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Anyone seen the new US version of House of Cards on Netflix yet? The original is one of the best British TV dramas OF ALL TIME.

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Anyone seen the new US version of House of Cards on Netflix yet? The original is one of the best British TV dramas OF ALL TIME.


I am watching that. I think I like it.

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Started watching American Horror Story on Netflix tonight, definitely the dose of scaryness I've been fixing for. Only one episode in (no spoilers!!!) about to start the second and already I'm like "damn this is creepy"... It's fun to be scared sometimes. I can't watch many horror films with the gf because she gets nightmares easily, I think it's fun to be scared sometimes though. Enjoying it so far.

Edited by ghOsty
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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

i tried to watch torchwood but it fucking sucks. the actor that plays capt jack harkness is awful.




Anyone seen the new US version of House of Cards on Netflix yet? The original is one of the best British TV dramas OF ALL TIME.


watched the pilot. wasn't totally convinced by it. spacey talking to camera is so weird and his accent is all over the place. haven't seen the UK version oddly, although i think I remember it and thought it looked stuffy and ignored.

will probably watch more episodes but right now i'm busy with...


the west wing

a little heavy handed in places (the capital punishment episode) but mostly an interesting show

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Guest Mirezzi

House of Cards is pretty good.





zaphod - WRT Dr. Who, I have tried, too. I totally don't understand it. As camp, it's incredibly boring and not funny. As sci-fi, well, it's total nonsense. Never going to like that shit.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

does spacey's accent change when he talks to the camera? it is supposed to be more southern? like he is usually putting on an accent but this is his actual voice



i think all the praise it's getting is because it's new.

granted i'm only 1 ep in. and i guess because they didnt have to pilot this show the first episode didnt have to be great. but so far I prefer boss.

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Guest Mirezzi

Yeah, I think they're referencing the whole Sarah Palin Hockey Mom accent, an accent that befuddles Alaskans like myself. There is NO reason to sound like that when you're from Alaska. Alaska is not Minnesota or Wisconsin.


Spacey's character pours it on when he thinks it's convenient.

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Fringe has escalated to ridiculous levels, i can fee the JJ touch a little too much about 1/3rd into Season 2. Feels like a lot more of the LOST 'not finished yet' convolution story has taken center stage. Not sure i love the direction it's going but it's a lot more exciting than LOST was, at least so far. Even if the payoff ends up sucking i won't feel totally cheated for keeping up with the show for the whole run.

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Guest Mirezzi

I could only watch about six episodes of Fringe before the main bitch drove me crazy. She could make either one of two faces. Normal face, and this:

















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I'm not a Fringe apologist, but: (A) Ana Torv's acting is incredibly rigid in the first season or two, and (B) Ana Torv's acting is revealed to be fucking beautiful in the later seasons, in story- and character-driven ways which would necessitate major spoilers


The show is ridiculous, and it goes in a very JJA direction, but unlike every other JJA attempt at basically the same concept, it more or less works on Fringe.

Edited by baph
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Yeah, I think they're referencing the whole Sarah Palin Hockey Mom accent, an accent that befuddles Alaskans like myself. There is NO reason to sound like that when you're from Alaska. Alaska is not Minnesota or Wisconsin.


Spacey's character pours it on when he thinks it's convenient.


Well gee golly darn tootin' I just a god-fearing, apple pie lovin' suburban mom who thinks maybe she can do a little better than bah-rock oh-bah-ma dontchaknow

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Guest Mirezzi

I'm not a Fringe apologist, but: (A) Ana Torv's acting is incredibly rigid in the first season or two, and (B) Ana Torv's acting is revealed to be fucking beautiful in the later seasons, in story- and character-driven ways which would necessitate major spoilers



She's definitely beautiful, so maybe it's worth it, although it's hard to imagine performance matter that much in this series.


This fucker ruined the show for me:



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i hear you (in response to Overlooks photo collage), her character doesn't have much depth. I have a soft spot for the show for things like the last episode i saw where the dr is asked 'you wanted to start with salvia, where's the salvia?' 'i think we're out of salvia' , and the patient says 'it's in the cabinet at the bottom right' . they drop a hilarious amount of psychedelics references.

I admit i am quite surprised by how casually psychedelics are mentioned, especially for a network TV show . It's encouraging to see and i think it's indicative of how much less of a taboo there is surrounding them these days.

I'll take a wild guess and assume what you're referring to Baph is the alternate universe version of her, she looks much hotter without blonde hair tied back in a pony tail, so i think i'm down with the idea of her having a remote amount of sex appeal because right now she has none (manic skinny blonde girls aren't normally my thing).

Edited by Awepittance
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Guest RadarJammer

After getting frustrated with the romance angle I decided to google it a bit and found this from Joshua Jackson (guy who plays Peter). I find it even worse than the Dexter/Rita relationship. What a bummer. I'l reluctantly let this show rest in peace.

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I think Noble (Walt) is the strongest part actingwise of the show. And yes, Anna Torv improves in the latter seasons. Also Walt loves his LSD (and there's even an episode named Lysergic Acid Diethylamide).

Edited by azatoth
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Fringe has escalated to ridiculous levels, i can fee the JJ touch a little too much about 1/3rd into Season 2. Feels like a lot more of the LOST 'not finished yet' convolution story has taken center stage. Not sure i love the direction it's going but it's a lot more exciting than LOST was, at least so far. Even if the payoff ends up sucking i won't feel totally cheated for keeping up with the show for the whole run.


Yes it is ridiculous and it will keep being ridiculous until the end, and a lot of it doesn't make sense. But unlike lost, one is aware watching fringe that it's not attempting to be profound and unlike lost it doesn't really have some big story arc to tell. Having said that, by in the final season they kinda tie up some stuff neatly. I enjoyed it even if a lot of it made me roll my eyes.

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From the first episode of Utopia I thought it would be a fun silly little show but the second episode was flatter than ghost town sarsaparilla thats been sittin gin the desert sun for 2 days



Been watching this on 4OD. I think it's a decent enough show - it's pretty shallow at the same time as having a rather complicated plot, which would normally put me off, but it moves fast and there are enough twists and cliffhangers to keep me interested. My main beef is with the utter lack of characterisation - I find it rather hard to give a shit about any of the main characters because they just seem so faceless. Nevertheless, I'm eager to see where it's going.


I love the way it's shot - very comic book. It actually reminds me of a good 2000AD strip like Button Man.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

he means the US version, which if im not mistaken was when it started to get really good.

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