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James Cameron is getting so much more IDM these days. First solo mission to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, advisor for an asteroid mining company.


Started out making sci-fi movies, ended up making sci-fi actually happen.

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I always get this feeling when watching Cameron interviews that he probably had a pretty profound experience with acid when he was younger. Has he ever admitted to such?


Doesn't acid usually make you not have the world's most gigantic ego?




I'm guessing he just likes himself so much that he's constantly flooding his neural pathways with endorphins.

Edited by baph
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Yeah, I bet Cameron loves the Cocaine, not acid.


Shit, he has definitely done acid at some point. He loves space way too much to not have.


Most astronauts have partaken of acid.




oh yeah and it looks like rubbish.



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Guest zaphod

He's wearing a north face coat. This is clearly IDM movie of the year.


come to dc. every douche and his girlfriend in ugg boots wears a north face jacket and i can assure you they aren't idm.

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He's wearing a north face coat. This is clearly IDM movie of the year.


come to dc. every douche and his girlfriend in ugg boots wears a north face jacket and i can assure you they aren't idm.


lol, same here, over the pond.

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