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Can we take a moment to reflect on just how truly awesome it was for such a significant amount of practical effects to be used in this film?


I'm so impressed with Ridley and the production staff for their reliance on puppets, robots and costumes. I can't remember the last time I saw such a usage of practical creature effects. I really can't. It all looked amazing, too.


Is it cost prohibitive to do practical creature effects today? I just can't imagine it being more expensive than hiring an entire company of computer animators to slave away for a year.


the last men in black movie had quite a bit, i didnt see it just a making of


I swear, this movie is mocking fanboys. Like, to the point where it literally has an alien stick its tongue out at the end. This is Ridley having a go at people who take this shit so seriously.


We are Holloway. We're the ones who looked for the origin to Alien and are now being all upset about it. Ridley's saying it doesn't matter - it's all fake bs anyway, similar to religion.




that's interesting because i was actually miffed because i went in taking seriously Ridley's statement that this 'has little to do with alien' when it seemed like a poorly done homage that was inferior to the Alien trilogy by a long shot, and in fact spoiled the mystery of what made the original alien trilogy so good


it's also fascinating to watch people bend over backwards making excuses for a poorly executed film.


it makes the 5th element look like a Kubrick picture

Edited by Awepittance
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-Vickers is not an android, plain and simple, it was a pick up line from the captain, to prove it further they have sex.


well that was Ridley scott forgetting how to hint something to the audience, having a character ask it was probably required once you hit the 200 million mark. beyond that there were at least 3 other not so hidden hints she was a robot.

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The flute + the control-buttons, the wtf holograms activated for what cause (and david interacting with it...), the occasional fifield zombie, the lack of use of the life engineering-(intro)-theory, the cutting, rapace's english/character malplacement , the size of the creators, showing armageddon good-bye lines between characters I could not care less about, rapace's alien extraction scene (the lol-fix stitching up and how she runs away straight afterwards, just wow)... Not hating, just giving it a 5/10. Sorry Riddeleye, tho the intro and kind of the first 20 mins was close to epic.


oh, shaw's religious thing too. why oh why. Left the cinema with a feeling they rushed the "final" product.


the flute/control buttons?

the holograms I thought was just a security feed, like security cameras but more advanced. playing back the last activity in the area


hard to follow your other complaints as they are vague or confusing to me. sorry you didn't like it. Not sure why Shaw's religious thing is odd, she isn't a creationist, her faith had to deal with forming her character as an optimist.

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Guest zaphod

haven't seen the film but my guess is that lindelof is mostly to blame. ridley needs a good writer. has anyone read the original alien screenplay called star beast? it's terrible. walter hill is the reason that movie is watchable. of course o'bannon credits giger for the film's success. ridley is getting up there in years and i'm sure he's realizing that his only real success has been with genre pictures so he's frantically trying to salvage his career. it just looks like a confused, needlessly complicated film where alien was economical and effective, at least at the time. in a way, i feel anything the lost guys have been involved with kind of mocks the audience it claims to placate with the contempt of advertising for a demographic. ridley constantly saying that he's working for the studio here is almost sad, like he's trying to publicly tell himself that it's ok to sell out his own ambitions as an artist.

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hard to follow your other complaints as they are vague or confusing to me. sorry you didn't like it.


are you sure you really liked it? Each subsequent post you make about it tells me that it's a sensitive issue for you, as if you're almost on the verge of disliking it as each new flaw gets pointed out to you

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I've already given my review (was decent film), engaging over plot holes is a pretty pointless exercise I will give you that and I've already conceded that there are many. However I can disagree with extremities that I find odd. Like comparing this film to the Phantom Menace.

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Guest Mirezzi

ridley constantly saying that he's working for the studio here is almost sad, like he's trying to publicly tell himself that it's ok to sell out his own ambitions as an artist.


Ridley ends as he began: making really expensive high concept ads.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

This film had a lot of flaws yes, the characters were not very interesting, it probably would have been much better without Damon Lindelof fucking with the writing, but it was a highly entertaining experience. My hats off to Ridley Scott, he should have known the writing needed work but visually the film was really engaging for me. Some of the confusions that Red Letter Media had, while funny, were pretty ridiculous and explainable.


I pity anyone who was not able to enjoy this movie.


Every time there's European women in movies I realize I would much rather put a ring on a nice foreign girl than an American chick.

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Visually delicious, intellectually shallow. Frustratingly dumb at times. It was a good time at the movies, and it had a penis/twat/deepthroat snake as a cherry on top. All my criticisms have been stated so far in this thread, but while watching this, it really got me wondering: What's the point of dumbing something down when it already has a built in audience? It already has more than enough ingredients to please the less thoughtful movie-goers, why make the entire movie less thoughtful than it should be? It's like people saying "I didn't get it" is the most negative buzz a movie can receive. It's as if weak writing that pleases no one is more valuable than strong writing that alienates the lowest common denominator. God dammit.

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But to be fair, that's been Ridley all along, no? GI Jane: women can be buff too. Thelma and Louise: men can really suck, you know? Black Hawk Down: Soldiers can be heroes, if you ignore context! I think Body of Lies is one of his more subtle films, and it can still easily be boiled down to: Arabs are people too. Visually Ridley has always had a knack for beauty and subtlety, but "message wise", mm, not really. I think Blade Runner (and to a lesser extent Alien) were sort of flukes...

Edited by lumpenprol
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K. Here's my theory on Promotheus 2. The Space jockey is GOD, the creator. The engineers are his workers. EPIC ENDING when Naomi Rapace faces the ultimate dillemma and kills god to prevent the extinction of humanity. Probably with the help of an alien / fachugger. BEST FILM EVER.

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obviously Ridley Scott is going to tie in Bladerunner with Alien-verse in his Prometheus Sequel, David and Decker will meet on space Jockey plant, guaranteed box office success, cgi Harrison Ford

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Guest Backson

I enjoyed this film in much the same way that I think a lot of you guys did; it was decent high budget sci-fi that sparked my imagination in many places, but made itself a lot more interesting and rewatchable because of all the subtext and homages he laced it with. The characters were a bit stiff but David was awesome in an understated way.


Also, why the strong negative reaction? I mean, you knew what you were in for right from the announcement right? But instead of a turd you got a slick, run of the mill sci-fi that doesn't fuck with the canon too badly. It was pretty tame and quite well made.

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obviously Ridley Scott is going to tie in Bladerunner with Alien-verse in his Prometheus Sequel, David and Decker will meet on space Jockey plant, guaranteed box office success, cgi Harrison Ford


hannibal lecter makes a cameo as a murderous replicant who eats other replicants. he was being shipped to an ultrareligious prison planet under the supervision of deckard before their ship fell into a wormhole and crashed onto the space jockey planet. when they meet up with shaw, there is tension with david, who thinks hannibal wants to eat him. this occurs through a series of witty scenes as the four survivors wander through the barren alien landscape, looking for the space jockey city. once they reach the city, they find out that the space jockeys want to wipe out humans because they think humans are genetically programmed to be violent killing machines and the jockeys are afraid of humans turning against their creators. after learning this, the humans and replicants go on the run in a dramatic chase scene with plenty of obstacles and close-calls.


with a bit of bad luck, hannibal gets infected with black goo and turns into a cannibalistic alien-cyborg, becoming the only hope for the humanity's survival as the space jockeys' weakness is the alien lifeform, as seen in prometheus when their only weakness is the alien lifeform. however, david's new found emotions and "soul" (which are revealed in a touching scene in the desert where he has a heart-to-heart with shaw about her faith) make him unable to trust hannibal and he betrays the humans to the jockeys for their own good, acting like a judas figure (or maybe he's just a secret asshole).


the jockeys transform david into another alien-cyborg and he fights hannibal on the top of the space ship that shaw and deckard have somehow commandeered in order to return to earth. all through out the movie, a romance has bloomed between shaw and deckard and we see the culmination of this as deckard must go outside the space ship to activate the relay that allows them to safely navigate the wormhole back to earth. deckard leaves the ship in an emotional moment with shaw, saying "i'll be back." cut to the outside of the ship, where hannibal has thrown david off the ship and deckard goes to comfort him as he dies where we learn hannibal has learned the true value of friendship through his time with deckard. suddenly, david climbs back to the top of the ship and deckard must fix the relay antenna before it is too late, while dodging attacks from the violent cyborg. as deckard runs away, hannibal uses his last bit of strength to fling himself off the ship with david.


deckard fixes the relay and goes back into the ship, reuniting with shaw in a display of passion. as they set course for the wormhole, they find out they have a stowaway--the black goo has fused hannibal and david's corpses to make a super-uber-alien. this forces deckard to open the airlock to get rid of the super alien, however he is also pulled out of the ship and only shaw's grasp is holding him onto the ship. she shouts, "i'll never let go!" and deckard says, "i know." he lets go and hits the "close airlock" button conveniently placed near end of the airlock and it saves shaw.


the movie ends with shaw in stasis and the pod showing that there are two occupants....... it appears her abortion didn't work as well as she thought, setting up the sequel prom3th3us.

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K. Here's my theory on Promotheus 2. The Space jockey is GOD, the creator. The engineers are his workers. EPIC ENDING when Naomi Rapace faces the ultimate dillemma and kills god to prevent the extinction of humanity. Probably with the help of an alien / fachugger. BEST FILM EVER.


That is a good theory, bit like how the alien queen is twice the size of the others, so could the God engineer.

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obviously Ridley Scott is going to tie in Bladerunner with Alien-verse in his Prometheus Sequel, David and Decker will meet on space Jockey plant, guaranteed box office success, cgi Harrison Ford


hannibal lecter makes a cameo as a murderous replicant who eats other replicants. he was being shipped to an ultrareligious prison planet under the supervision of deckard before their ship fell into a wormhole and crashed onto the space jockey planet. when they meet up with shaw, there is tension with david, who thinks hannibal wants to eat him. this occurs through a series of witty scenes as the four survivors wander through the barren alien landscape, looking for the space jockey city. once they reach the city, they find out that the space jockeys want to wipe out humans because they think humans are genetically programmed to be violent killing machines and the jockeys are afraid of humans turning against their creators. after learning this, the humans and replicants go on the run in a dramatic chase scene with plenty of obstacles and close-calls.


with a bit of bad luck, hannibal gets infected with black goo and turns into a cannibalistic alien-cyborg, becoming the only hope for the humanity's survival as the space jockeys' weakness is the alien lifeform, as seen in prometheus when their only weakness is the alien lifeform. however, david's new found emotions and "soul" (which are revealed in a touching scene in the desert where he has a heart-to-heart with shaw about her faith) make him unable to trust hannibal and he betrays the humans to the jockeys for their own good, acting like a judas figure (or maybe he's just a secret asshole).


the jockeys transform david into another alien-cyborg and he fights hannibal on the top of the space ship that shaw and deckard have somehow commandeered in order to return to earth. all through out the movie, a romance has bloomed between shaw and deckard and we see the culmination of this as deckard must go outside the space ship to activate the relay that allows them to safely navigate the wormhole back to earth. deckard leaves the ship in an emotional moment with shaw, saying "i'll be back." cut to the outside of the ship, where hannibal has thrown david off the ship and deckard goes to comfort him as he dies where we learn hannibal has learned the true value of friendship through his time with deckard. suddenly, david climbs back to the top of the ship and deckard must fix the relay antenna before it is too late, while dodging attacks from the violent cyborg. as deckard runs away, hannibal uses his last bit of strength to fling himself off the ship with david.


deckard fixes the relay and goes back into the ship, reuniting with shaw in a display of passion. as they set course for the wormhole, they find out they have a stowaway--the black goo has fused hannibal and david's corpses to make a super-uber-alien. this forces deckard to open the airlock to get rid of the super alien, however he is also pulled out of the ship and only shaw's grasp is holding him onto the ship. she shouts, "i'll never let go!" and deckard says, "i know." he lets go and hits the "close airlock" button conveniently placed near end of the airlock and it saves shaw.


the movie ends with shaw in stasis and the pod showing that there are two occupants....... it appears her abortion didn't work as well as she thought, setting up the sequel prom3th3us.


holy LOL

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obviously Ridley Scott is going to tie in Bladerunner with Alien-verse in his Prometheus Sequel, David and Decker will meet on space Jockey plant, guaranteed box office success, cgi Harrison Ford


nah fuck that. stop motion/animatronic harrison ford FTW

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Possible theory


Why didn't the engineers create the humans just to impregnate them with bio weapons? Seems more plausible to me. Earth is like a meat factory, full of hosts for their millions of weaponized eggs. A perfect planet to cultivate a massive army of aliens. So their intent wasn't to wipe out the humans, but rather use them to hatch their weapons. There's little logic in them just creating humans to only kill them all for no reason.
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they created humans and all was good but then we did something that really pissed them off (probably the crucifixion of jesus) and they thought we'd gone out of control so regretfully decided to exterminate everybody and start again.

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What about evolution, did they plan all that too?


Or did they just kinda teach us to become more human and like to them. Probably not, because they're too similar in shape.


Weird. Or was it they evolved on earth before, went to outer space and came back to hassle homo sapiens. Are they ramapithecus?

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