method

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7 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

pathetic considering opposing Han chauvinism is in the chinese constitution. pretty sure lenin enforced minority languages must be continued to be taught alongside russian.  they should take his method

Pretty sure not a single one of Lenin’s methods is to be “taken”.

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