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Venetian Snares - My So-Called Life

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But doesn't he write ALL of his tracks in a day or two each? He has about 30 albums...


I mean I like many of his tracks, but I thought a year without releasing an album would mean that his new album would be a bit more labored over, by his standards. Because I think we'd all like to hear what it would sound like if Aaron Funk meticulously crafted an epic album.


Well, it can be a very time-consuming process, but it does come easily to me, so I don't notice the time at all while I'm at it," he says. "I love the process — I could be there perfecting 30 seconds of music for seven hours, but my perception of time almost comes to a standstill until I get the result I'm after. It's like an infinite moment, and I think the pace of my music lends itself to slowing down time in general — so many movements and sounds can happen in two seconds that it tricks the mind.


Maybe that (Source)? I really can't imagine Cavalcade, HCCBU, nor Winter in the Belly of a Snake being thrown together. I can definitely see it with this album and Detrimentalist, partially Chocolate Wheelchair.


I guess the novelty of Vsnares has just worn off on me.

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Guest tonfarben

Maybe he is judging from the snippets, as do I. I will buy it, cuz I like it! :)


the punani track is so funny! :)


HeMan and Skeletor in your punani!

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone else heard about that project he's working on with John Frusciante?, I remember seeing some pics of them together in a room surrounded by gear.. and it was said they were doing a project together, wich IMO would probably be awesome

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Anyone else heard about that project he's working on with John Frusciante?, I remember seeing some pics of them together in a room surrounded by gear.. and it was said they were doing a project together, wich IMO would probably be awesome


This was meant to premiere at the bangface weekender in 2009 but they had some tech problems the night before so ceephax stepped in to save the day with a fucking awesome banger of a set. He played 3 times that weekend, good man! Snares solo set on the friday night was top dollar though.


Not heard anything about it since unfortunately.

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Anyone else heard about that project he's working on with John Frusciante?, I remember seeing some pics of them together in a room surrounded by gear.. and it was said they were doing a project together, wich IMO would probably be awesome

cEvin Key of Skinny Puppy/Download/etc. was also involved in this recording session. Maybe one or two other people.

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I'm really liking the self-titled track, it reminds me of how My Downfall I didn't like in general but it has Integraation, both of those tracks feel ANTHEMIC to me in a way that no tracks on Rossz had, even Szamao Mordor Billie Holliday etc. Integraation and So-called both I dunno, maybe they feel complete instead of take a minute of actual music and make it more chaotic over 5 minutes

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Hardly read any of the last 6 pages, but looks like he changed the title at the last minute (just downloaded it from Mu).


What's the title?



I'm really liking the self-titled track, it reminds me of how My Downfall I didn't like in general but it has Integraation, both of those tracks feel ANTHEMIC to me in a way that no tracks on Rossz had, even Szamao Mordor Billie Holliday etc. Integraation and So-called both I dunno, maybe they feel complete instead of take a minute of actual music and make it more chaotic over 5 minutes


Rossz is overrated and My Downfall is underrated I think. My Half is my favourite from My Downfall. Sounds like it's trying to tear itself apart, it's a rush of emotion. A lot of the music sampled for Rossz are probably it's most outstanding moments, gives if a weight and flavour his other releases don't have, but the breakcore on My Half/The Hopeless Pursuit of Remission i find more satisfying, more direct, honest, emotional.



I'm waiting for a leak. :closedeyes:

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