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I'm only about 50 minutes in (It was a late download last night) but I've been thinking about it all day today, the atmosphere is just incredible. Looking forward to a second proper play tomorrow night.

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I'm only about 50 minutes in (It was a late download last night) but I've been thinking about it all day today, the atmosphere is just incredible. Looking forward to a second proper play tomorrow night.

Some of the sound effects could have been better. The thunder sfx are baaaad and are full of noise... But now I'm just being an asshole.

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Yeah it's a shame there isn't more sfx variations (maybe there'll be a patch), and ugh that music tape - put the physics engine to good use by lobbing it straight in the bin !


EDIT: Actually I wonder if there's unpacked .wav files. Might tweak it myself (also thought it was an oversight that the phone calls and answer phone messages weren't ran through a telephone band pass - they're all far too clear)

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Guest trananhhung

Bioshock Infinite never ends! I'm at what I believe is the end. Songbird. Zeppelins. I'm playing it on hard and it's boring! Someone tell me this is the end already. The parallel dimensions trick is annoying! I'm starting to hate the game.

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Guest Pennywise

yeh I wasn't overly impressed by Bioshock Infinite. Very dissapointed. Not enough improvement from their previous games. I'm starting to think I only ever liked Bioshock because I liked the environment so much.

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Guest Pennywise

An Amnesia / Bioshock hybrid would be interesting because the sea scares the shit out of me. Maybe a game where you explore the massive, decaying rooms of a world like Rapture with a crappy torch and there are way worse things to be worried about than splicers.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse



I showed my (richer/younger) bro vids of occulus rift and he ordered one, nice



So he ordered the developer kit? Does he know that the developer kit is not even HD?


I've had a Dkit for about a month and a half. Even though it's native resolution 1280x800 (which, about 720 is considered "HD") games in running in 1080 downscaled look pretty good. The resolution improvement and positional tracking will make the consumer version vastly better. But, the Dkit is totally worth the 300 bucks. I pretty much refuse to play games on my 1080p 50 inch or any 2d anymore. It's too immersive, playing games on a 2d screen feels like a joke now. I've hacked a lot of games to work with it. I learned Unity to development for it. But, after getting it, I fell in love with gaming again and am having a hard time getting productive work done in my free time.

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Guest Pennywise


Maybe a game where you explore the massive, decaying rooms of a world like Rapture with a crappy torch and there are way worse things to be worried about than splicers.


I kind of got a bit of that out of Bioshock the first. kind of. not so much the psychological horror element that you're alluding to, although there was some of that. friggin' love that game, can't wait to replay it with max settings on my new rig.


Yeh, its only because I get freaked out by Shipwrecks and the sea in general. I don't think i'd even need the Amnesia part, just make it a game where I explore the area in hi-def with oculus rift goggles on and i'd shit my pants.

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Guest trananhhung

Finished Bioshock Infinite. Terrible! The plot is a mess and the action is boring. I enjoyed the three or four initial hours. Avoid!

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Just beat Gone Home. Great 1 hour short story game. It isn't worth 20 bucks on steam but its worth a play through for 10 I'd say.

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I've been giving Joyrex a big chance to catch up with my trophy level because I've been playing a lot of WoW. However, I have been playing The Last of Us here and there. Fantastic game so far. I ought to be close to the end of the game. Congratulations on the plat Joyrex! I'll be going for it for sure.... u know... if I get my WoW addiction under control...

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