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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Enter The Void was one of the most powerful experiences i've ever had with a movie, i completely surrendered to it, and forgot about my self and company. the acting never entered my mind because i was able to get so immersed. sorry to hear you guys didn't have a similar worthwhile experience


I loved it. I was on my knees for that movie.


Towards the end I was starting to leave my own body.


Any film that evokes this feeling in me is a great one.


Gaspar is the man. :sorcerer:


I did everything I could to stare at the epilepsy-inducing scenes and it was amazing. After a while I completely forgot what I was looking at because weird pictures were forming in front of my eyes.

It was like a 3 hour drug trip.

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Jacob's Ladder 7/10 gets a bit sappy and sentimental at the end. But there was parts where I was truely scared.


A Million in the Morning: 8.5/10 In some parts its very fucking funny. It could have used more footage of him drunk, because he was fucking funny then. Looses points for being sort of boring in parts. Still worth watch because its quite short(58mins)

jacob's ladder scarred me.

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Un Prophete - 8/10


Haven't delved too much into french filmographers, but really enjoyed Audiard's style in this one. Very departure-esque but with more background in the racial aspect (i.e. rascism). Also the subtitles were a hindrance so I watched it without the subs-imo it was 10x better. Further perusing will be in the future, but for now finals! :fail:

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Un Prophete - 8/10


Haven't delved too much into french filmographers, but really enjoyed Audiard's style in this one. Very departure-esque but with more background in the racial aspect (i.e. rascism). Also the subtitles were a hindrance so I watched it without the subs-imo it was 10x better. Further perusing will be in the future, but for now finals! :fail:


Tell me about it.

I watched a French zombie movie called "La Horde" and not only was it one of the worst zombie movies I've ever watched but the subtitles were out of this world. At one point a guy gets shot and his friend (or maybe it's the guy that got shot, I can't remember) screams out something in French which according to the subtitles meant: "It's unfortunate". Now, I would think that there are better and more expressive things to say in a situation like that - but of course I've never been shot myself and I've never been near a guy who got shot... oh wait, back when I was in primary school a guy busted into our school with a gun. He was later shot in the leg by a cop outside the school. I watched it all from our music class room. Best fucking school day ever. Yeah well, anyway. Awful subtitles suck but can sometimes turn semi-good movies into fucking awesome movies.


Waiiiit for it...




Also, then there's this classic:




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Guest disparaissant

i donwloaded a dvd rip of the "backstroke of the west" version of episode 3 because it was the only way i could stomach it. better than rifftrax, i tell ya.


over the last few days i picked up the trois coleurs trilogy, the first season of community, and troll 2. really weird trifecta of things to get but i love them all.




and they're going to eat me!

oh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!


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Guest disparaissant

yeah ive been meaning to, cant find it for a reasonable price (or a "reasonable price" nudge nudge) anywhere, though.

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Guest disparaissant

i actually made a pact with a demon who is sending it to my computer right now

why i never think to check with demons is beyond me.

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Best pig scene in any film ever. With the wee boy from "Gentle Ben". Not new to me, just watched it again the other night

that's all.




Best teeth in any film ever.

The trailer does this no justice, the Synapse R1 DVD is a stunning print.


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enter the void - this felt life changing. i don't know why, but it was incredibly effective.


Was for me as well, but I think I know why....


primordial and archetypal are two words that come to mind,


other than that my interpretation shall remain mine for awhile,


a very personal experience...


need to see it a few more times...

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The social Network 7/10 quite an interesting look at how facebook came about, but its riding on the coattails of facebooks success, if this film were made when Mark Zuckerberg had died in XX years time, i doubt anyone would care

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Guest Fishtank

Dead Awake 2/10

Lame plot, weak acting and some downright cheesy dialog. If you thought After.life was bad avoid this one for sure.

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enter the void - this felt life changing. i don't know why, but it was incredibly effective.


Was for me as well, but I think I know why....


primordial and archetypal are two words that come to mind,


other than that my interpretation shall remain mine for awhile,


a very personal experience...


need to see it a few more times...


it's an incredible movie. life affirming even. i have no desire to talk about it in any critical terms. it actually reminded me of a much, much darker, live action version of mindgame. but yeah, hands down one of the most affecting films i've seen.

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