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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Been playing a bit of Crysis Warhead as I picked up a Superclocked Nvidia GTX 460. Have the graphics at Enthusiast (Ultra High) with 4x AA, and man, does the game ever look good. Runs very, very smooth. Completely lag-less. Am running it in Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.


Once I beat Crysis Warhead, I'm off to finally beat StarCraft II, which is also on Ultra High settings.


I love my new video card.


Yeah, you keep playing your PC games and let me catch up trophy-wise with you on PS3! :emotawesomepm9:



LOL :lol: Actually I'll be rocketing ahead some more this winter.


Here is the list of new games I'll be playing this winter:

1 - GTA: Episodes from Liberty City (bought it today)

2 - The Sly Collection (buying it on Tuesday)

3 - Fallout: New Vegas (already own it)

4 - Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition (already own it)

5 - Assassins Creed 2 (already own it)

6 - Dragon Age (already own it)

7 - Tekken 6 (already own it)

8 - GT5 (comes out in December)



And I'll be going back to a few games to get the platinum. Like Heavy Rain, InFamous, Where the Wild Things Are, God of War 3, and Fallout 3.


The reason I have money is because I was saving up for a vacation this winter. Turns out I can't go due to not being able to get my passport in time. So I've got time and money on my side this winter. Will be doing lots of gaming.




One more thing: I played one of the most difficult songs on Guitar Hero 5 by An Endless Sporadic and came in 1018th place in the world. Was playing on Expert of coarse. YAY!



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One more thing: I played one of the most difficult songs on Guitar Hero 5 by An Endless Sporadic and came in 1018th place in the world. Was playing on Expert of coarse. YAY!





I love An Endless Sporadic. Their song on GH3 was one of the four or five i could actually stand to play.

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One more thing: I played one of the most difficult songs on Guitar Hero 5 by An Endless Sporadic and came in 1018th place in the world. Was playing on Expert of coarse. YAY!





I love An Endless Sporadic. Their song on GH3 was one of the four or five i could actually stand to play.


Ya! Oh man, I loved playing that one.

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I started playing Fallout 1 & 2 in Wine. Works fine but I need some way to make this game believe I have a slower CPU. It's eating 50% of both my cores, making my PC awfully loud.

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I beat Unleashed 2 a few days ago. I might try to platnium it. If you loved the first one, this one is even better. Don't let the reviews mess with your mind.


Eventually towards the end of the game, you are forced to become such a badass that Vader seemed a tad easy.

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now, I haven't played a FF game since X (which I liked for the most part), so I'm a bit hesitant about XIII, especially after some of the reviews. Plus, I really don't have the time to invest in it at the moment.


Same situation for me, I only played VII - X, somehow liked IX the most, mostly for the artwork and the cool little towns. I never finished any FF game for some reason, I stopped VIII after the third disc, when I accidentally saved over my only state and noticed that I didn't obtain a card that I could never get on another location. I realized this while the save bar was still filling, but it was too late. The same with IX, stopped after disc3. Maybe I didn't want it to end or something. And I let my friend borrow X and he kinda never gave it back, so it's unfinished as well, but I also liked it. He still has my Super Nintendo power cable too.


Another friend is working on a Final Fantasy project, I think he even managed to arrange a meeting with some of the developers to present it, however he did that. Every fanboy's dream kind of (not mine, but I imagine) He's massively into the series, but also hated XIII.


edit: Amnesia keeps getting more horrible, I ran into some more 'things' and almost broke the girlfriend's keyboard. Why did there have to be a prison-part, I hate prisons since SH2.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

Playing through Tales of Vesperia, stopped playing towards the end on my last file but I decided to start over fresh. Plan to do as close to 100% as I can get next playthrough. Got to be one of my favourite games, so much to do, great characters, story and gameplay. I need to play more Tales Of games.

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I keep going back to Enslaved.


Do you like it? I liked the demo, but then was a bit put off by what the reviews said (good, but flawed)...


I do. I like spending most of the game with another person, they talk to eachother and it feels more human, even if its a bot. I imagine this is how Ico must have been. I think the gameplay so far is fair and challenging, fighting is a lot less about combos and a lot more about using your full arsenal of stuns and dodging etc. Puzzles can be genuinely tricky. Nothing has pushed me over the edge, and I've been enjoying it the entire time.


I will say one time I got stuck for about an hour because the game absolutely refused to let me jump over some area. I found I had to do a momentary run+jump thing that no other place in the game required.


BTW I ignore most game reviews this days. Perfect 100%'s for Halo and GTA make no sense to me. They tricked me into getting Halo reach recently. What a terrible game. The AI will literally just drive my car in a circle forever unless I get out and force them out of the drivers seat. Most of my favorite games are ones that weren't reviewed well or perfect.

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Enslaved is one of my favourite 360 games, I think, if for no reason other than characterization. I haven't quite beat it yet, but I can tell you that Monkey and Trip are the two most human characters I've experienced in a long, long time. Good dialogue that is genuinely funny at times, and it's actually well-written, for the most part.


Everyone should at least try it. I never played the demo, and what you see is pretty much what you get as far as combat/ gameplay, but it's always throwing something else in at just the right time to keep it interesting (a race-like section on Monkey's skateboard-like Cloud, a collapsing structure which you must climb quickly or die, huge mechanical dogs).

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I really want to get Enslaved but I'm trying to wait around for the price to drop (same with a lot of other new games at the mo). Games seem to drop in price quickly at the moment (Enslaved is already at £30 at most shops round here).

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So I'm on chapter nine in FFXIII. Other than one little side story that I liked, it's typical FF story telling. I knew that going in though, so I don't care too much. I really got it for the visuals. Fuck me, there are some amazing looking areas in this game , it's a shame that it has been very linear so far. Most of the soundtrack is good as well, with the occasional cringe worthy song playing. The combat system is a lot funner than I expected. Would like a fucking puzzle or two though...

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So I'm on chapter nine in FFXIII. Other than one little side story that I liked, it's typical FF story telling. I knew that going in though, so I don't care too much. I really got it for the visuals. Fuck me, there are some amazing looking areas in this game , it's a shame that it has been very linear so far. Most of the soundtrack is good as well, with the occasional cringe worthy song playing. The combat system is a lot funner than I expected. Would like a fucking puzzle or two though...


See, for me, the visuals of a FF game always entice me - their character (monster) designs are cool, and while the storylines are acceptable, I don't think anyone has played a FF game since X for the story.


Meh, for 20USD, perhaps I should put it on my Christmas wish list...


Enslaved is another "if it was 20 I'd get it" games...

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Fuck me, there are some amazing looking areas in this game , it's a shame that it has been very linear so far.


I forgot to mention that - the areas are pretty neat looking but "very linear" is the hell of an understatement. It's LINEAR AS FUCK! I liked the open worlds in FFVIII and IX, don't remember much from X but it never bothered me so it couldn't have been that bad. I don't mind a game being linear for the sake of good presentation, and I didn't notice any linearity in most games people complain about, XIII level design however is more linear than this: ___________________




Anyway I've been taking a relax-break from Amnesia and been playing one of my old favourites, Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus. The art style of the entire game (and its predecessor) is still the best I've seen so far. Bioshock came close. But Oddworld... some of it feels like you're walking through a Beksinski or H.R.Giger painting. I mean, just look at it, I screen-shot te FeeCo train station area and put the separate screens next to each other ... would love an HD remake of the game. Whoever was working on these models/sketches, I hope he got paid well enough.



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I couldn't get into Enslaved at all and I own it. I'd also like to mention that I couldn't get into GTA either. Never played Halo Reach so I can't say anything about that.


Games I beat this year that I really enjoyed was Castlevania, Amnesia and thats it. I've tried everything else Vanquish, Enslaved, MOH, New Vegas and nothing seems to have compelled me to play. I just pirated Black Ops though and got to say even though its the same shit every game I at least have fun every game :D.


Can't wait for Crysis 2, Portal 2, Bioshock infinite, and the next elder scrolls. Those will be the games that will fill my addiction. Every other game feels like I'm a crack addict thats been given sugar, they high just ain't the same.


I'd like to give Oddworlds another try though, I played it when I was little on PS1 but I think it was just to tough for me then.

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Enslaved is another "if it was 20 I'd get it" games...


Lol if I was 20...


Funny analysis. Now that I'm 30 I got more money then I ever did when I was 20 and can buy any game I want (and usually do). It was when I was 20 and still in college that I had to choose between a years supply of ramen or a video game, cept back then I didn't even play games cuz I had a life and a girlfriend.

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I'd like to give Oddworlds another try though, I played it when I was little on PS1 but I think it was just to tough for me then.


I'm trying to get a physical PS1 copy of them at the moment, seems they have become quite rare. I'd always recommend them (the first two, not Munch's Oddysee, and I haven't played Stranger) - yeah they are 12 years old but what keeps them fresh for me is that they weren't trying to be more than they could. They were going for a 2D platform/puzzle based game and pulled it off with perfection and no compromises. The graphics are pre-rendered so there was no limit for the amount of details and animations regarding that area. And the sound design as well as music are just incredible. I love dynamic music in games, and the Oddworld programmers pulled it off so smoothly.


The first game is actually easier from a level design perspective, but really it's the harder game due to the lack of the quicksave function. Abe's Exoddus has quicksave, and would probably be impossible without it, it's still difficult enough. I think the games are in Playstation Store for 5 $, but I'm no one for buying downloads, so I keep looking for the PS1 version. I bought the games for PC a while ago, but Exoddus won't run on XP without lots of work, and then it's either missing the music or the cutscenes, which is very lame.

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Enslaved is another "if it was 20 I'd get it" games...


Lol if I was 20...


Funny analysis. Now that I'm 30 I got more money then I ever did when I was 20 and can buy any game I want (and usually do). It was when I was 20 and still in college that I had to choose between a years supply of ramen or a video game, cept back then I didn't even play games cuz I had a life and a girlfriend.


No, I meant "it" as in if Enslaved was on sale for 20USD, I'd get it...


It's been a long, long time since I was 20... and frankly I don't wanna go back!

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I just picked up Alien vs Predator in the bargain bin for only $20. Am currently playing through then marine campaign. Not bad so far.


The Sly Collection was supposed to come out today, but I can't find it anywhere. The manager said it'll be in next Tuesday. Stupid false release dates. Anyways, I can't wait to play it.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Started Oblivion.


Three hours into the play and its a bit meh...


It doesnt get any better. Looks nice, thats about it.

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