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Mark Wahlberg: I could have prevented 9/11


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Eminem is definitely an asshole, but compared to Mark he's one of those cute tight hairless ones that just invite your ton-- holy shit what am i saying.

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I had a show in a gallery recently, tilted "Paintings for Airports". This older woman approached me and asked me why i titled the show Paintings for Airports, i explained that it was sort of a lark on an album titled Music for Airports. She seemed really pissed and explained that she"has a thing for airports" and there was no imagery of airports in my paintings. She then chastised me for the "needless violence " in my work, and further elaborated that if she were in an airport on 9/11 the whole thing wouldn't have happened. I wonder if there is this common thread in socio/psychopathic people feeling they could have saved us from 9/11?

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I have never seen Boogie Nights.

I should probably watch Boogie Nights.




My wife has an ass in her cock and you still haven't seen Boogie Nights?

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To be fair, when it was released, I thought Paul Thomas Anderson and Paul WS Anderson were the same person.


That's actually not true, but you can imagine.

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I wonder if there is this common thread in socio/psychopathic people feeling they could have saved us from 9/11?


could be, but i think it has more to do with the fact that if you lay everything out on the table it makes little to no sense why the federal government didn't do a single thing to try and stop it when they knew it was coming down to the day, the targets and players (hijackers) involved.


i think a lot of people whether they know it or not are secretly closet case 9/11 truthers, i think its just a matter of time before people realize the Bush administration was lying about a lot more than just WMDs

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I wonder if there is this common thread in socio/psychopathic people feeling they could have saved us from 9/11?


could be, but i think it has more to do with the fact that if you lay everything out on the table it makes little to no sense why the federal government didn't do a single thing to try and stop it when they knew it was coming down to the day, the targets and players (hijackers) involved.


i think a lot of people whether they know it or not are secretly closet case 9/11 truthers, i think its just a matter of time before people realize the Bush administration was lying about a lot more than just WMDs


i hear you on that....i also think these same people are burdened by not knowing the extent of the lies, whats truth and whats not due to misinformation from both truther and govt lines.

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