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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Guest happycase

The concept of "first-world" problems. There are circumstances, most of them being totally peaceful, neutral, and positive - and there are melodramatic responses to our frustrations in managing the sweet life we're all living. The curtains hang, the cups sit in the cupboard, the body digests food, fingernails grow, and in our imagination we perceive problems, mostly based on the reflection of ourselves as objects "out-there" among other objects and circumstances. Indeed, I am the royal presence that gets to poke all physical objects, lick things, and bathe in the sunlight. Dream in the darkness.


Think about it. Eat some paper.

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Must be FWP time again.

I've reached the conclusion that my step brother is a manipulative chump. Every time he calls me it's to ask for favors involving transportation. That's because I have a vehicle and he doesn't. He's never up front about details or any type of reimbursement.

He recently lost his job as a car salesman. He called me up today asking me to help him "move stuff". But as usual, he didn't give me prior notice. He's trying to move out of his apartment, but he didn't specify where he was going to move.
I later called his dad and my mom to ask if they were aware of the move. From our conversation I found out he borrowed an old truck from his sister and her husband for two weeks before breaking it. He never reimbursed them either. Which is probably why it would be convenient to have me use my truck to help him.

But not this time. I basically told him to fuck off, in a polite manner. I'm tired of being a Yes Man when I'm not gaining anything in return half the time. It ends up with me being all give and no take. From now on I'm ignoring all future phone calls from him. I have a feeling he's about to be persona non grata.

A former car salesman without a vehicle of his own. Ironic. I normally don't get this pissed off at people, but I'm so sick of his manipulative bullshit.

Edited by ambermonk
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That's like all my internet nightmares come true.


I feel like I didn't experience an entire day today or yesterday. I woke up, went out for some brief social gathering/dinner, then it's pretty much time to go back to bed. Where did all the middle portions of my days go?

your sleep patterns are not very lush my friend


They've been delushed ever since my girlfriend started working graveyard shifts. Now I wake up as it's getting dark out and go to sleep as the sun's coming up. I feel like I'm 21 again.

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I bought a couple of new pillows yesterday and had the best nights sleep. Didn't realise just how bad my old pillows were.


(This ain't a problem it's just that there's no other thread I could report this in.)

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My cat keeps making a wide variety of random sounds, like he's trying to communicate something important, but I haven't a clue what any one of them means. Guess I better go rough him up a bit and see if that helps.

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Guess I better go rough him up a bit and see if that helps.


it usually does!


My cat does the same thing. Usually he's just telling us that he took an extra large shit this time (he always comes meowing loudly after shitting...)



Edited by StephenG
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I bought a couple of new pillows yesterday and had the best nights sleep. Didn't realise just how bad my old pillows were.


(This ain't a problem it's just that there's no other thread I could report this in.)

yeah there is.. it's called bruschetta or something. more suitable thread anyway.

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Guest Sprigg

My roommate's cat keeps getting out, and the landlady has no idea we have her.


I have a shiny new crock pot but don't have anything to cook in it, largely because I can't decide on what to put in chilli.

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For the last two weeks my cat has been unable to pinch off his shits properly, and so he walks around the apartment with a piece of shit dangling out his anus until either (a) it falls somewhere, usually where it is likely to do significant damage, or (b) I wipe his ass with some special cat ass wipes we got the last time he had this problem (two months ago).


The biggest issue I have with this is that my cat loves having his ass wiped and I'm pretty sure he's not pinching properly because he knows it gets him an ass wiping.


My girlfriend has gone from freaking out about this and scrubbing the entire apartment each time he shits to shutting down completely and staring blankly at the walls. She even left a used sock out on the floor. I've never seen that before.

Edited by baph
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Dude, one of my cats couldn't pinch his shit last night and he wiped his ass on the carpet like a dog. The GF cleaned him up after I scolded him so loud he got scared and hit his head on the corner of the wall trying to get away. Can't believe that fucking cat. He was staring straight at me the whole time he did it too.

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My girlfriend has gone from freaking out about this and scrubbing the entire apartment each time he shits to shutting down completely and staring blankly at the walls. She even left a used sock out on the floor. I've never seen that before.



Um... are you my flatmate?

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