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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Fuck that noise. The whole $5 I make for working that extra half hour I would happily give up to get home earlier.


Also rear park assist is for the mentally challenged.

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i agree. Also, i didn't realise the minimum wage in canada was so fucked. You should have moved here to do a PHD or something, we need to balance out all the no hopers that are coming here, with a bit of chen.

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i agree. Also, i didn't realise the minimum wage in canada was so fucked. You should have moved here to do a PHD or something, we need to balance out all the no hopers that are coming here, with a bit of chen.


Our min wages are quite high when compared to the rest of the world. Every province is over $10/hr except for Alberta (where there is an exception for food service people) and it is $9.95.



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that's pretty shithouse stephen. Our minimum wage is $16.90 aud an hour. Then you have loading on top of that for working past 6pm and having a casual job which chen would have. So he'd probably get about $19 aud p/h for the casual job and then another $14 per shift for working after hours. Our dollar is at 94 usd and the canadian at 93. Australia has over the past ten years become one of the most expensive places to live though, but that's got nothing to do with the cost of labour which has fallen if you factor in inflation, rather it has everything to do with price gouging by newly privatized utilities, and a monopolized retail sector doing the same, a huge bubble in the housing market and so forth.

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that's pretty shithouse stephen. Our minimum wage is $16.90 aud an hour. Then you have loading on top of that for working past 6pm and having a casual job which chen would have. So he'd probably get about $19 aud p/h for the casual job and then another $14 per shift for working after hours. Our dollar is at 94 usd and the canadian at 93. Australia has over the past ten years become one of the most expensive places to live though, but that's got nothing to do with the cost of labour which has fallen if you factor in inflation, rather it has everything to do with price gouging by newly privatized utilities, and a monopolized retail sector doing the same, a huge bubble in the housing market and so forth.

Consumer Prices in Canada are 22.03% lower than in Australia

Consumer Prices Including Rent in Canada are 27.78% lower than in Australia

Rent Prices in Canada are 39.40% lower than in Australia

Restaurant Prices in Canada are 22.56% lower than in Australia

Groceries Prices in Canada are 13.37% lower than in Australia

Local Purchasing Power in Canada is 1.25% higher than in Australia




Also when you start to look at average and median incomes in Canada it quickly becomes apparent that hardly anyone makes minimum wage.




Edit: the average incomes in australia are also quite high.

Edited by StephenG
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Stephen - all of the stuff you just posted kind of supports delet's position that it would be better for me to do menial labour in Australia. Edit: especially as the site you used shows that average monthly salary in Canada compared to Australia is %26.87 lower.

Double edit:Comparing Sydney to Vancouver - purchasing power in Vancouver is %5.15 lower than in Sydney, even though other major costs of living are cheaper.

If that is the mean average it is a useless definition of average salaries in terms of real world application.

Better to look at persons in low income after tax: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/famil19a-eng.htm

Note the percentage of unattached males living in poverty (of which I am) and also note the means by which the Canadian government determines low-income cutoff rates for economic families, which reduces the percentage of people living in poverty.


Additionally, I live in Vancouver, the most expensive city in Canada, with housing especially being bad, as it is some of the most unaffordable housing in the world. My purchasing power is nowhere near the local average.


I would have loved to have gone to Australia, but they don't have a program anywhere near as good as UBCs for Asian Studies (yes even at ANU), and the Master's Degree I am taking is fairly unique.

Also, you don't get tipped in Australia nearly as much, though on a Monday night I didn't get tipped very much either. Gratuities are nice, tax-free income, at least when you're not a server.


FWP it's sunny and I would much rather go to the beach than go to work...

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Stephen - all of the stuff you just posted kind of supports delet's position that it would be better for me to do menial labour in Australia.

If that is the mean average it is a useless definition of average salaries in terms of real world application.

Better to look at persons in low income after tax: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/famil19a-eng.htm

Note the percentage of unattached males living in poverty (of which I am) and also note the means by which the Canadian government determines low-income cutoff rates for economic families, which reduces the percentage of people living in poverty.


Additionally, I live in Vancouver, the most expensive city in Canada, with housing especially being bad, as it is some of the most unaffordable housing in the world. My purchasing power is nowhere near the local average.


I would have loved to have gone to Australia, but they don't have a program anywhere near as good as UBCs for Asian Studies (yes even at ANU), and the Master's Degree I am taking is fairly unique.

Also, you don't get tipped in Australia nearly as much, though on a Monday night I didn't get tipped very much either. Gratuities are nice, tax-free income, at least when you're not a server.


FWP it's sunny and I would much rather go to the beach than go to work...


Sorry if I offended you, wasn't my intention. Master's degrees and PHD's are really tough, the amount of time required by the program makes it difficult to have a career at the same time.


My comment was more towards Delet's income statement than your specific situation. I still think in general Canada is considered a land of great opportunity in terms of the job market.


Australia would be awesome, but Vancouver is beautiful too! I would love to live in Vancouver.


Edit: I'm confused by your comment that the average income is a useless statistic. On its own yes it's useless but when you look at purchasing parity I think it's useful. I'm no statistician though lol.

Edited by StephenG
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I believe they are using a mean average, which obviously gives more weight to higher incomes.


This table should clear things up:




edit: i'm not offended, dinna fash.


Yep! You're right! I mistakenly thought they would exclude any outliers... standard deviation is quite high by including the top earners.


Data sources

Data are extracted from administrative files.

The sample includes 100% of individuals who filed an individual tax return (T1)

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I got something in my eye while out jogging earlier and now it feels all scratchy when I blink like something's still in there but I can't find it.

sounds like the foreign object scratched your cornea. don't rub it, let it heal. might take a while. if it lasts longer than a few days, see a doc for help.

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yes, you can talk whilst she's checking facebook. great idea


I mean, I must admit I sometimes feel alone, so I check FB to see who is online to talk and shit. But with a gf I would only need to talk to her so I can shut off messenger and therefore do more stuff.

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My new job is kiiiiiinda boring.


make it fun. or use the time to plan your own stuff, seeing as it's probably a breeze. Funny how you were thinking that you din have the skillset and now you're bored already. Is that what you were thinking, i'm a little adrift today.

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I found a fledgling bird with a broken leg hopping around my work yesterday, where there is a cat that comes around all the time and kills everything. I didn't see the mom visiting it all day, so I took it home.

Scrounged up some centipedes and grubs last night from underneath rocks and fed her from a pair of tweezers, made her a soft bed in a box with holes and I lined the bottom with towels so she could grip it OK.

This morning I woke up and she was pretty peppy and seemed OK and then an hour later I checked on her and she was dead.

Just a cute little bird, too fair for this world.









(soon to be a x-post with the bad taxidermy thread :( )

Edited by DerWaschbar
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