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Guest happycase

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i keep having dreams that i'm not wearing a shirt and or wearing short shorts and i'm in public and feel really self concious...

also pretty much every dream i have been having i'm at school and i'm failing/ can't get my shit together

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest futuregirlfriend

If I got into a sort of half-squat skiing position while wearing my wellingtons I could rocket across road surfaces. I remember slaloming down San Francisco-like hills, feet getting hot as the soles were worn away. Really exciting during the dream.

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the other day my dream featured a payphone that dispensed really thin joints for only a quarter. useful, but, i was trying to phone someone


i keep having these dreams where i try to speak but everything that comes out is nearly unrecognizable, extremely slurred speech, as if i were actually trying to speak from my sleeping mouth.

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got chased by a car in a park that was trying to run me over. I jumped on his engine hood as he was pushing towards me and that stupified the attacker. I then smashed him and his car to pieces with a crowbar.


After that I had a lucid part, where I was in my new appartement and my parents were living in the floor above. The apartement had one room that was haunted or dangerous so we sent a group of warrior cooks in to clean up. One of them was my previous attacker, walking past me he congratulated me on how badly I fractured his jaw earlier. (he showed no signs of injury)

They were done incredibly fast and marched out again. I then watched the hallway and saw a huge crowd of people gathering and pushing towards me. Watching that terrified me, but I did not run away and faced them to find myself staring at one old lady who clearly was seconds away of choking me and then tearing me apart with the rest of the crowd. They did not come in so I turned around and walked back in to my room.

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Dreamt that I went to put on coffee, but instead of making it I just put a spoonful of coffee grinds in my mouth. When I realized my mistake I still wanted a cup but was concerned I'd be too caffeinated.

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I was placed into a tiny room, where I was forced to tell my deepest secrets to strangers with electrodes, and then I was forced to run around this illuminated monolith for hours [artists rendition]




if we stopped running we had to report to a room where our "oiliness" was checked

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Guest disparaissant

had a suit that let me fly. i was running from someone in a skyscraper and i jumped out the window and flew away. next thing i knew i was having sex with my girlfriend. weirdness.

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Guest disparaissant

i had a dream where zooey deschanel would break into strangers' hotel rooms and start whacky conversations with them.


also i was some kind of artist


it's basically the least weird dream i have had in a long time.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

I was placed into a tiny room, where I was forced to tell my deepest secrets to strangers with electrodes, and then I was forced to run around this illuminated monolith for hours


[artists rendition]


if we stopped running we had to report to a room where our "oiliness" was checked


I like it.


To my horror and very much against my will, my engorged glans transformed into a fleshy satellite dish about, not bragging, 60cm in diameter.

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Had quite a strange dream a few nights back. I was in bed and suddenly had the urge to pee. I hustle over to the bathroom and begin to tremble as I have to pee so badly. I unzip and it becomes unbearable, the thought of release is so close my feet begin to dance in anticipation. I go to take him out and pull out about a foot’s worth of slack. I took down at the Dirk Diggler lookalike shaft in amazement. I tug again and pull out an arm’s length of dick slack. I pull yet again and it's another arm’s length, no head in site. I begin to cower in pain. I pull and pull and pull but the shaft is endless. I eventually succumb to the dilemma and just piss my pants.

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damnit where'd this dreams topic come from I'm reposting


I had some dream about Massive Attack I guess and they were leading me through all these hallways of some random nondescript building that was all mazelike and seemingly endless, I guess to meet some cool Massive Attack people or the oracle from the matrix or something, but then it turned into some meeting of the idm superstars/justice league of idm and everyone was there I guess besides Aaron Funk who I guess couldn't make it from the frozen wastes of Winnipeg so he communicated through a giant Game Boy Camera (!) which sounds like a very Aaron Funk thing to do. Then I had like 3 false wake-ups which was annoying because I wanted to write down something about the dream I had but I kept writing dream notes that obviously disappeared when I woke up. Also our house was different

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I was in a donut shop at night and looking to buy a donut. Every donut there was $53.27, granted they were a bit bigger than your average donut. Not much more to say about this dream but it just made me really uncomfortable thinking about spending that much on a donut

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Guest RadarJammer

Last night I dreamed I was in the FBI. Me and my partner were hunting down an armed and dangerous criminal in some crowded office building but I got confused/disoriented and just started shooting anyone in my line of site. The cops caught up with me for going on the totally unintended accidental killing spree and I lay down on the ground and surrendered and woke up.


I have a theory that sometimes my brain conjures up a weird dream like that as a smooth transition into waking up for the purpose of peeing. Almost every nightmare or bad dream I wake up from I have to pee pretty good.

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I was in a donut shop at night and looking to buy a donut. Every donut there was $53.27, granted they were a bit bigger than your average donut. Not much more to say about this dream but it just made me really uncomfortable thinking about spending that much on a donut

futuristic dream. i think i posted the similar one i had with fruit that cost like £100 (can't remember how much really) and it was only sold in 5-a-day selection bags or something.

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A while ago I had a dream in the form of a documentary. It was about Rob and Sean of Autechre and the guy they'd been looking after for years. He was a blind guy from their neighborhood. The documentary was like the usual rough around the edges type of thing that you'd usually get on BBC2 or Ch4. It showed them chatting to him and winding him up in an unpretentious manner and also sleeping top and tails with him when they stayed at his place.

In one scene the blind guy started to act up and get all egotistical and they had to talk him down and calm him. there was another scene where they went to a party in the late Dean Martin's house and they were sitting around in Dean Martin's 'sound room'.

They were talking about how great he was at making mix tapes and they were listening to one at the time. At one point the tape fizzled out and went into a slowed down version of Je'taime, much to everyones chargrin. Just as they all looked like they were losing their patience, the tape immediately cut to some kind electro/hiphop. Rob and Sean started laughing and saying "That Dean Martin, He was such a joker!"

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Had quite a strange dream a few nights back. I was in bed and suddenly had the urge to pee. I hustle over to the bathroom and begin to tremble as I have to pee so badly. I unzip and it becomes unbearable, the thought of release is so close my feet begin to dance in anticipation. I go to take him out and pull out about a foot’s worth of slack. I took down at the Dirk Diggler lookalike shaft in amazement. I tug again and pull out an arm’s length of dick slack. I pull yet again and it's another arm’s length, no head in site. I begin to cower in pain. I pull and pull and pull but the shaft is endless. I eventually succumb to the dilemma and just piss my pants.


lol, awesome.

This thread's finally picking up some momentum. I unfortunately don't have anything new to contribute at the moment.

Carry on.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest futuregirlfriend

Chewing gum pulled out what seemed to be a filling from a bottom molar. Upon closer inspection my partner reckoned it to be a listening device. We soon found ourselves in a dentist's examination room where I paced around waiting for the other TWO patients to be treated. One patient had left some cooked hamburger meat on a stainless steel medical tray to his side. I took a bite out of it and he chased me around one of the chairs. I gargled some green dentist juice to wash my mouth out and then spat sleepdrool over my face and pillow waking myself up.

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  • 2 months later...

I am about to eat dinner with my family, I go out onto the balcony, it is a warm summer evening. suddenly I notice a large insect flying my way. I realize it is not an insect, but a robot drone disguised as an insect. It starts to attack me and tries to inject me with some kind of needle. I manage to grab ahold of it and tear it apart. Immediately in the sky I see huge government airships emerge from the clouds, they are projecting green lasers everywhere and sounding a siren. I say "FUCK YOU GOVERNMENT!" and go back inside and commence eating dinner. A man in body armor and a jetpack lands on my porch and takes off his helmet, walks inside. he is an older fellow with white hair and mustache...he looks like this:


He tells me he wants to show me these secret, next gen gov't weapons, they are chunky, ominous laser weapons. He says he wants to teach me how to use them. I agree, but instead of that he goes into my backyard and starts shooting at me, I take cover. He uses some kind of projectile weapon to blow up parts of my house. I grab a white towel and start flapping it around to try and get him to stop. But he doesn't, keeps destroying the house...then I wake up.

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I had one the other day which was me being outside an old Ovaltine building near where I live. There was a big music festival and the sun was shining bright. There was a gathering of hippie types. I was aimlessly walking around. That's all I remember.


Here is the irl building:


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I dreamed I was being trained to learn how to 'mountainbike' by two Americans.

In this case the mountainbiking involved going round on a pretty short but very muddy track with lots of sharp turns, you were allowed to kick other contestants as well as try to push/pull them over to either get them out of the game entirely or at least slow them down considerably.

It didn't go well at first because it seemed almost impossible to peddle as everything was way too heavy and there was too much mud but somewhere during the second round I figured out my speed wasn't that important, it was much more important to focus on getting rid of the others.


I've know idea why it was significant that it were Americans training me, they just very obviously were.

Edited by ussr
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