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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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On this forum I use people were discussing and complaining about the proper ingredients to make hummus and it annoyed me a great deal

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I keep falling for the wrong women  :catcry:


I think I fell for a good one, but we're on different continents now.  :catcry:


On the first world achievements and successes side of things, she is visiting in a month or so.


But then more  :catcry:  probably



I have the opposite problem. She's a close friend and I see her all the time.







Ouch.  those are all stingers




Update: My feelings for this woman have only gotten more intense and I fear that merely saying anything about it will destroy any chance I have or fuck up our friendship. I feel sick and I can't think about anything else. On top of that, I keep drinking excessively just so I don't spin myself out if I'm at home alone. Ugh.

With that said, we had a really nice talk last Friday that helped quite a bit.

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Sorry to hear that Braintree, dont be self-destructive over it, ime it makes things worse in the end


im guessing that she doesnt feel the same way right? or show any signs


I had someone like that, in fact I was in a relationship with her & she left pretty soon, i was so gutted. But we are good friends now & I wouldnt want anything more than that, so things can & will sort themselves out - at the time though, ouch


She did know everything how I felt though so it went that way by sheer force.  If this is making you ill then its wrong and needs to change, somehow.


I know what you mean though, if she knew it was upsetting you she might give you all the space, but then at least you know how she feels & you can start getting used to becoming friends..



if she likes you she likes you, she will know either way, surely?

Edited by lala
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I keep falling for the wrong women  :catcry:


I think I fell for a good one, but we're on different continents now.  :catcry:


On the first world achievements and successes side of things, she is visiting in a month or so.


But then more  :catcry:  probably



I have the opposite problem. She's a close friend and I see her all the time.







Ouch.  those are all stingers




Update: My feelings for this woman have only gotten more intense and I fear that merely saying anything about it will destroy any chance I have or fuck up our friendship. I feel sick and I can't think about anything else. On top of that, I keep drinking excessively just so I don't spin myself out if I'm at home alone. Ugh.

With that said, we had a really nice talk last Friday that helped quite a bit.




From experience falling in love with a dime that pretty much was insanely into me at the time, and I probably would have sealed the deal if I kept my shit together, but I fucked it up bringing up feelings/showing weakness...


Don't fucking mention your feelings. Keep it moving forward. Don't bring it up as a question. Just keep the relationship growing. That's all you need to do.


Do not show insecurity. Do not show that these feelings make you feel weak. (even if they do)


Keep it positive. 


Stay aggressive. Stay fun.


And fuck the shit out of her. (if you haven't already)


If you fuck her good and the relationship is good it will grow by itself, because she will want it as much as you do.


Just keep it positive. always. especially if she is out of your league.(which is commonly while the feelings cause conflict) You have to show 0 insecurity or you'll display to her immediately that you don't think you're worthy of her.


hope this helps. good luck.


also, keep your focus on the fact that this person makes you happy. Use it as fuel to make your life better, and to improve yourself.


focus on being desirable, and not being a fuck up. (not saying you are. I have no clue)


let go of the crippling desire. let go of the fear of not having that thing which you want.


always play it cool.


edit: also meant to say, don't talk about feelings until you've fooled around.

Edited by AdieuErsatzEnnui
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Visited some of my colleagues who work at our US office and they immediately started bitching about the exact same things that I've been bitching about for the past year. Like, it was the exact same things and they both said they were going to quit their jobs if things didn't change.

It's a problem but I'm also really glad someone else mentioned this. Guess I just needed to get it off my chest.

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I live right in front of a sewer so theres a couple of cockroaches in the street most of the time (it's not 3rd World looking tho dont get the wrong idea) and every single day without fail a girl or woman will go AAAAH and shriek at full pulmonary force at the sight of a cockroach right below my window, every single day, it's just a fuckin cockroach ffs

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ha, I saw a group of women getting scared by a single cockroach when I was in Seville as few weeks ago, it was running around the table they were sitting at outside a bar, one of them climbed up on her chair. my mate walked over and stood on it. we don't get them over here.

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oddly enough, and even though I've seen and killed hundreds of them over the years, both in and outside the house, I've never seen a single flying cockroach. I've had friends, one of them living just a couple blocks from my house, tell me about roaches flying in through the window; if they hadnt told me I wouldnt know


I almost deleted this whole post cause this is the most inane shit but eh

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Came off my bike the other day trying to dodge a panicked squirrel. Plus I ran out of big Band-aids, so I've just been trucking about with raw, weeping wounds shooting all the neighborhood critters death stares.

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House-sitting for my friend from work and his wife, but their dachshund is terribly lacking in potty training. Every day I come home from work I find her kennel bed soiled and defecated on, plus she'll continue to pee and crap on the floor after the fact, despite there being diaper pads for her to go on. She just took a shart on the floor right before I made this post, and I could hear it all the way from the other room.

Already washed her kennel bed four times now, on top of cleaning up all the other messes she makes. And I've already made numerous attempts to take her outside to do her business, but she just stands there, shivering and staring at me. Feels like working overtime.

Happy National Dog Day. Fucking dachshunds.

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Received another letter from the TV Licensing people, demanding I pay up or inform them of my no license required status. Despite me having done so four times already.


How can I put it into words how little I watch or want to watch television, especially the BBC? How many times can I tell them I would rather pour acid in my eyes than watch a tv programme? I love England, but this mandatory license business is fascism.

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tv licence? what is this shit?


If you own a television, you have to pay a £145 licence annually for the privilege. Even if you don't, they try their damndest to get you to pay. They've now changed the rules so if you watch BBC television online, you have to pay.


I do not do any of these things so I should not have to pay. At least, in theory, I shouldn't. I expect more letters soon enough.

Edited by Bechuga
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tv licence? what is this shit?

If you own a television, you have to pay a £145 licence annually for the privilege. Even if you don't, they try their damndest to get you to pay. They've now changed the rules so if you watch BBC television online, you have to pay.


I do not do any of these things so I should not have to pay. At least, in theory, I shouldn't. I expect more letters soon enough.

It's the same here.

I'm not paying either because it'd be the same if I told everyone with access to the internet that they should pay me for being able to listen to my music - even if they don't. But the fact that they CAN means that they should pay me a monthly fee.

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tv licence? what is this shit?

If you own a television, you have to pay a £145 licence annually for the privilege. Even if you don't, they try their damndest to get you to pay. They've now changed the rules so if you watch BBC television online, you have to pay.


I do not do any of these things so I should not have to pay. At least, in theory, I shouldn't. I expect more letters soon enough.

It's the same here.

I'm not paying either because it'd be the same if I told everyone with access to the internet that they should pay me for being able to listen to my music - even if they don't. But the fact that they CAN means that they should pay me a monthly fee.



In here it's now a tax that's mandatory even if you don't own a TV but it's based on your income so if you're poor enough (make less than 7500e per year) you don't have to pay anything. The highest bracket pays 143e per year.


Basically it goes to maintain the government owned TV and radio stations and related internet services.

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tv licence? what is this shit?


If you own a television, you have to pay a £145 licence annually for the privilege.


:confuzzled: first time in my life I'm hearing about this.

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