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i play lots of video games


recently finished playing through dargon's dogma: dark arisen.


replaying baldur's gate with the baldur's gate trilogy mod installed. rolled an evil party for the first time


baldurs gate is cool although I never got a full play through

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Edging my way through Metro: Last Light. I don't think it's much fun, but the immersion can be pretty damn amazing. The action also feels very visceral with all that motion blur and visual feedback when firing my gun from the hip. I can't stop wiping my gasmask because it makes me feel like I'm in the game. But gameplay wise... Meh. I'm really sick of these simplified stealth systems. Stealth should be all about tension. If you have all these overt systems (watch indicator and music in this case) that tell you with 100% certainty that you can be detected or not, it takes all the tension and immersion away. Games like these should really try to hide their underlying systems so the player can't detect and abuse them.

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I've been watching Frankie play Metro:LL and it seems very cool, but maybe that it doesn't have enough depth.

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Guest Shadow GriZZly

Just finished Dark Souls and found myself unable to play any other games, because Dark Souls is like a dream come true.

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Guest Pennywise

Just finished Dark Souls and found myself unable to play any other games, because Dark Souls is like a dream come true.

I got bored of it. Im at Sens fortress and I cant be fucked with it. Fuck Sen and his fortress. Its a good game, just dont have the patience

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dragon age origins is still the best rpg i've played since like, fallout 2. so good.



this might be my next purchase. its getting cheap....although Skyrim GOTY edition is on the horizon...


Finished the main storyline in Borderlands (if you can call it a storyline). The last boss was a pathetic joke...quite possibly the easiest boss I've ever fought in a video game. I literally stood in front of it the whole time shooting...I think it knicked me halfway through the fight and that was it.


Now playing the zombie DLC and it's damn fun....though Im pissed that there are no fast travel portals anywhere.

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also, would I be able to start play-through 2 with my current DLC level, or the level I was when I beat the final boss in the main storyline? it would seem like a huge waste of time if I couldn't finish the DLC and then start over fresh at a higher level

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Playing Myst 3 and pleasantly surprised to see that Brad Dourif is in it!

It's probably my favourite game in the whole franchise (though I've never actually played IV)
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i didnt know about this cube untill yesterday and its the lamest marketing shit ive ever seen thanks (why do people still pay attention to molyneux?)


lol yeah, the prize is a share of Godus' sales and profits plus deciding on the rules and stuff, aka being the "God" of Godus.

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I know this is a game absolutely no one gives a shit about (which I can totally understand, since it probably seems quite generic on the surface). But I kind of want to hype it anyways, because I'm really enjoying it.


It is Call of Juarez: Gunsliger. The shooting mechanics of this game are ridiculously good. It's a very over-the-top, arcady and old school style of shooter with a western theme (which more games should have). It kind reminds of the original Red Dead Revolver (not Redemption).


It's really good mindless fun, and it will probably be overlooked.


The story-telling and story are both absolute crap, but it doesn't really matter, It's all about the gameplay for this one. There are being released so many shooters today, but this is one of the few where the actual shooting is really fun.


And it was has its parts where it looks really good:





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omg I probably shouldn't be throwing around money, but there's a huge sale on Steam for almost all the Crusader Kings DLC, so I bought the whole bundle for 13 bucks. Not shabby at all. Huzzah for Paradox Interactive. My life as a history geek is so awesome because of them. I almost wonder how much studying/writing I would get done if PC historical strategy games didn't exist.


Borderlands is a time sink, but relatively low in comparison (i pretty much just play that at the very end of the day until I go to sleep, maybe an hour on average).


How the fuck are you expected to beat Mad Moxxi's challenges on single player? I beat 5 rounds in one of the arenas, but it took forever, and you don't even get experience points for it. Please tell me there's a worthwhile pay off in it.


I suppose on that note, anyone have Borderlands for ps3, and if so, interested in throwing down on some of these challenges with me? my user name is claycell.

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Guest abracadabra

if anyone is interested, humble bundle is having another indie bundle sale. some good games in there. i recommend hotline miami and thomas was alone.

but dudes, i just got back into skyrim because i didnt finish dawnguard or dragonborn, and holy shit it's still good.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

yeah, im kinda surprised how well Skyrim has held up. i like Oblivion but i rarely go back to play it and ive gotten about all i can outta Morrowind. its a great game and all but the graphics kinda put me off now. but ive racked up about 250 hours of Skyrim and i still play it and havent gotten bored yet.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

well, Hearthfire was pretty pointless and i havent played dragonborn yet (though ive heard some good things). but dawnguard was pretty good. but if it were me no, cause its $45 to buy all the DLC. while the Legendary Edition is $60 (last time i looked). and im not gonna pay $15 more for free patches and the vanilla again.

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