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New Tool record end of year?


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I have a ticket to see Tool later this month... and I don't want to go.... I have something that I need to do that week and the concert is sort of interfering. I feel bad about it.

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Guest WNS000

I'm afraid it's going to sound similar in production, I think Joe barisi is doing it again.


they should go back to David botrill. the sound on aenima and lateralus was literally perfect.


Agreed. 10000 was too loud (Vicarious was obviously limiter-distorted).

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...it is uncertain how the machine's absence will affect any future Tool tunes? Personally, I don't believe that it will change much, especially at this stage of the writing/arranging process, in which, I believe, there are only a couple of 'shorter' songs left to complete(?), along with a segue or two or three. (Of course, we need to keep in mind any changes that might be needed to accommodate the vocals, etc., once all of the arrangements are finished.)


blair, march '16



When asked if there was any update on the new album, Keenan said there wasn’t much news. “No, not really. They’re still doing what they do, and I’m still hopeful.”


maynard, april '16

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How the hell can you be so slow at writing music?its beyond me!

They like write a bar every 3 months or something?

Just fucking jam and make an album for god sake! hahaha

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