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a team of explorers from an alternative future earth made up entirely of bill murrays travels to a distant world populated by muscular albino bill murrays. When they disturb the sacred murraygoo it spawns a foul beast that eventually becomes Garfield the movie

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a team of explorers from an alternative future earth made up entirely of bill murrays travels to a distant world populated by muscular albino bill murrays. When they disturb the sacred murraygoo it spawns a foul beast that eventually becomes Garfield the movie



rawcous lols


He would appear from black goo.


Can someone shop that?





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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard




would it be PROMURRAYEUS?


i think we need a bill murray thread. because i want to discuss his best films and why you all don't agree with me that it is groundhog day

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I love Bill Murray. :smile:













this was found after an insane hail storm here in Dallas by a friend that had just seen Prometheus as well. Looks just like the Black goo worm snakes.



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Has no-one speculated that the whole thing is David's dream yet?

If that was Scott's intent it would be hilarious, I can see him re-hashing Blade Runner's twist in a vain attempt to recapture his glory days

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I'm not sure why everyone loves Noomi in this film. I thought she was passable, but nothing special really.

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Guest couch

Finally saw this last night. Managed to keep myself from looking at any articles or media related to it prior. Basically when those first trailers came out earlier this year I watched them and decided to avoid anything else about the movie.


My thoughts.


It seems like David has prior knowledge of what they are dealing with. And I feel like the expedition could have been more controlled had everybody adopted a "look but don't touch" rule. David messing with everything in the ship bugged me in the way that, having a passenger in my car pressing all the buttons on the console, window, seat, annoys me. But I'm ocd about that so I don't hold it against the film.


Run sideways from the crashing ship dumb asses. And I wanted to see a flattened body of Vickers.


The alien birth at the end was too campy for me. We didn't need the blatant connection to Alien like that. But the spaghetti monster was pretty cool. I was wondering what sort of mutations spawned from that big pile of engineers.


Can't figure out where the little worms (before they mutated) came from. Were they indigenous? I suppose it doesn't matter.


How did the engineers body not decompose after 2000 years of being dead. I guess their bodies are pure or something.


Don't really get why it's head blew up. Must have missed some key dialogue that explains it a bit more.


Was expecting an awesome soundtrack. Thinking back, I can't remember any of the music. : /



I don't intend to knock the movie down. Overall I really liked it and I think it lived up to the hype.

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"Cap'n, there's something alive down there. Our radar is blinking, and... oh wait, it disappeared. Probably nothing."


- How Not to Survive on a Newly Discovered with Alien Architecture and things Beeping on your Radar



EDIT: Sorry, I'm just being an asshole now because what I just said can be said about pretty much every horror movie.

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i dunno, just seems like really amateur writing to me. sure, thinking it's a glitch could be a totally believable scenario in a good writer's hands. but the way it was portrayed just seemed completely ridiculous. they just got to this planet a few hours ago ffs. and now two dudes are lost in an alien cave while a super alien storm rages outside but they've got just one guy monitoring them and he's getting pissed and playing music and then after he sees indication that a life form is in the cave he's just like "nah, gotta be a glitch" and then bangs charlize theron??? i mean, yeah, that's what i would do but that's why i'm not a fucking captain of intergalactic spaceship destined for alien planets.

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Guest Mirezzi

I keep reading comparisons to Boyle's truly unwatchable Sunshine.


That film suffered the same narrative problems with the intelligence level of its characters.


"I studied astro physics for 12 years and competed with thousands of talented astronauts to join this crew."


Ten minutes later...


"Oops, I forgot to turn on the forward thrusters. We're fucked. lol."

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