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Ours was this sexy beast.




The Atari 800xl. We mostly just played games with it. I think we also may have had an external floppy drive for it.

It lasted until I punched the keyboard for "cheating" in a video game.

Prior to this, we had a Pong game, but I'm not really counting that as a computer.

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Guest jasondonervan

Still got it somewhere. Just looking at the lie that is the 'keyboard' makes phantom pain seep through my fingers...


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Guest disparaissant


my dad's work computer that he would bring home all the time and let me play with.

then he got a raise and a new position and they comped him a new computer and he got this:


only ours was 486dx2 66mhz, 12mb ram, 2mb ATI 3d video card. it was a beast, but it had no cdrom and no soundcard and no modem. so it was years before i finally found out what descent and x-wing SOUNDED like.


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I can't recall what brand, by my family's first computer was a PC w/ Windows 3.1


Would browse this for hours:




Whereas my little sister and brother would play with this:




Also remember these games in particular...







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Guest Gary C

Ah, Lemmings.


I was quite partial to Zool. My dad was friends with someone who worked for Amiga magazine, or something like that, so we had a filing cabinet full of demo disks.


Loved Cannon Fodder and Settlers too.


Edit: I even wrote and drew my own Iron Man comic on that thing too. Man, if I could get it back to have a look through all the files... Alas.

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Agh, I don't know what it was called. It was a word processor that ran off of hard disks. I used a spread sheet making program like a vectory ms-paint, and there was also a disk that had tetris on it. I'm pretty sure that version of Tetris was the first video game I ever played.

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Commodore 64 with a tape deck and some game compilation called 30 games. Quickly went on to copy my friends turbo tape cassettes. Yeah, I was a pirate.

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i remember shufflepack from my dad's friend, it was the first time i used a mouse, was quite impressive, and it was the first and last time i touched something mac related. it was probably 1990.

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Ah, Lemmings.


I was quite partial to Zool. My dad was friends with someone who worked for Amiga magazine, or something like that, so we had a filing cabinet full of demo disks.



I think I may have been playing Lemmings when I punched the keyboard and broke my 800xl.

My big brother had a subscription to Antic magazine and would get floppys in the mail loaded with crappy games and midi files that we thought were amazing.

I remember we had a midi file of "Don't Bring Me Down" by ELO. We thought that shit was so hi-tech.

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I think it was a RadioShack TRS 80 with cassette deck:





Then I graduated to a Pal 286.



My grandparents had an IBM PC but I can't remember the model number. My bromie had a C64 w00t Skate or Die!

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