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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Had the pleasure of mastering 8 VO takes yesterday for a commercial. It was pretty cool.

Then a couple of hours later I receive another recording with 13 takes from my colleague, with the exact same script but a different voice talent. I get curious and head off to ask my colleague about my suspicion that I'm mastering fucking audition recordings. I was right.

Why the fuck get me to master 21 one takes of something instead of giving the client all the raw files, ask them to pick their favorite one and then get me to master that one recording?

Jesus fucking Christ, people are so stupid.

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Squee, your workplace always makes me happy-that I don't work there.


watmm mods power tripping like the US cops.



ban ban

He shot me down.
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There's one line from one song off Nirvana's Bleach that keeps getting stuck in my head because when I'm talking I'll say a sequence of words that has the same melody. I don't even know the name of the song, but it's the only one that shares this particular melody i keep muttering inadvertently. Maybe it's not an FWP because I like whatever song it is.... but it keeps happening and I wanted to mention it somewhere, and it's not a first world success because I can't recall the song title. Bonus points to anyone who can guess the song.


listen to the album and report back


I'm voting on Floyd the Barber



I just skimmed through a few times over and couldn't find the bit! it's maddening now.... What the hell song is that?? It's on one word, four notes, first and third note are the same, top note and bottom note are a tritone apart. it's a very unique melodic way of ending the line. Might be the most original vocal melody sequence in a Nirvana song. I can't think of anything to compare it to.


Definitely record yourself singing it so we can crowdsource this



Haha, I'd only make a fool of myself... I don't actually know what word he's singing, it's a really awkward note combo to nail, and he kind of yell-sings it. You'd just have my voice going "uuuUUUUuuu-uhhhh!" in a warbled incoherent mess. I guess that would be fun, but I'm not nearly proactive enough to record and post it.


Nirvana? Never.


Actually, since you mentioned that you were transplanting every day phrases onto this melody, I was kinda hoping you'd record that :P.

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Haha, I'd only make a fool of myself... I don't actually know what word he's singing, it's a really awkward note combo to nail, and he kind of yell-sings it. You'd just have my voice going "uuuUUUUuuu-uhhhh!" in a warbled incoherent mess. I guess that would be fun, but I'm not nearly proactive enough to record and post it.



Well now this is bugging me too





Actually, since you mentioned that you were transplanting every day phrases onto this melody, I was kinda hoping you'd record that :P.




I am dumb and had the wrong album in mind. It's Big Long Now off Incesticide that has the bit. It's the vocal melody that first appears at 1:35:


It's a weird note combo, but for whatever reason it has found its way into my regular speech patterns, albeit an octave lower. (I tend not to scream to myself or at other people.)

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horrible eczema on fingers. really itchy and dry, can't stop scratching , send help/

Oh man, I'm in the same slow boat to Suck Town. Splits all over my right hand at every joint; can't wash it without it bleeding, so it never heals anymore.


Trying lots of creams but the only ones that work are the ones you really shouldn't get anywhere near open, bleeding sores.


Fun fact: there's close to no regulation of "cosmetics" in the US. So the one cream I used to use could have a shit ton of boric acid in it without so much as a warning that it can fuck up your kidneys with long term use. Unfortunately, that one also worked the best.

Edited by baph
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Cats just sit there peacefully. This dog is barking at its own shadow. They may be assholes, but they're quiet assholes.


Cats > dogs

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Cats just sit there peacefully. This dog is barking at its own shadow. They may be assholes, but they're quiet assholes.


Cats > dogs


peacefully? does that include when they're torturing and killing other animals? dogs are far more chill once they've been trained, which earns them some bonus points I feel.

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FWP (maybe someone can help with...)


I've got over 50,000 songs on my hard drive and methodology for organizing has been inconsistent throughout acquiring all the music.


I want everything to be reorganized consistently as artist>album>songs.... but doing that manually will take fucking forever!


I've googled but haven't found an app that might be able to do this for me... Does such a thing exist?


edit: also cats > dogs

Edited by StephenG
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eventually we'll be able to train google's acid-bot to correctly tag our music for us, but until then we're fucked (I have nearly 90,000 mostly unorganised files, so I feel your pain).

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damn! lol...



I inherited my dads music collection when he passed away but it's unorganized. His music was a big thing for us growing up, we'd always blast tunes on weekends. So I wanted to get it organized and start listening to it!


I suppose I'll start doing it manually... argh!

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I have all these cool devices that I want to run cool third party software on but I first need to jailbreak them and sometimes that's not even possible (fucking automatic updates). Stupid shit.

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FWP (maybe someone can help with...)


I've got over 50,000 songs on my hard drive and methodology for organizing has been inconsistent throughout acquiring all the music.


I want everything to be reorganized consistently as artist>album>songs.... but doing that manually will take fucking forever!


I've googled but haven't found an app that might be able to do this for me... Does such a thing exist?


edit: also cats > dogs


Well there's Shazam, which recognizes tracks almost flawlessly (haven't tried it with stuff like Merzbow though), so automatic identification of tracks is possible; not sure if there are any alternatives to Shazam (it takes like 10 seconds or more for a given song so 50,000 tracks might take forever)


And there's Tag&Rename and a million other batch-tagging programs. So maybe someone has worked out something like that? It's definitely possible, so it's just a matter of actually doing it.

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Tag & Rename is what I use, but after an hour tagging shit and you realise you've still done fuck all it gets a bit disheartening. It requires a discipline that I lack.

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Just listen to all 50,000 mp3s while you're tagging them. Tag mp3, listen to mp3 while you tag the next dozen, repeat X 50,000. Piece of piss, and your collection doesn't go to waste.

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FWP (maybe someone can help with...)


I've got over 50,000 songs on my hard drive and methodology for organizing has been inconsistent throughout acquiring all the music.


I want everything to be reorganized consistently as artist>album>songs.... but doing that manually will take fucking forever!


I've googled but haven't found an app that might be able to do this for me... Does such a thing exist?


edit: also cats > dogs


Well there's Shazam, which recognizes tracks almost flawlessly (haven't tried it with stuff like Merzbow though), so automatic identification of tracks is possible; not sure if there are any alternatives to Shazam (it takes like 10 seconds or more for a given song so 50,000 tracks might take forever)


And there's Tag&Rename and a million other batch-tagging programs. So maybe someone has worked out something like that? It's definitely possible, so it's just a matter of actually doing it.



Tag & Rename is what I use, but after an hour tagging shit and you realise you've still done fuck all it gets a bit disheartening. It requires a discipline that I lack.


Foobar2000 can sort files/create folders by tag.

I'm going to check all these out and see if I can work things out easily! Thanks guys



i tunes man, i tunes

lol I imagine you're joking. iTunes is terrible, it deletes things off your computer randomly if it wasn't purchased in the apple store. There's even a class action lawsuit against them because apparently they knew it was happening on windows pcs!


Just listen to all 50,000 mp3s while you're tagging them. Tag mp3, listen to mp3 while you tag the next dozen, repeat X 50,000. Piece of piss, and your collection doesn't go to waste.

lel it happens to be 255014 minutes of music, so... next time I have a 184 day weekend I'll get to it :emotawesomepm9:

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