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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Obel" data-cid="1928361" data-time="1357679136"><p>

Anyone heard Four Tet's new album? Any good?</p></blockquote>


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I had a feeling you guys were in for disappointment. just because 4tet says "new exclusive trax guise" doesn't mean they'll be Exai tracks.


I'm staying away from any pre-release snippets and promos. I haven't heard a second off the new album and don't plan to until it's released.


Yeah, I was slightly amused at the possibility of Four Tet mixing Ae in with terrible music today, but I'm probably going to avoid any further teasers.


Still wish I knew where I was moving at the end of February, so's I can preorder the vinyl. Was going to have it delivered to my gf's mom's place, but the postman just flings packages into her backyard and holy shit that does not read the way I wanted it to

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are all british women this cringe worthy? holy shit


all the voices i'm hearing so far even on the commercials sound like characters from Attack of he Block


It's a South London accent you stereotyping bitch, not all English women sound like fucking...Fiona Bruce. We may be a tiny island compared to the USA but there ARE regional accents here.


I enjoyed Four Tet's mix, he played some lovely tunes. There was a really nice one after that Joy Orbison track, with the vocals? Or it might have still been the Joy Orbison track but it changed up quite a bit, not sure. Anyone know?


BTW it's all your fault I'm still talking about Four Tet for thinking he'd play an Autechre track on Rinse FM at 7pm (peak listening times probably) when he has no affiliation to Warp Records! It's all love though guys


(*doesn't feel the need to mention his excitement for Exai)

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are all british women this cringe worthy? holy shit


all the voices i'm hearing so far even on the commercials sound like characters from Attack of he Block


It's a South London accent you stereotyping bitch, not all English women sound like fucking...Fiona Bruce. We may be a tiny island compared to the USA but there ARE regional accents here.


lol, fair enough. It sounded beyond a regional accent though and sort of embellished, am I wrong? And of course i know ALL british women aren't as cringe worthy as the DJ

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are all british women this cringe worthy? holy shit


all the voices i'm hearing so far even on the commercials sound like characters from Attack of he Block


It's a South London accent you stereotyping bitch, not all English women sound like fucking...Fiona Bruce. We may be a tiny island compared to the USA but there ARE regional accents here.


lol, fair enough. It sounded beyond a regional accent though and sort of embellished, am I wrong? And of course i know ALL british women aren't as cringe worthy as the DJ


Are you talking about Julie, the girl who was on before Four Tet? She sounds pretty standard for a South London gal I guess...I guess for the ads it's slightly exaggerated but it has to give off that London thing, cos Rinse is all about London innit? i feel a bit bad for calling you a bitch now

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don't feel bad, i was being a bitch! i didn't genuinely mean to offend anybody, i just thought it was funny. In America there are plenty of middle/high class people who play up a more 'street' or 'hard' accent to emulate street culture, and it sort of seemed like a similar thing just from hearing it except transposed over UK culture.

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How many days AFTER the Oversteps announcement did Mary Ann Hobbes play "Treale" on the radio?


Also, just a wild guess, but I'm beginning to think that since this hasnt leaked yet, no promos have actually been sent.

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from my memory she played Treale after it had already leaked. That radio host played illanders and one other one and it leaked like pretty fucking fast afterwards (within days). The people who already have promos seem to be holding onto them more tightly this time around. When Quaristice leaked, it did so after about 3 weeks from the point that the Wire's radio show played out those 3 tracks.

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How many days AFTER the Oversteps announcement did Mary Ann Hobbes play "Treale" on the radio?


Also, just a wild guess, but I'm beginning to think that since this hasnt leaked yet, no promos have actually been sent.


I doubt The Wire or Four Tet is going to lie about having a copy of the promo

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I don't understand their desire for fans to not have soundboards of live stuff. boggles my mind. I think on some level, as an artist that has been given complete freedom by fans who support them, they should give fans what they want, to a certain extent.

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I don't understand their desire for fans to not have soundboards of live stuff. boggles my mind. I think on some level, as an artist that has been given complete freedom by fans who support them, they should give fans what they want, to a certain extent.


they don't like soundboards. Sean's spoken about how he'd rather have people hear "the room" than a dry soundboard with no room acoustics. they don't mind bootleg recording, just not straight soundboards.


also they believe in the live experience and want people to be there as much as possible, so I can understand why they don't want the soundboards out. I can see their reasoning.


is that's the case then why not have at least one of the shows on the tour be professionally recorded by someone who uses room stereo mics + direct soundboard with the skill level of Brian Albers? He's such a nice dude who has a genuine love for good electronic music that I'd bet he'd fly himself out at his own cost to wherever AE would allow him to record and the result would be better than any soundboard


he did this on our relatively speaking low budget sound rig at our monthly venue, would imagine if he was in an even cleaner and better space he'd be able to pull off an amazing audience recording of an Autechre show.


I can see their reasoning only for pure soundboard recordings, there have been plenty of times where people i know did amazing live sets in a club directly recorded line in to a zoom and then listening to it afterwards it sounds totally different and a lot less awesome, but if you do it in the style of Brian the results will pretty much be the best of both worlds (as well as some of AE's best material in the last 8 years) .

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i love everything Autechre have done but saying "audience recordings sounds better than soundboard" is just stupid /mountains of bullshit considered the amount of details/complexicty of Autechre's music. Also, with the massive beats it's pretty complicated to record it from the audience. I have a great audience recording of Sunno))) (or Russell Haswell) but its all drones & waves of guitars or noise. There is a long tradition of recording live shows (jazz, rock) & even electronic artists (Tangerine Dream, Pan sonic, Fennesz, Oren Ambarchi, Philip Jeck, Alva Noto & Sakamoto) have released some of their best material from live sets, and thanks god, they're all SOUNDBOARD recordings. That said, i kinda understood the idea of material created for concerts ONLY, even if its one of the most frustrating concept of modern electronic music...

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Guest pixelives
No updates from pixelives today?? :sad: I'm dying to hear anything about this album!

No fucking mail yet. :sad: Also I know promos have gone out bc a friend who works at NPR in NYC was raving on her Facebook last Thursday about how they got a copy in the music dept.


Fuck. Sorry guys. What I'm guessing what will happen is that I'll get my copy the day it leaks. BUURGH

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You know one thing that most of us here has done, that neither Sean nor Rob have ever done? Attend an Autechre concert. Granted, they were *there* but that's not the same as being in a room of people where you have the utmost pleasure of having the person next to you talking to you, some drunk girl squealing about "banging in the bum," the coolest yo-bro's yelling "Tri Repeate", and Philly's finest crust punk hippies elbowing you with their latest dance moves. I don't know about you, but that's something to cherish. Why would anyone want to hear JUST the music with all its neat reverberyish soundz0rs when you have all these little joys sprinkled in?

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Guest the anonymous forumite
i love everything Autechre have done but saying "audience recordings sounds better than soundboard" is just stupid /mountains of bullshit considered the amount of details/complexicty of Autechre's music.


That's not what they are saying. They just said that they didn't want to release live music without the room ambience and it's natural reverb. They feel like there would be something missing if they released the soundboard only. Also, as previously mentionned, they want people to come see them live and have a full blown AE experience.

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Having seen them live about 4 times, and as much as I enjoy the soundboard recordings available, I can see their point. There is something totally magical about going to hear brand new Autechre music in that setting, especially engineered and made for the tour - knowing that it's just for that moment, that experience in time.

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yeah you're right, the whole "room" thing makes sense sure but i remember seeing them on stage & thinking "damned, those beats they kept for live action ONLY". i remember beeing blow away by this "full blown Ae experience". Its quite intense, in the dark area, beats getting faster & faster. Still a frustrating experience considered it can be heard only like every 2 or 3 years. Its like pre-recording music area, when you had to go to shows (or church or whatever) to listen to music.

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Guest pixelives

First time I saw them was in Oct 98 on Manhattan's far west side in a giant warehouse. It was a party for the launch of the website for the record store Other Music. Plaid also played. Saw Steve Reich Music For 18 Musicians earlier that same evening at BAM. That night set up everything I hold dear to this day.

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Guest pixelives

Then saw them two years later on the Confield tour at The Bowery Ballroom. A proper live venue: lights, a stage, etc. There was no vibe AT ALL. Also I think that tour was mostly laptop and very little hardware.

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saw em during the Oversteps tour and it was disappointingly bad, someone completely fucked up the sound. It was a proven venue with a big honkin Funktion One system. The hiphop DJ set right before they came up sounded really good. They probably let their intern handle the EQ. It was one of the worst gigs i've been to actually, a crowd full of expectations standing there, baffled, shrugging...

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