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Guest Gary C

What the fuck sort of strange bottle is Coors coming in nowadays?




Americans really can't do beer (or lager) properly.

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wow, that Damon Lindelof interview was very inspiring. Even though i hate LOST i can't help but have huge admiration and respect for this guy. I want to hate him, i really do, but i can't.

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Guest zaphod

Who cares what lame product tie-ins the studio does? It's not like it will change the movie in any way.


seriously. didn't anyone read the original shooting script for alien? where john hurt starts going into convulsions and yaphet kotto hands him a tablet of tums, winks at the camera and the movie ends?

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What the fuck sort of strange bottle is Coors coming in nowadays?




Americans really can't do beer (or lager) properly.


Oh Christ, not that again. Macrobrew bullshit light lagers != American beers. Macrobrew bullshit light lagers do = all you're going to see in TV advertisements.


There are amazing microbreweries in the U.S., and they're cranking out craft beers that easily rival those of any region in the world.


The craft brew culture in the U.S. is strong and vibrant despite the huge barriers to market entry that Coors/Anheuser-Busch/Miller have erected.


Please try one of the "American" beers on this list and kindly stfu http://beeradvocate.com/lists/popular

Edited by baph
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Macrobrew bullshit light lagers != American beers.

oh come on, gary c either meant it as a joke. guinness sucks dick btw


edit: what i meant to say was i'm glad i haven't read any spoilers for the past month or so

Edited by KY
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Macrobrew bullshit light lagers != American beers.

oh come on, gary c either meant it as a joke. guinness sucks dick btw


edit: what i meant to say was i'm glad i haven't read any spoilers for the past month or so


I know he's probably joking but if I don't start an off topic argument I'm going to end up reading/watching some fucking spoilers in here

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

LOL, that was one hell of a serious beer fight. You yankers are wrong though, America is exactly and only how I see it from screens. Everything in America is bloody trash mates.

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wow, that Damon Lindelof interview was very inspiring. Even though i hate LOST i can't help but have huge admiration and respect for this guy. I want to hate him, i really do, but i can't.


kind of my thoughts as well. he's got conviction, at least. and his ego can't be TOO inflated to have those kind of discussions about Lost. i generally disliked the show...it had it's moments, but overall it was just over the top. whatever though, he's got skills with making things tie in and remain interesting. Prometheus should be good no matter what. like Lindelof says, this is Ridley Scott's project. i don't think he'd ruin this.

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My dick is so hard for this movie. I think it might satisfy my constant craving for Blade Runner.

Edited by AdieuErsatzEnnui
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i find it funny that he compared he made it sound like LOST ended somehow stronger than x-files though.


I mean maybe he's technically correct, that LOST went on for a shorter time so was a tighter show in some regards, but LOST got no where even close to the creativity and acting quality in the X-files. LOST did a wonderful job cultivating mystery and suspense but the actual payoff was weak. With x-files there wasn't really a 'hard' payoff so to speak, it just kind of fizzles out and by the time they do end it you just dont even care.


for me the x-files ended on the last episode of Season 7


it should have ended there too, just as elegantly as TNG did, returning to the very first episode of the show going full circle

Edited by Awepittance
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also, this interview is interesting. an hour with Damon Lindelof about Prometheus, Lost, and a little about Avengers/other shit. http://www.theverge....rge-episode-006


Hm, that was a pretty great interview! Although I have no idea how talented he is. Sounds like he wrote the viral TED talk, which I thought was a bit...obvious. Never watched lost.


it should have ended there too, just as elegantly as TNG did, returning to the very first episode of the show going full circle

this is very true! For some reason I never saw the finale for TNG when it originally aired, but I just watched the entire series recently from start to finish, and was very, very impressed by the last episode.

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i find it funny that he compared he made it sound like LOST ended somehow stronger than x-files though.


I mean maybe he's technically correct, that LOST went on for a shorter time so was a tighter show in some regards, but LOST got no where even close to the creativity and acting quality in the X-files. LOST did a wonderful job cultivating mystery and suspense but the actual payoff was weak. With x-files there wasn't really a 'hard' payoff so to speak, it just kind of fizzles out and by the time they do end it you just dont even care.


for me the x-files ended on the last episode of Season 7


it should have ended there too, just as elegantly as TNG did, returning to the very first episode of the show going full circle


yeah, i'm a pretty big X-Files fan too...and i agree that the end kind of fizzled out. certainly wasn't as revelatory and epic as the finale of Lost; Carter or Manners said in one of the commentaries that the reveal in season 6 (i think?) was kind of like an ending in a way...and i agree. there was that reveal of truth they'd been digging for for years, then another 3 and a half seasons of that not being enough truth? just odd, and not very interesting....


the last two seasons of X-Files are good in places, like plenty of other seasons, but i really think they should've taken it even farther away from the conspiracies presented and partially resolved with Mulder/Scully. those two characters ran their course (Skinner as well) and should've been abandoned and a whole other perspective taken with Doggett and Reyes. but the series is very over, doubt there'll even be another movie at this point. let's just hope there's more interesting sci-fi television to get produced in the coming years that takes influence from the good aspects of X-Files, Lost, TNG, and all the other shows/movies of the genre. there's so much room for exploration and stories, yet sci-fi is dwindling on TV. doesn't make sense to me.

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That interview to me just confirmed my notion that Damon Lindelof doesn't value a good, tight, clever, well written story in which every element adds up to make the whole greater than the sum of the parts. Seems to me like he only thinks in terms of 'payoff' feelings, which i guess is valid, but is a notion I don't really value. When I think of a great book/film/tvshow/story/whatever I don't think about the story that gave me the longest streak of good 'payoffs'.


I mean, all that discussion about ambiguity and how to resolve questions only makes sense if the soution to the problem complements the story and what it was meant to do, sure, if you see it as merely as how to get the best emotional response then his points are relevant but still seems to me a bit cheap and 'cheaty' to only think in those terms.


IMO Ambiguity should be there only when the point is to make people think, not just because you think expressing your own intent will deny people the possibility of wondering about things. Seems like an easy way out to me. In the same way, the problem with explaining everything in detail is not that it strips the story of something but that if it's needed it's because you did something wrong from the start.

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Movie looks awesome.


A quick question for ye experts : i haven't watch any of the alien movies, should i watch them before Prometheus? I'm afraid the movie will have references to the aliens movies and i won't enjoy it as much as someone that has watched aliens.


(I'm aware the movie is not out yet but maybe the director said something on an interview that would make you assume Prometheus will be full of Alien references)

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probably just the first one, alien.


This. And not just because it's a good movie with a relation to the story, but also because it will be the definite reference to which Prometheus will be measured. IMO, a big part of whether Prometheus will be a success (in a non-financial sense), will depend on how good it fares with respect to Alien.

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Guest sirch

this looks awesome. i don't go to the cinema very often because they're so uncomfortable i just want to leave after an hour usually.

s'why i only ever go when there's something on that's worth watching and sitting there like sardines in a tin for 3 hours. like this.

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