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An open letter to Joyrex

Guest Helper ET

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Guest Helper ET

Hello Joyrex. How are you? I hope you are fine, I am good. I've come to you with embarrassment, to ask about The Tuss. Now, you may remember me, as I first created my account back in May, for the sole purpose of discovering the truth about the current Tuss controversy. My first few posts were manic rantings about The Tuss and complaints about the way discussion of The Tuss was going. I discussed with the masses. We laughed, we cried, we shook hands, and departed. At some point, I must have been away from WATMM for an undetermined amount of time, as when I returned, The Tuss controversy was gone. I must have missed out on the consensual agreement made, because current Tuss discussions are now either ridiculed, or ignored. As an administrator, I assume you keep a close watch on most of the posting done here. I also suspect you have a soul, and a decent perspective of reality. This is why I've come to you for answers pertaining to the real identity of The Tuss. Please inform me of any information or real evidence that indicates that The Tuss is in fact RDJ, or whoever else it may be. I am aware of the possibility that nobody knows who it really is, and so it's expected that everyone else is to be in that mindset. Thanks for your time. I hope to hear a sincere answer from you either in post to reply form or as a PM. I've made this as an open letter in General Discussion as an opportunity for other members to contribute to the subject. This is an Aphex Twin topic intentionally posted in the General Discussion forum, and I hope it can stay there for the benefit of decent discussion. Thanks again.



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Guest loonybin

Hello ET, How are you? I've decided to write to you concerning a mystery that has captivated my interest for many years: the Bermuda Triangle. Just what is the force behind the many planes and ships that have disappeared into the Bermuda Triangle, never to be seen again? I realize that this is your thread, specifically about the Tuss and I don't want to derail it too much but I joined WATMM several months ago with the hope of finding the real answer to mystery of the Bermuda Triangle and I think you may be able to help me out. Now I am not suggesting that you have the answers I have been seeking about the Bermuda Triangle but rather you may have the powers to procure this information from the man who does know: Joyrex. For if this man was able to start up an internet forum, he surely knows about all sorts of things, yet I can't just ask him, I must ask you. I've made this an open letter, to you, inside your Tuss thread, in General Banter, so that other users can also now use you to find the answers to the mysteries of the world: from Joyrex. So ET, I hope you follow up my queries about the Bermuda Triangle as well as any other great mysteries that the other forum members may have. Thank you for your time and patience in reading this.



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Tuss == RDJ, life goes on.


two equals signs there, so that's like a double negative type arrangement thereby indicating that the tuss is not in fact me. or richard. but i think it is. isn't. might be. still got some doubts. no doubt.

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me. I think I'm the last one left. except it's not that I'm not sure if it's it RDJ or not, it's that I KNOW it's not RDJ


You got your answer from Joyrex. What more do you need?

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