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pics you took that you're pleased with


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Suffocate Peon - I'm sorry for my poor choice of word with 'barrage'. I never meant any negative connotation, quite the contrary actually.


It really disheartens me to read that you have been getting shit from internet expert pro photographers who seem to like to spend most of their time spouting negativity in online forums rather than getting out there to shoot.


Everyone who has posted in this thread has a great eye, and I mean everyone. I know I've said it before, but I am always excited when I see that this thread has been bumped, looking forward to seeing what everyone has made.


From very early on in this thread, your photos stood out to me above all others, and that is still the case to this day. Seeing your photos were a massive inspiration for me to step up from just shooting with my mobile phone, to getting something semi-serious. Your work is full of atmosphere and mood, and it has a rawness and grit to it that really speaks to me. Your photos are also amongst the most beautiful B&W work I've seen yet.


Personally, I've mostly stopped posting my work to Flickr (apart from the music gig photography I shoot, for ease of sharing with the congregation of Emotion Wave here in Liverpool). I frequent a few photography IRC channels, and I very quickly got sick and tired of comments which I'm sure you're used to seeing from other internet experts - "You've overexposed the highlights." "Why are you shooting at ISO 12800?" "Why is there so much grain?" "The colours aren't true to life." etc etc etc.


I shoot the way I shoot because that's the way I shoot. I develop my files the way I do, because that's the way I like em. Anyone who has anything to say to me about my work, if they don't like it they can get fucked. I recently went to a local Photographic Society in my hometown. I was disappointed to find that it was full of middle-aged men who do nothing more than take what I personally consider to be very boring (but likely technically correct) photos of birds, aeroplanes, etc. All centre frame.


And you know what? There's nothing wrong with shooting like that. If that's what people like, let them do it. I'm not going to wax lyrical to them about the many reasons why I don't like that stuff.


Negativity always affects creative people. Please don't let their bullshit dissuade you from creating more beautiful photography.



Thanks so much for your kind comments about my work - I mostly process my RAW files in Lightroom, even for B&W (although I will occasionally use SOOC jpegs when I'm in the mood). I could probably get similar results by fucking with the white balance, but I prefer the level of control that Lightroom offers. My blue-hued stuff is totally ripping off Blade Runner aesthetics but I don't give a fuck. I love the look of it, especially with fluorescent lighting.


that last pic, the woman on the bus? That is a fucking beautiful moment. I don't have the balls to take a photo like that yet, maybe someday I can capture something half as beautiful.


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  • 2 weeks later...

lusssshhhhhhh aux

So much rad shit in this thread, what osc said basically.


man, I take loads of pics for this thread and I can never be bothered to post them. Will have a dig around and see where they go to in the morning.

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Thanks spi spi :)


Agreed as well, many talented photographers here... I feel good just to have one or two pics from my phone that might look vaguely good enough for anything beyond Instagram. Not a photographer in the least, I just like seeing everyone else do their thing really.

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I hope that first pic is gonna end up as an album cover. If you don't I'm stealing it :^)

Haha probably not. Will definitely be using some of the CD photos I took as fodder for glitch editing that may end up as album arts or something though, eventually. Won't likely be too recognizable though, so you're more than welcome to use it for something. Would be glad to have contributed :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Suffocate Peon - I'm sorry for my poor choice of word with 'barrage'. I never meant any negative connotation, quite the contrary actually.


It really disheartens me to read that you have been getting shit from internet expert pro photographers who seem to like to spend most of their time spouting negativity in online forums rather than getting out there to shoot.


Everyone who has posted in this thread has a great eye, and I mean everyone. I know I've said it before, but I am always excited when I see that this thread has been bumped, looking forward to seeing what everyone has made.


From very early on in this thread, your photos stood out to me above all others, and that is still the case to this day. Seeing your photos were a massive inspiration for me to step up from just shooting with my mobile phone, to getting something semi-serious. Your work is full of atmosphere and mood, and it has a rawness and grit to it that really speaks to me. Your photos are also amongst the most beautiful B&W work I've seen yet.


Personally, I've mostly stopped posting my work to Flickr (apart from the music gig photography I shoot, for ease of sharing with the congregation of Emotion Wave here in Liverpool). I frequent a few photography IRC channels, and I very quickly got sick and tired of comments which I'm sure you're used to seeing from other internet experts - "You've overexposed the highlights." "Why are you shooting at ISO 12800?" "Why is there so much grain?" "The colours aren't true to life." etc etc etc.


I shoot the way I shoot because that's the way I shoot. I develop my files the way I do, because that's the way I like em. Anyone who has anything to say to me about my work, if they don't like it they can get fucked. I recently went to a local Photographic Society in my hometown. I was disappointed to find that it was full of middle-aged men who do nothing more than take what I personally consider to be very boring (but likely technically correct) photos of birds, aeroplanes, etc. All centre frame.


And you know what? There's nothing wrong with shooting like that. If that's what people like, let them do it. I'm not going to wax lyrical to them about the many reasons why I don't like that stuff.


Negativity always affects creative people. Please don't let their bullshit dissuade you from creating more beautiful photography.



Thanks so much for your kind comments about my work - I mostly process my RAW files in Lightroom, even for B&W (although I will occasionally use SOOC jpegs when I'm in the mood). I could probably get similar results by fucking with the white balance, but I prefer the level of control that Lightroom offers. My blue-hued stuff is totally ripping off Blade Runner aesthetics but I don't give a fuck. I love the look of it, especially with fluorescent lighting.


that last pic, the woman on the bus? That is a fucking beautiful moment. I don't have the balls to take a photo like that yet, maybe someday I can capture something half as beautiful.



wow, thanks. I can't seem to split up the quote box into pieces to reply to different bits. I can't remember what I put up here, i don't know if it's the wattm theme but this thread is heavy to scroll and look through. It's a lot more interesting than the other photography thread i use (on a videogame forum) but I've rarely really gone through it. Hopefully a lot of the photos are still showing.


I think if i put up the amount i put elsewhere it would grind the thread to a halt. I recently spent 2 then 5 months travelling around Europe in a van, so have a lot..


I think my frustration with photography is if people submit to the idea of the Perfect Photo, and then measure everything else against that. So like Stewart Lee says, there are people, even his family who don't get him, and almost assume he's doing it wrong, like there's only a few ways to tell a joke and he's just failing at it. He's really inspired by a kind of anti comedy. So I asked the guy in the thread which photos of mine were most boring and uninteresting, because the four he picked out as liking I actually find the least interesting. And he picked out a shot of a pretzel stand, and compared it with a Vivian Maier pretzel stand shot, who i like, but he missed the point. With photography, or art, for me it's just the surprise of it.


I love Moriyama more than anyone else because he can do lots of ordinary shots like it's part of a travel journal, and then he'll show something that is so stark and alien it's like it's from another planet. The Maier shot contrasted the downbeat seller with the affluent New Yorkers, mine obscured the seller and customer, Maier's shot is composed, uses depth of field to draw your eyes to the seller. Mine is this shitty raw aimless shot. But looking at the two together I still prefer mine, it's more about reducing the objects and subject to shapes, so there's energy and movement, the two piles of pretzel's are stacked high moving outwards. I like stuff that's alien and sci fi. It might be a blunt simple shot of someone stood against a wall, but in a high contrast it evokes an anxiety, a kind of horror. Subject and background is broken down to shapes and vibrate off each other, create movement, an angular edginess. Now i guess to respond to that you need an appetite for art and desire for more aggressive imagery*. This is sort of the argument for Venetian Snares and the aggressive aspects of Autechre, that they as musicians are so invested in their music where its violent sound is a reflection of their desire to scratch an itch, and everyone else if they're to engage with their music that's so uncompromising needs to match their desire. So through that it just becomes this other level of an experience, that's purely visceral. I love snares' My Half so much because I've still not heard anything that feels so much like someone taking their anger out through sound, it's not just a racket, there's a forcefulness to how he keeps going, it's devastatingly emotional. You can deconstruct how he did it technically from afar, but it's not like he's grappling with the means to create himself, he's expressing his anger through music and i care more for the passion to push through and evoke than anything else.


*I dunno, the transformation is exciting to me. If it's staid and sterile it's mainly due to zooming in, I can't get angles unless I get close and can't get close unless i have intimacy with subjects. I want photos that are low fi, punk, raw. I just go around mostly touristy places, pedestrianized spaces, with shops, so a lot is about needling at consumerism and modern life. I think it's really obvious what they're trying to evoke, it's not an accidentally violent approach purely due to the high contrast. Loneliness, alienation, depression should all be in there.


Should I link to the thread? I don't care anymore really. I've been there a long time, put up several hundreds of photos.






I think there's a hyper sensitivity to civility with some people, the point to be more forceful with words is to provoke because i thought eventually the quality of the shots overrided whatever taste people have. I think ultimately, it kills me for others to not share the same passion for something fresh, in contrast to the norm. I don't want to be so sure there's nothing that will surprise and excite me, i don't want there to be a ceiling. I mean i go into every new Autechre album wanting something that makes you go; what the fuck is this?! I listened to Tankakern the other day and still thought; what is this? My favourite films are Tetsuo 2: Body Hammer and Bullet Ballet.


That girl was maybe in a good mood, happy on the phone. I've kind of butchered the edits, scribbling black on the left to get rid of some scratches, and didn't try too much getting the edits similiar. It wasn't easy at all to stand there as the bus stops. I've never done it. It came accidentally, there was a homeless woman across the road with two rabbits, so i stood directly across next to a lamp post. Only had a few days left and there were no reflections on the window at all in that spot, a bus lane, a bus stopping every 5 minutes, never had that, being seen is like being exposed naked but the opportunity overrided that...


I dunno, when a photo works I get excited, after a few weeks and many views later it becomes normal to me, and maybe that normality is what most people see. 'Freshness' doesn't exist to them, they're just like; 'yeah, no big deal, woman presented as a goddess of death floating in a dark void of nothingness, eyes hollowed out yet gazing into your soul. Average street shot'. So if that is the response I'm not thinking; maybe he has a point, or I've failed. I'm thinking; what is wrong with you. It's just not possible to want certain outcomes and then expect them taking random shots in the street. So when something does work out of many many thousands that don't, i get psyched, and think; i can't top this really, you've got to respond to this ! Dunno if that's arrogant or deluded.

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Great thread, full of amazing and inspirational work – unironically. 

I just recently got my dream camera (X-Pro2) and now I'm back in the game after a considerable hiatus. I'm having a blast. This thing is so great to use, and I enjoy delving into photography deeper with it, although I realise there's loads of room for me to grow into.

I actually find that the result doesn't matter as much to me as the process of taking a photograph does – feels like some serious zen shit by now. You're one with your surroundings, twiddle some knobs, pause your breath, and finally freeze the moment in time.


That being said, here's some recent stuff.











And an old favorite. 


32006209745_8c474ed09a_c.jpgOhne Titel by Jonathan S., auf Flickr


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thx! :) it’s the iPhone stock camera app, no edits/filters, but it does do some auto HDR thing which tbh is fantastic for shooting the sun.. in that pic you can see some of the HDR composition eg at the sky/rock edge, looks a bit unnatural imo, but it helps with the LV426 vibes somehow..


I love the camera in this phone.. esp for sky stuff..











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  • 3 weeks later...

Great thread, full of amazing and inspirational work – unironically. 

I just recently got my dream camera (X-Pro2) and now I'm back in the game after a considerable hiatus. I'm having a blast. This thing is so great to use, and I enjoy delving into photography deeper with it, although I realise there's loads of room for me to grow into.

I actually find that the result doesn't matter as much to me as the process of taking a photograph does – feels like some serious zen shit by now. You're one with your surroundings, twiddle some knobs, pause your breath, and finally freeze the moment in time.


That being said, here's some recent stuff.





Tons of great work in here, but I particularly like this one. The subtle gradient is really nice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

darreichs and osc, great images. I rarely know what to say beyond that, but, yeah. I enjoyed the way the images entered my eyes and were interpreted by my brain. Thanks.

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Oh they're real Polaroids, I've been shooting with an SLR670-S (a modified Polaroid SX-70) since October 2017, fucking love it. I've also got a Polaroid ImagePro (which shoots the wider Polaroid Spectra film), but I prefer the SLR670-S.


Really love the colour grading on your fungi shots (is it fungi?)

Edited by oscillik
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