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Strange Pictures Thread


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i sense you're eager to talk about it


is it about dichotomy?



i rode my bike to school today to fix up an essay about how i perceive myself as a teacher (i'm on the fast-track to become one: the country needs male educators and i heeded the call). while i passed the gymnasium that was on the way i saw a black crow sitting on a sculpture that's on the side of the school. don't know what to make of that. a lot of stuff has been coming together in the past few weeks. like i'm zoning into something which i can't explain but thoroughly understand nevertheless


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A Venezuelan fan of extreme body art is slowly transforming himself into Marvel comic book villain Red Skull, the character portrayed by Hugo Weaving in 2011 superhero epic Captain America: The First Avenger.

Henry Damon, 37, of Caracas, has already had part of his nose removed and subdermal implants placed in his forehead in order to resemble the leader of fictional Nazi terrorist organisation Hydra. He has also tattooed his eyeballs black and undergone substantial red and black face tattoos.

“He has loved comic books since he was a kid and always dreamed of being Red Skull, but never got round to doing it,” Damon’s friend Pablo Hernandez told the Daily Mail. The fan’s surgeon, who revealed his client now referred to himself only as Red Skull, said the married father underwent extensive psychological and physical tests to ensure he was ready for the surgery.

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