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Drugs & electronic music (culture)


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admittedly not that smarty.


but there are drug-free electronic acts...


drugs and dance music culture = deeply ingrained... idm/electronic music is an off-shoot/by-product of that?


name five decent ones?


I can't.


Might be the ones you least suspect?


probably yeah. but it's kind of irrelevant to me if the music hits the spot. i guess after it's made it's more about how the listener engages with it.

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I find it strange that there are people on here who have to be high to enjoy electronic music. I used to do all sorts but now tend to avoid anything other than alcohol. I find I enjoy music more if I'm in a sober state to think about things properly. When I started doing hard drugs it was pretty much rave related so that's where it started for me. But I've grown out of that now and don't find the want or need to mix drugs and music. Why spoil a great passion?

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First of all thanks for the few, very personal answers... I was afraid my post was way to personal, but it seems to work out.


Furthermore I expected that a lot of people wouldn't have any connection with drugs but I'm a bit suprised that it's really the minority that uses them. I thought it would be more like 50/50.


And that touching quote from Dick made me buy his "A scanner darkly" - fuck, that's a good and very sad book.



For me the problem was that it wasn't about having a good time, I really believed that on drugs, your vision expands and you realize a big bunch of truths that you don't when sober, and I've since realized that that is a really destructive idea. And it's bullshit. I'll still have a beer, coffee or cigarette but I can't handle the fucking illegal stuff, solely beause of the people you have to involve yourself with, the way people act, what happens to people, and how I start out thinking it's ok to do a little bit but slowly but surely remove myself from society and all worthwhile activity, down to mere survival. Maybe they should legalize weed and some other soft stuff, but until then I just can't deal with it. I have a few stoner friends who seem to handle themselves (I've removed those who can't) and I'm OK with that, I just don't think it's for me.


Yeah I thought so too. Now I know it's total bullshit. Maybe some drugs are good for sound design and coming up with crazy sounds and getting a better connection with them, but that's it. Another big problem is the thing with the drug scene: If you want to get good, high quality drugs you really need to spend a lot of time in these circles and you'll end up taking much more stuff as you actually wanted or in a way you actually don't want to take drugs. If they would legalize more stuff I am very sure drug use will go down heavily and more into a recreational, good direction.



I guess that's the most clever thing you can say about the relation of drugs and electronic music:

some electronic people did drugs and are cool and some didnt and are cool also, same of the other way

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doing da druqks while making any art is somehow like cheating cause you really don't create anything by yourself, but is cool to experiment. so who cares.


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Seems like I have similar experience to others.


1. Listened to all of this drugged out electronic music, and other stuff in my young teen years. Was against drugs and drinking through most of highschool, which was probably good, because I got shit for grades to begin with.

2. Started smoking weed and synthetics stronger than weed, and really enjoy listening to all of that drugged out shit. Or pretty much most music. Some of the music I listen to is too overwhelming though.


So, electronic music is fun without drugs; but it's a lot of fun with drugs. Cannot write music to save my life when high though, but I make music in real time, so maybe that's why :shrug:



is there a connection between roots reggae/dub and drugs?

Ha, I do crave classic dub when I'm high. And The Orb's dubbier stuff. Haven't listened to any reggae because I can't stand the stuff sober.


I love listening to this when going on a burner. My car has a nice stereo.

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I do think that drugs can open you to new modes of thinking & perception, but I don't think they're the only ways to get there. I believe that most of it has to do with the willingness to experience things in a new way, to give your perception your full attention. Drugs make it easier to do that (especially at first); since your perception is altered, it's fascinating & rewarding to give yourself over to your senses. I think this has something in common with meditative states.


Once the novelty wears off, for most of us it's back to puttering around in our brains and the experience is maybe no more pleasurable than when sober. Some people are maybe able to keep getting the benefit through a reverential attitude towards drug use.


Maybe the link is that people who appreciate exploration in sound appreciate exploration of their senses in general. Obviously it's possible to do this with or without drugs.


tl;dr sup +1

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I do think that drugs can open you to new modes of thinking & perception, but I don't think they're the only ways to get there. I believe that most of it has to do with the willingness to experience things in a new way, to give your perception your full attention. Drugs make it easier to do that (especially at first); since your perception is altered, it's fascinating & rewarding to give yourself over to your senses. I think this has something in common with meditative states.


Once the novelty wears off, for most of us it's back to puttering around in our brains and the experience is maybe no more pleasurable than when sober. Some people are maybe able to keep getting the benefit through a reverential attitude towards drug use.


Maybe the link is that people who appreciate exploration in sound appreciate exploration of their senses in general. Obviously it's possible to do this with or without drugs.


tl;dr sup +1



I was pretty anti-drug until my mid 20's so I got into IDM without drugs, mainly by just closing my eyes and listening. At some point I realized that pretty much all the music I like has been influenced by altered states.. even the symphonies I like were made by 19th century drug users... I just found such music always seemed to appeal to my synaesthesia. Eventually I tried a few things and yes I did get a few cool ideas along the way. I particularly enjoyed the audio 'hallucinations' and audio distortions I experienced in certain states of 'intoxication'.


I agree you can only open those chemical pathways so many times before they become routine.


I also think it is a lot like going to see a movie. Some people get nothing out of it, some hate it, some form a stupid unquestioning fanboy cult over it, and some go off, get pumped full of creative ideas and excitement and go do cool shit. In other words, YMMV. You can trip out and giggle over seeing your refrigerator breathe. Or you can be John Lennon, have a few trips and change your entire way of making music. There's no guarantee. Drugs aren't a cheat, just an experience, we take from the experience what we will, and drugs won't turn bad musicians into good musicians or mental midgets into critical thinkers.

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I do think that drugs can open you to new modes of thinking & perception, but I don't think they're the only ways to get there. I believe that most of it has to do with the willingness to experience things in a new way, to give your perception your full attention. Drugs make it easier to do that (especially at first); since your perception is altered, it's fascinating & rewarding to give yourself over to your senses. I think this has something in common with meditative states.


Once the novelty wears off, for most of us it's back to puttering around in our brains and the experience is maybe no more pleasurable than when sober. Some people are maybe able to keep getting the benefit through a reverential attitude towards drug use.

I agree with the bulk of this.


I have had a strong love of electronic music for over 6 years now I guess, only been smoking for 2. These past 6 months, music doesn't seem any better than it is sober, BUT, if I am out and about doing something (walking/driving/Minecrafting) while listening to music, it's fantastic. The experience amalgamates with the music or something.


Perhaps the novelty hasn't fully worn off yet, though. But I feel if I keep my music collection and my experiences fresh, it shouldn't.

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Guest viscosity

there's a bit of a difference when making art on drugs and when making art, whilst using drugs on the side. you try and do something stoned as shit and I doubt you will get far, or if you do it will probably look/sound like crap once you sober up


that being said, creating something and then reflecting on it under the influence can give a person new insight on where to go next.


but the altered state of mind hightens your senses, so yea music sounds great, but I wouldn't say that's exclusive to electronic music

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I guess I do associate electronic music and drugs. I was surprised meeting so many people at Bloc who didn't take drugs. I started listening to IDM when I was smoking weed a lot as a teenager. I always used to go to raves and take pills and stuff, and I still normally take something if I go to a gig. It's more just for some energy to last all night than anything else.


I don't think they are really connected especially though. Certain drugs (e) I wouldn't take without music, but I still like the music without drugs, it just sometimes makes it more fun for me. I don't take any drugs for months at a time and I don't need drugs to enjoy or produce music.

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i think certain drugs like extacy do put everyone on a mutual euphoric(and mashed) level hence the social culture thats banded around it


electronic music being more abstract in nature allows one to take music subjectivley with llittle concern to the image of the music or the focus on performance of any person or band just as long as it works well on the hightend state of mind


IDM/experimental and other more complex forms of electronic music do have a more psychoactive edge to them which can be a result or a more lcd and weed infulence which tends to appeal to the more intelligent open minded folk (and hippies) which are sadly more a niche in the grand scheme of things hence when big IDM style nights aren't as wide spread as more accessable as forms of dance culture but tends to point the way than lead the way


I do know many enthusiasts who never touch anything and if you've got that far without then if it aint broke dont break it imho


On the other hand i know many with addictive personalities who have done damage with abuse with the worst cases comming from booze more than anythingelse.


For me DMT is my next everest wich apparently triggers the death response, watch this space

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  • 4 weeks later...

doing da druqks while making any art is somehow like cheating cause you really don't create anything by yourself, but is cool to experiment. so who cares.


lol, what a ridiculous statement.


i have tourette's syndrome and smoking weed generally makes me feel a lot better physically and mentally. i love to work on tracks while high because it relaxes me to the point where i can actually focus on what i'm doing and not be distracted by discomfort.


of course it's not for everybody, and it's important to know that you can be creative without drugs. but if weed and psychedelics are your thing, they can be a great tool for exploring one's thoughts.


what really bothers me is when people say that being high or being creative while high is bullshit. it might be for you, but you can't say that applies to everyone. we all have different brains, and some of them respond well to thc while others don't. drugs like coke, meth, and e are more dangerous and more deserving of the bias against them, but weed really helps some people in a genuine way, so i get annoyed when folks talk shit on it based solely on their own experiences.

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  • 4 years later...

The culture isn't necessarily apart of the culture, people who do drukqs are just more likely to like this kind of electronic music. I mean, the stuff that people listen to on this board isn't the most accessible shit.

I don't like braindance or whatever because of drukqs. Being high on weed or whatever just puts me in the mindset of like sitting in one spot and taking stuff in, whether it be thought or music or posting long and drawn out posts on WAtMM that don't make any sense like this

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People eat pizza for pleasure, they buy things for pleasure,

they jerk off and fuck eachother for pleasure. People are constantly seeking hedonistic rewards.


It takes some pretty backwards logic to criticize people who get high because "they just want to get high". Like it

somehow taints their judgement or behavior. It's a really dumb stigma.


Oh suddenly everything I say and make is no longer legitimate because i'm high!! It makes me crazy!!!!!!

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