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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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So why is hate speech not a bannable offense here?


Zeff, for an analogy, if the topic was race, you'd be on some "All Lives Matter" circular logic secret white supremacist shit.


You're prioritizing the gaps in your male privilege, in the middle of a movement where our society is bringing to light that essentially ALL women have been sexually assaulted. Do you see the issue here?


To make it as explicit as possible, the reason "All Lives Matter" is bad, is that they dismiss there is a racism epidemic & systemic racism in the US, while people with dark skin are being murdered by people who we as a society are paying to do so.


That's you right now, just with people of the opposite sex instead of race.






YES, THERE IS A CLASS WAR. WE ARE ALL OPPRESSED. At least you dont have to live in fear of being raped, or shot by the police unprovoked.


Wow, way to paint me into a picture that doesn't resemble me at all.  Care to ask me for my viewpoints regarding race and sexual assault before you tell me what they are?  You are part of the problem when it comes to discussions like this.  You tell me what I think before even asking me what I think, on topics that I haven't even discussed, and your views of me do not resemble the reality.


For the record, I've never assaulted anyone, make or female, sexually or physically - but throughout my life I have been assaulted sexually and physically multiple times, many of them by females.  So don't sit here screaming quotes at me that I need to treat women like people when throughout my life I have treated them like people, and in many instances they haven't treated me like a person.  This is anecdotal but anecdotal exceptions are enough to refute generalizations presented as hardline rules.


Nothing I've written here is hate speech, if you'd like to demonstrate otherwise then please provide quotes and concrete explanations.

Edited by Zeffolia
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Also I want to firmly point out that labeling speech you disagree with "hate speech", presumably with intent to have third party authorities take disciplinary action against the person saying this supposed hate speech, is unethical and contrary to the right of the individual to express their own opinions, which is mainly harmful to the extent that it prevents intellectual consensus among groups of individuals and society as a whole.  On private websites like this bans can be carried out for any reason without justification, obviously, but there is a subtextual ethical duty to remain objective in the application of this authority for any public discussion places.  In the case of the state though, it's completely unacceptable to ban certain types of speech based on the grounds of said speech being hate speech unless said speech is specifically inciting violence or it actually has the potential to cause real harm in some way, which is by itself illegal.  While it may seem like a good idea in the short term, the longterm consequences of allowing this power to be wielded have the unintended consequence of the ability to censor speech the state disagrees with, through strumming up public sentiment to label said speech as "hate speech"

Whatever.  Nothing I said is hate speech.  Furthermore I want to explicitly state, once again, that:

a) I did not start this topic

b) I am only replying to things people are directing at me

c) I will gladly stop discussing this topic if required to do so, so bans are unnecessary.

Edited by Zeffolia
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Got a Bleep email about a new Muslimgauze reissue and can't actually listen to much by the artist due to weirdo library internet browser coming up as site band due to pornography content... I knew i found a gem through this artist a while back and could only listen to a few tunes but nothing compared to the full discography... Think it's time to get my own means of looking at the tunes i love...

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oh how I fucking wish people would realize that there are more pressing issues which affect all of us than these gender thingies.


ie we have now discovered & accepted that the patriarchat is bad, wow! How about having the same fucking realization about cars. But no, we are fucking stupid lazy fucks.

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Zeff, you're missing the point if you dont understand the comparison. Your male rights are not as important as other issues going on right now, and the whole sperm-jacking thing is misogynistic. My point is that the assumptions you have made in your posts here about women (and there have been enough to paint a pretty vivid picture) are hateful. If you made a similar level generalizations about poc as you do about feminists/women, it would be considered very racist.

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Silver lining: find less shit job.



Got fired from a job for the first time in my life. Last few jobs I've run into issues of clashing with other management/management above me because I just can't grin and bear it any more, just fucking lies and bullshit and incompetence all the time...and it bit me in the ass this time I guess. Job was shit anyway.


edit: definitely not fishing for sympathy or anything, just felt like saying it. I'm fine with it, it's for the better.

I can't say congrats, but at the same time I'm not sure "sorry" is the right response, since it sounds like a crappy place to work. So I'll just wish you the best of luck on finding your next primary source of income and hope you can stay afloat in the meantime.


Of course, said source of income doesn't necessarily have to be a 9 to 5, Monday thru Friday gig. Hell, there are people who make a living with their YouTube channels thru ad revenue (by following certain guidelines) and Patreon support. Though I'd imagine that's a full-time commitment as well.

Yeah, looking at the silver lining of it. Trying to. I knew I wasn't going to stay there for long anyway. Thanks guys. I'm looking at all my options, that's for sure.

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Zeff, you're missing the point if you dont understand the comparison. Your male rights are not as important as other issues going on right now, and the whole sperm-jacking thing is misogynistic. My point is that the assumptions you have made in your posts here about women (and there have been enough to paint a pretty vivid picture) are hateful. If you made a similar level generalizations about poc as you do about feminists/women, it would be considered very racist.


Sperm jacking thing is misogynistic?  I'm simply pointing out existing legal edge cases.  What assumptions have I made?  Stop vaguely referencing things then making judgments on them without actually explicitly stating them.

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I'm drunk and in the library and it is so hard listening to the immature people beside me... One of which i was in school with and its funny listening to him pretending to his girlfriend that he is meeting other women not knowing that when he is at work the girlfriend actually meets other men...

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I am stupid, nah i'm only stupid due to being brought up consistently told i am stupid by my father...  I come out with intentionally stupid comments and said once my dad has brain cancer (which was a JOKE, Never checked that you can actually have this which i suppose is a little stupid) ... Turns out he does have on top of lung cancer...


Real Question...Does cancer on the brain make you a little crazy or is he going senile due to old age, EG... everyone is after him, scamming him listening to his phone calls etc and he is a complete dick to my mother (the love of his life for 50 years)... Or is he just the same old dick he always was?

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Sent out manuscript samples to two agents and there's a grammatical error in the first three sentences.


The mistake: "it was an reasonable one" instead of "it was a reasonable one".


And I proof-read the sample many times...yet it still got through...




Positive: there are hundreds of other agents. Just gotta not fuck up on those.

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I am stupid, nah i'm only stupid due to being brought up consistently told i am stupid by my father...  I come out with intentionally stupid comments and said once my dad has brain cancer (which was a JOKE, Never checked that you can actually have this which i suppose is a little stupid) ... Turns out he does have on top of lung cancer...


Real Question...Does cancer on the brain make you a little crazy or is he going senile due to old age, EG... everyone is after him, scamming him listening to his phone calls etc and he is a complete dick to my mother (the love of his life for 50 years)... Or is he just the same old dick he always was?


Growing tumours put pressure on the brain, so they can cause all kinds of effects. Read Do Not Harm by Dr. Marsh for a little insight into how much a tumour can affect the brain. And, also, how resilient the brain can be, even under such immense pressure.


Did you know: to operate on the brain, they do not use a scalpel, but a plastic sucker. Seeing as the brain is just goo, knives are not needed.

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My sleep schedule is getting really fucked up. My punk band had a show on Thursday and I didn't get to bed until after 2am. I was woken by some loud military plane around 6:30am and couldn't get back to sleep. Went to bed around 11pm last night, woke up around 4:30am, couldn't sleep again til 6:30am. Woke up around 10:30am. Who knows what's in store for tonight.

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I'm sitting here checking up on old games on eBay. Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame sells for about $200! I should never have thrown out all my old games. Fuck you, 20-year-old me.

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My friend's cat killed itself by running into a wall for no apparent reason.  One moment it was sitting on the couch all chill, next moment it randomly freaks out and rams itself into the wall.  Dies instantly.  Kids were home when it happened too.  Talk about traumatizing.  If that can happen, anything can.  Nothing is safe.  Don't trust your sleeping pets not to off themselves in the next second, because they will.


Their previous cat suffered death by washing machine.  Fell asleep in there before his girlfriend did her laundry.  

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I'm sitting here checking up on old games on eBay. Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame sells for about $200! I should never have thrown out all my old games. Fuck you, 20-year-old me.


Never did get the hang of beating those flying skulls or whatever they were.


Bet I could still finish the original PoP on the first try though.

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My friend's cat killed itself by running into a wall for no apparent reason.  One moment it was sitting on the couch all chill, next moment it randomly freaks out and rams itself into the wall.  Dies instantly.  Kids were home when it happened too.  Talk about traumatizing.  If that can happen, anything can.  Nothing is safe.  Don't trust your sleeping pets not to off themselves in the next second, because they will.


Their previous cat suffered death by washing machine.  Fell asleep in there before his girlfriend did her laundry.  





I'm sitting here checking up on old games on eBay. Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame sells for about $200! I should never have thrown out all my old games. Fuck you, 20-year-old me.


Never did get the hang of beating those flying skulls or whatever they were.


Bet I could still finish the original PoP on the first try though.




It was all about timing. But man... the colors in PoP2 were amazing! Yellow, blue, brown, purple, red... I remember being completely blown away by it. And that flying carpet! HOLY SHIT!

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My friend's cat killed itself by running into a wall for no apparent reason.  One moment it was sitting on the couch all chill, next moment it randomly freaks out and rams itself into the wall.  Dies instantly.  Kids were home when it happened too.  Talk about traumatizing.  If that can happen, anything can.  Nothing is safe.  Don't trust your sleeping pets not to off themselves in the next second, because they will.


Their previous cat suffered death by washing machine.  Fell asleep in there before his girlfriend did her laundry.  


the fuck?

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Don't believe it. Did you witness this or did they tell you it happened?


Imma go ahead and assume they killed another cat in a negligent and dumb way, like the previous one, and then made up something.


*kid twists cats head nearly off and breaks its neck*


"uuhh, we'll say it ran into a wall"

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I'm halfway reading this thread for the 2nd (or 3d?) time iunno, is a great read


my current fwp rlly is im at a loss of things to do.. I have a very addictive personality and knowing this I have been systematically cutting off social media, games etc trying to get better habits but right now im having trouble finding new better things to fill the time... I did devour a series of books last week but going to sleep at 4am reading books doesn't seem that healthy a thing either (altough better than going to sleep at 4am watching YouTube shit... right? right?)


I should just focus on finishing my uni studies but ugh that don't fill me soul enough.. tru fwp


I'm doing fine otherwise rlly, got a lovely gf and future ahead of me.. maybs i just need more friends iunno ugh

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