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I just finished Beneath a Steel Sky - well worth playing, loved the retro-future-horror feeling and the surreal banter. Some wonderfully creepy bits of imagination in there. Might replay the CD version - I played the floppy version because I disliked the voice acting on the CD when I initially started playing it. Only down side was a small bug that was fixed by one line of code in the console, and the occasional object that was sligggghhhhttly to hard to find.


Might play another point and click next, maybe The Longest Journey?



If you like retro-future-horror point and click adventure, I recommend 'I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream' which is based on a short story by Harlan Ellison. Ellison was even involved in the making of it.



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Guest Frankie5fingers

was just watching a guy streaming pre-alpha footage of Star Citizen. Open world space sim. Built on cry3 engine. He just has access to the ship he bought($300) and his hangar. It looks pretty nice. Coming out fall 2014. The gfx detail is redonkulous.

saw it. the game looks exactly like the X series. nothing new

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Guest Frankie5fingers

well X did have multi but it sucked so there is that. and yeah graphics. but still, from what ive seen the X engine is much more suited for this kinda thing.


edit: i guess my point is that X was a simulator. this is more like an action/adventure game.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

And, Star Citizen has been designed almost from the get to work with the Oculus Rift, which I personally know is fantastic idea, because I have a Rift D kit.

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Still having a ridiculous time with Brutal DOOM v18. BD v19 should become available any day now.
Also downloaded MINERVA - Metastasis, an HL2 mod. Played it years ago when it was only the first map. So I reckon it's now complete. I'll give it a go after work tomorrow.

I also still wonder when Lunar Software's debut Routine will get released. Looks like it'll be the best survival horror piece in ages.

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Go home Nintendo, you're drunk:




Had to double-take this when I first saw it, but nope - it's real. I realise it's for the kiddy market (no 3D, so safe for little Timmy and Tammy to play the Pokemons) but it just looks like a half-arsed bit of kit you'd find on a market stall in the seedier end of town.

It's so kids under 7 can buy the new Pokemon game, which comes out the same day.
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If you like retro-future-horror point and click adventure, I recommend 'I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream' which is based on a short story by Harlan Ellison. Ellison was even involved in the making of it.


Thanks! Will check it out =)

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finally got to playing Zelda Skyward Sword - it starts kind of slow and I'm not totally on board with the art style but it seems to be striking a good balance between the darker and lighter aspects of the series. Motion control is pretty decent too (except when the pointer gets out of whack... which is quite often).

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Guest jasondonervan

Rayman Legends is some serious eye candy - it's stunning to look at for a 2D platformer, and makes the more recent 'New' Super Mario Brothers games look average at best. The levels I've run through so far are sublime, one of them made me grin from ear to ear the whole time! Another is all musical instruments that play in sync as you make you way through them, some serious IDM business right there.

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I take that back. The animation and cell shading looks pretty bad. :sad: Hopefully they'll fix it before "winter 2013".

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since i restarted my grad studies, I havent had much time to play stuff...decided to focus on wrapping up all the stuff I never got around to in Skyrim, collecting all the Dragon Priest masks, experimenting with Destruction/Conjuration builds, and playing through Dragonborn...man what a great DLC! Love the Lovecraft=esque minions and fucked up book worlds. Definitely a surprise to me...gonna have fun going after all the Black Books..

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Rayman Legends is brilliant. Fantastic art, controls, level design, animations, sound... So much charm. Haven't been into a platformer like this in ages.

Edited by Ego
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Guest Frankie5fingers

I have spent quite a few hours on crafting a Magnum, P.I./Tom Selleck character in Saints Row IV.


Worth every second.











lol thats amazing

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I have spent quite a few hours on crafting a Magnum, P.I./Tom Selleck character in Saints Row IV.


Worth every second.











lol thats amazing



I forgot, anyone who owns Saints Row IV can (ab)use my character here (you may need to log in first) => http://www.saintsrow.com/community/characters/details/126189321731017305

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