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Vladislav Delay - Vantaa


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I click and click and it doesn't go ANYWHERE! I need more INFO!


Irritating isn't it? ;)

pff design over functionality fail


I realize I'm just being impatient, but GODDAMN am I impatient!

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I have an idea, some watmmer please give Sasu a copy of Actress's Splazsh so he goes ballistic with jealousy and is forced to make Multila 2 before december 2012


I just checked this album out based on your post, mostly because I am always unashamedly seeking stuff with a similar mood as Vladislav Delay, but if you think Splazsh sounds like Sasu's stuff, I really have to say I have no idea what you're hearing in this. I mean, it's a cool enough little record, and I enjoyed it, but it was nothing like Delay, and especially nothing like Multila!


However I would love another album like Multila so...yeah.

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My standards are a bit low for this album tbh. Should we expect post-modern software music since it's on Raster-Noton?

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I have an idea, some watmmer please give Sasu a copy of Actress's Splazsh so he goes ballistic with jealousy and is forced to make Multila 2 before december 2012


I just checked this album out based on your post, mostly because I am always unashamedly seeking stuff with a similar mood as Vladislav Delay, but if you think Splazsh sounds like Sasu's stuff, I really have to say I have no idea what you're hearing in this. I mean, it's a cool enough little record, and I enjoyed it, but it was nothing like Delay, and especially nothing like Multila!


However I would love another album like Multila so...yeah.



I meant in spirit, both records share some sort of oppressive haze.


'WTF this British kid who's not even 25 years old gets Wire album of the year and coolest guy of the universe title for some stuff that's not 10% of what I was making more than a decade ago fuck this!'


Sasu Ripatti makes a sequel in one month.


It's not gonna happen because he hates Vocalcity and was so fucked up on drugs during Multila he doesn't even remember anything about producing it. I don't really know what to do, it sucks to keep expecting music that no one wants to make.

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I have an idea, some watmmer please give Sasu a copy of Actress's Splazsh so he goes ballistic with jealousy and is forced to make Multila 2 before december 2012


I just checked this album out based on your post, mostly because I am always unashamedly seeking stuff with a similar mood as Vladislav Delay, but if you think Splazsh sounds like Sasu's stuff, I really have to say I have no idea what you're hearing in this. I mean, it's a cool enough little record, and I enjoyed it, but it was nothing like Delay, and especially nothing like Multila!


However I would love another album like Multila so...yeah.



I meant in spirit, both records share some sort of oppressive haze.


'WTF this British kid who's not even 25 years old gets Wire album of the year and coolest guy of the universe title for some stuff that's not 10% of what I was making more than a decade ago fuck this!'


Sasu Ripatti makes a sequel in one month.


It's not gonna happen because he hates Vocalcity and was so fucked up on drugs during Multila he doesn't even remember anything about producing it. I don't really know what to do, it sucks to keep expecting music that no one wants to make.


Well said, I totally agree with you. Multila, Entain and Anima may just have to be all we ever have from those drugged alien times. Though I also particularly LOVE his 12" on Max Ernst that usually gets criminally overlooked...

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  • 2 weeks later...
he hates Vocalcity and was so fucked up on drugs during Multila he doesn't even remember anything about producing it. I don't
Really? This is news to me. Anywhere I can read about this? Gives me a totally new way to view and listen to Multila if he made it on drugs.


As for the new album, it won't have the Raster Noton sound per his words. He said it in a recent interview, this one if I recall: http://igloomag.com/profiles/vladislav-delay-away-from-the-unnecessary

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Phlow: Was it a big pressure on you that so many people adored and praised "Vocalcity"?


Vladislav Delay: It was more a personal pressure. Although there was this fact that vocalcity was treated as something I didn´t stand behind, ie. I wasn´t happy with the album while people listening it were. But in the end it was doing something I was happy with, otherwise it wouldn´t make sense to do this.


Phlow: Why didn't you stand behind "vocalcity"? Could you explain yourself a little bit more?


I did vocalcity in a rush and mainly in a state I can´t remember anymore. In the end when I saw the cd and heard it I didn´t like it, it wasn´t what I had in mind to create. New one sounds a bit like I wanted vocalcity to sound.




This killed me.


(there is a similar quote for Multila somewhere but this stuff is hard to find, maybe later)

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Loved his rant about how shitty the music sounds today. Spot on. Some nice albums have been ruined by brickwall mastering, which is a shame. And people being happy listening to music on their shitty phones with the shitty plasticy earbuds it came with.

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Loved his rant about how shitty the music sounds today. Spot on. Some nice albums have been ruined by brickwall mastering, which is a shame. And people being happy listening to music on their shitty phones with the shitty plasticy earbuds it came with.


Hah! I felt exactly the same. :) I've always been a little pessimistic about this sort of thing, but his rant really makes you realise just how terrible it's all getting and how for some reason, hardly anyone seems to care.

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I can't say I wholly agree with him about the "state of music" today - there's a lot of interesting things going on and while it's always going to be a relative thing from person to person, griping about it to that degree just seems more to me like he's unable to cope with the changes (or stagnating) going on around him and less like it's the "reality in which we live". Plus, blaming tools such as Ableton is a childish thing to do. Any device which creates sound, be it a children's toy, a computer, an instrument or a piece of electronic hardware, will inevitably be used to make both fantastic and terrible things. I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for Robert Henke, perhaps even more than I do for Sasu here, and I think Ableton is just another step in the staircase of modern electronic music performance/composition. I.e. you can choose to use it or step right over it, but if someone puts out music that you hate and tells you they made it using Ableton - who's fault is that?

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I can't say I wholly agree with him about the "state of music" today - there's a lot of interesting things going on and while it's always going to be a relative thing from person to person, griping about it to that degree just seems more to me like he's unable to cope with the changes (or stagnating) going on around him and less like it's the "reality in which we live". Plus, blaming tools such as Ableton is a childish thing to do. Any device which creates sound, be it a children's toy, a computer, an instrument or a piece of electronic hardware, will inevitably be used to make both fantastic and terrible things. I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for Robert Henke, perhaps even more than I do for Sasu here, and I think Ableton is just another step in the staircase of modern electronic music performance/composition. I.e. you can choose to use it or step right over it, but if someone puts out music that you hate and tells you they made it using Ableton - who's fault is that?

I was going to say precisely this, right down to the part about Henke. Listen to monolake's silence and tell me ableton is obstructing musical progress.

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