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Skrillex - Discuss, Debate, Praise, Hate


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What the fuck is this shit? Skrillex got worse, these tracks are not hard to produce. Cool to hear he's biting off deadmau5 with the whole transient compressed sample fuckery in parts, but he's like 2 years late to that party at least.

'OMG that Sixteenth note wobble with the hard resonance and formant makes it sound like robot is yelling @ you thru the Matrix, so swick.'



Great huge meh, just let the fucker go away. For once, I agree w/tregaskin ^^^

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Guest Backson

he doesn't seem to get butthurt over it though, which is cool of him. he's probably not a bad person.


this is an interesting point.


I don't think he's a bad guy, I mean he's probably friendly and polite, but I think he is probably childish and emotionally stunted. Its the whole American / emo thing; you grow up in middle class suburbia and suddenly your middle class white kid problems are the only thing that matters. Probably why he tells people in interviews that he was adopted and everyone new but him, and that that made him start a band. Also, the inflated sense of self he gained from playing in emo bands is why he turned making electronic music into a rock-star type persona.


I thought I had some more solid points to back up this case but it just sounds like I'm shitting on him for the sake of it. Which I sort of am...


TL;DR We don't like Ghostface Skriller because its more about being a rockstar and justifying reguarding himself so highly for him than the aesthetics and art of construction that we tend to prefer as electronic music fans.

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So this is basically what a bubblegum-pop electronica cross-over would sound like. What's the problem? He sells too many records? Yeah, that's what happens get when you get the bubblegum-pop part right. And more power to him.


But lets hate on him some more, because it kinda feels good (read: it justifies our lack of success). This guy sucks and makes crappy derivative tunes! Bleeech.

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Guest Backson

So this is basically what a bubblegum-pop electronica cross-over would sound like. What's the problem? He sells too many records? Yeah, that's what happens get when you get the bubblegum-pop part right. And more power to him.


But lets hate on him some more, because it kinda feels good (read: it justifies our lack of success). This guy sucks and makes crappy derivative tunes! Bleeech.


you have a valid point, except it is hidden in a pile of butthurt of the opposite kind to what you have described.

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he makes the shittiest drops IMO. the first time i heard that "evil something and good pixies something something" drop i burst into laughter.


but oh well, i guess i'm glad for him, sort of, i guess.

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i just listened to the first track on his first ep and i have to say i've been surprised. it's not bad at all. ok it surfs on fucking clichés but it's really not bad compared to the amount of utter shite he's produced since




though the intro reveals we're dealing with a retard

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Sometimes I worry that this isn't just us complaining about something that's bad, it's us getting old & complaining about the stuff kids are into nowadays. Soon we'll be crotchety old men in hoverwheelchairs going on about how back in our day the drop usetah mean sumptin!

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also if skrillex was on warp records or skam records or rephlex records u would be crazy about him ur all just posers im serious u guys bneed to think on urself not just listen to whatever ur listening to whoevers the string puller saying bad things about skrillex


and making fun of skrillexes name is the dumbes thing ur on a forum which is obsessessed about APHEX and CEEPHAX and AUTECHRE wtf else there like the exact same thing

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I was with my friends about a month ago in the backseat of the car on the way to some bars when one of them decided to put on Skrillex and start driving really fucking fast. Several thoughts ran through my mind:

  • Dying to this music
  • It sounds like a car crash anyway
  • Is this spontaneous act of daring "machismo" inspired by this bro-step music?
  • So this is The Skrillex, eh?
  • I humorously thought of goth kids having incredibly overwrought, violent, pseudo-S&M sex to it while screeching and I laughed.

Then we FINALLY got to a bar where I attempted to forget all of this by drinking delicious craft beer. Skrillex is the soundtrack to our thrilling lives.

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also if skrillex was on warp records or skam records or rephlex records u would be crazy about him ur all just posers im serious u guys


quite possibly the stupidest thing you've ever written.

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no i hit ur nerves with the TRUTH


btw im not saying skrillex is bad


i think a TRUE music fan will like ALL music


or not to "like" find a way to enjoy it i guess

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