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Good work Squee, it's a classy bit of gaming. Make sure you have head or ear phones with you on the bus!


Also, if you hadn't seen it before, this is free and ties in to KRZ - http://kentuckyroutezero.com/limits-and-demonstrations/


Yeah, I'm definitely playing it with my headphones on.

Uuuuh... what's Limits and Demonstrations?

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Guest jasondonervan

Uuuuh... what's Limits and Demonstrations?



As co-creator Jake Elliott put it, Limits and Demonstrations is “unique and doesn’t overlap with Act I, and it starts sketching out some backstory for a few already-introduced characters.” It’s also free! Freer than coffee. Freer than moody bluegrass tunes. Freer than freedom.


In short, Limits and Demonstrations plops you in the middle of an avant garde art installation and proceeds to do a bang-up job of distilling Kentucky Route Zero down to its very essence. This means you get dialogue that’s slathered in soul like down-home mashed potatoes in an ocean of gravy. Be warned, though: as with KRZ, it’s also quite confusing and open to interpretation.


Even in this tiny 15-minute-or-so slice, there’s a whole, whole, whole lot to digest. And in part, that’s what makes the languidly insane universe Cardboard Computer’s constructed so great: mind-bogglingly multi-layered depth. Wispy ghosts of meaning whispering just beneath the surface. More than anything, that’s what I think Limits and Demonstrations captures best. There’s more happening here in each individual word than there is in most major FPS plots. Which, admittedly, doesn’t sound like a lot, but KRZ/L&D’s execution is quite a feat. It’s oddly mesmerizing in spite of its highly deliberate pace.


So yes, it’s an interesting standalone, and I think it works well whether you’ve played KRZ or not. Sure, if judged strictly as a demo, I could probably fault L&D for straying a bit from the general vibe of KRZ’s setting and keeping plot connections to a vague minimum, but eh. Cardboard Computer’s quite plainly demonstrated that it has no interest in sticking to any kind of straight-and-narrow. So, as with KRZ, just experience its bite-sized offspring as is. Take it on its own terms. Enjoy the ride.



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Kentucky Route Zero is currently 50% off on Steam. Anyone who doesn't have it already, I highly recommend it.

I purchased KRZ during that sale, but I only see a black screen when I launch the game. :c

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I just beat Metroid: Other M. What a disappointing game (worst final boss fight ever)!


I started playing Pikmin 2 on the Wii and I am having lotsa fun!


Oh man, Pikmin is awesome. I still like Pikmin 1 better, since there is less to explore but it has a "lonelier" atmosphere more suited for exploration, but Pikmin 2 is great too. Never got all the treasures...


By the way, is Pikmin 3 ever going to come out? I don't want to get a WiiU but I might if it really comes out some day...


Right now I'm playing Earthbound and Pokémon Black, which is a bit pants actually.

I just picked up pikmin too. Always loved that game and playing it again is fun

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Guest jasondonervan

Just made a start on Shadowrun Returns. I love the twee cyberpunk graphics:




As a kid playing on my ZX Spectrum, I used to dream that games would eventually look this detailed (compared to the games of the time). I'm a sucker for the isometric viewpoint in games too!

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real pretty environments and decent writing is just about all it has, there's very little gameplay in this game (investigating a murder scene=clicking at all the possible magnifying glass buttons there are to click, :facepalm:) , got bored of it after a few hours.

Edited by eugene
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I just beat Metroid: Other M. What a disappointing game (worst final boss fight ever)!


I started playing Pikmin 2 on the Wii and I am having lotsa fun!

Oh man, Pikmin is awesome. I still like Pikmin 1 better, since there is less to explore but it has a "lonelier" atmosphere more suited for exploration, but Pikmin 2 is great too. Never got all the treasures...


By the way, is Pikmin 3 ever going to come out? I don't want to get a WiiU but I might if it really comes out some day...


Right now I'm playing Earthbound and Pokémon Black, which is a bit pants actually.

I just picked up pikmin too. Always loved that game and playing it again is fun
Pikmin 3 is out Aug 4 in America, also counting the days til Disney Infinity. Just received preorders for both as birthday presents.
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The Binding Of Isaac









why the face? ive heard this game namedropped tons of times but i still know next to nothing about it.

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Fez 2 canceled today because of twitter spat, really? Fucking grow up developers, they think they're goddamn rock stars now.




have you seen 'indie game the movie' ( http://buy.indiegamethemovie.com/) ? Fez dude is a drama queen, postponing the first fez for years because of his high standard issues & in the movie talks about killing himself because of the stress involved releasing the first game.

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I wondered if the success of Fez would bring him some emotional stability. Such a miserable life that must be...


I've been playing way too much unbalanced Civ 5, some intruiging Kentucky Road Zero and a tiny bit of the boring, formulaic, point and click The Raven.

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This fucking Phil Fish guy.


Pretentious hipster douche and a drama queen. What a lovely guy, seriously.


Also.. FEZ wasn't awesome, it was broken piece of shit they didn't even bother to fix. And I don't care if it was because it was too "expensive" to fix, it's a lame excuse.

Edited by Ceerial
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