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Guest Rook

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The tracks sound really good. Mary Anne Hobbs does not.

Yeah, does she sing or describe Autechre? :laughing:

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I am seriously so antsy for this album and it is still over a month away.




This thread is going to be massive by march 3rd.

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According to XLT this has leaked. I'm not seeing anywhere, but its worth mentioning that Warp are giving promos out to friends in addition to people in the industry. If they are not being that judicious in terms of who gets it early, someone should just leak this at this point.

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not sure encey, i guess the vinyl wll be the same order. i'm sure there is a method to the running order...but like all things ae, will take a long time to gestate and get a feel for.


interview is with Sean, tomorrow at 1pm. Have sent him the questions already, so hopefully he'll find a mo to look em over.. did ask about the track order anyway (that's one from Mosca incidentally).

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My head asploded back in December and I have been piecing it back together ever since.


Seriously though, I can't believe how many promos are out there.



*headasplode again*

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When you say "out there," where would that be exactly? How many are out there, do you have a guesstimate?


I respect you're holding out until the actual release, just hoping you might throw a bone to those who still plan on buying the album, but would love to hear it now.

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Well I suppose I am just going by how many people on xlt who seem to say they have it and how many just random things I see pop up on the nets. I don't know why by I expected this release to be closely guarded until release.


And yea I am waiting for the actual release for several reasons.


First is the audio quality. I mean, I think AE's music really deserves the best audio quality it can get. If they were just like a jazz band or something, or if they were like a string group, it wouldn't matter as much. But their choice of sounds and how subtle it usually is and minimal really I think demands quality with respect to audio.


Secondly, I kind of agree with the thing Flashbulb said in that thread in general banter. Too many people (including people on this board) will download the album for free, and not give it a true listen. When you buy your music in hard copy form, you want to get your monies worth. So you likely will make a point of listening to it very hard and often so that your money isn't wasted. I know I am guilty of the same problem. When people offer free mp3s on the internet or give out free CDRs, I rarely give it a quality listen (unless it is something like live ae or a live gig of a band I really like) and too often end up just having it in the background or skimming through it or something and not giving it a real chance. So I don't want it to leak because I don't want people to do this with Autechre, (even though I know some people will anyway). It is also apparent that this happens with some people who have the promos too though. I mean, people who just listen to it once real quick and then post about it in absolute terms cannot possibly have given it a real listen. It is the same with a quality film. Anyone who watches Citizen Kane, Vertigo, or more recently, Primer once and claims to understand it fully and has an absolute argument about it has no validity. These types of things take several listens (or viewings in the case of films) to fully grasp. I suppose I am off on a tangent a bit, but it just seems to be a growing trend in music listening these days. That people never really listen to music, they just have it on in the background while they are reading or driving or walking to work/school or whatever. And I think downloading music generation is partially to blame.



But I mean, if someone gave me the WAV files of Quaristice, I would no doubt listen to it. I mean, if I already had it, I wouldn't delete it. But it just seems so much cooler when we all wait in anticipation and get it on the same day. And we all argue about it then, as opposed to people now who either haven't had enough time to have a valid argument about the album yet, or they lack the resources (ie, a complete and quality version of the album) to make sufficient judgment.



I mean, I only listened to maybe a minute and a half of the first song on that radio show, and then shut it off. So I am 4 1/2 tracks behind most people I think. I wish I hadn't listened to it at all. The quality was so bad.

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I respect that. I am certainly buying it regardless. I dont think a 320kbps mp3 rip vs having it on CD would make or break my opinion before it is properly released.


When it comes out properly, I will purchase it properly, to the best to which it was intended. If it comes out improperly beforehand, I will listen to it improperly beforehand... within limit however. I probably wouldnt seriously listen to anything below 192.


I just feel all this waiting stuff is based on old business models to get more people to buy later. I dunno, I feel like in reality the opposite would work more to their benefit.

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not sure encey, i guess the vinyl wll be the same order. i'm sure there is a method to the running order...but like all things ae, will take a long time to gestate and get a feel for.


interview is with Sean, tomorrow at 1pm. Have sent him the questions already, so hopefully he'll find a mo to look em over.. did ask about the track order anyway (that's one from Mosca incidentally).

how many questions did you ask him? i hope it goes well mate


how long is Quaristice as a whole? (you prob. already said this somewhere, sorry) i mean, are the tracks normal length and the album super long, or are the tracks really short?

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btw I totally agree with Rook's argument that buying music makes you want the spent money to be worth it.

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I think it is completely valid to criticize the current mainstream record industry, and I think that the record companies in a sense screwed themselves by screwing artists and customers for a few decades. But at the same time, I don't think that the current form of piracy that seems to be the norm, is better. This is sort of touching on a much longer discussion of the music industry that doesn't really belong in the Quaristice thread.




This is going to be the longest forty days of my life. Seriously, today freaking dragged on, and it is still over a month away. I should probably stop reading this thread lol.

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