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If you could only ever drink one type of alcoholic beverage again...

Guest Aserinsky

If you could only ever drink one type of alcoholic drink, what would it be?  

96 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote for one:

    • Lager
    • Ale (pretty much any beer that isn't lager or stout)
    • Stout (porter also counts for the sake of simplicity)
    • Scrumpy / Real Cider
    • Fruit Ciders (Kopparbergs etc.)
    • White Wine
    • Red Wine
    • Gin
    • Rum
    • Liqueur (Jager, Baileys, anything like that)
    • Cocktails
    • Tequila
    • Scotch Whisky
    • Bourbon Whiskey
    • Vodka
    • Brandy
    • Sake
    • Irish Whiskey
    • Champagne

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edit - you're not from uk are you, we don't say liquor store.




what do you say, woozy woozy shop for boozy?


There's a whiskey shop near my office that I go to when I fancy something fancy, I refer to it as "the whiskey shop".

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i don't know what lager/ale/stout is (we call it beer).





Budweiser i guess, i know its a shitty beer but i've been drinking it since i started drinking i got used to it, can't imagine myself drinking any other brand.


banned from everything forever




there's got to be a shitty beer of identical taste that you can access that's at least local or less corporate or just less watery



I used to buy this german beer called Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock and i loved it i would love to drink that instead of budweiser but its so hard to get it where am at.


I will definitely try to do some research and change to a better brand of beer, if i move out of this god forsaken town i will most likely change beers (i have two liquor stores in my town both of them sell shitty mass produced beers)


What cheap brands would you guys recommend? (and dont say corona i fucking hate corona)



Where are you at (roughly)? BTW Corona has a skunky taste - they are literally in clear bottles and even exposed on to UV light to maintain that distinct taste. It happens to all beer if left in sun, but for Corona it's become part of it's taste.


Personally I would drink microbrews and local craft beers only, but I'm too poor to, so instead I usually have Lonestar or PBR in my fridge and splurge on nicer beer less often. PBR is actually quasi-independent and contracts Miller breweries in order to brew in such high volume. Coors is pretty meh but their apparently really eco-friendly and have high quality control compared to others.


As for more nationally distributed independent breweries you can probably find Shiner, New Belgian, and Breckenridge, and Sam Adams in most states at most stores. Beyond that's there are literally hundreds of others.


Honestly, the big three (Anheuser-Busch InBev, Coors+Miller, Grupo Modelo*) own way more brands than most realize. Even a lot of good beers that look like microbrews are actually owned by those companies. So more often than not, any cheap beer is going to be corporate, or distributed by the big three.


EDIT: *apparently Coors and Miller merged (and I forgot) and Anheuser-Busch InBev are trying to buy Grupo Modelo. We need a Teddy Roosevelt cyborg to trust-bust this nonsense.

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Red wine, of course, being italian and from tuscany. Even tho I prefer wines from the northern regions, like Piedmont or Trentino.

Wine is so versatile, you can just get a single glass for the good taste, accompained by some good food, or you can get wasted with it when you feel like it (and it almost has no hanghover is the wine is good quality).

As for food, people often choose white wine to go with fish, but I almost always prefer red wine, I prefer the taste of it. Moreover, it's so much easier to get a good red wine than it's to get a good white wine. And the there's so much variety of wines that you will never be bored by it. If I only had to stick to one type of wine? Probably Pinot nero.

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Red wine, of course, being italian and from tuscany. Even tho I prefer wines from the northern regions, like Piedmont or Trentino.

Wine is so versatile, you can just get a single glass for the good taste, accompained by some good food, or you can get wasted with it when you feel like it (and it almost has no hanghover is the wine is good quality).

As for food, people often choose white wine to go with fish, but I almost always prefer red wine, I prefer the taste of it. Moreover, it's so much easier to get a good red wine than it's to get a good white wine. And the there's so much variety of wines that you will never be bored by it. If I only had to stick to one type of wine? Probably Pinot nero.


i'm with you on the red wine with fish thing. i don't like white wine and screw those wine snobs that look at you like you're stupid when you order red... in fact something like pinot nero is nice with fish cos it tends to be quite light.


i like full bodied reds, these days always from italy if i can help it.

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Guest Aserinsky


The only Irish Whiskey you can seem to get in the UK is Jamesons

wtf no it isn't you can get loads. dunno where your shopping...


Tullamore Dew and Bushmills are both readily available at most supermarkets but if you go to a half decent off-license they'll have much more choice

I live next door to an ASDA right in the middle of student country, so decent drinks are limited here; the only whiskey you can buy is cheap and cheerful for getting shitfaced on. So I'll take your word for it.

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I would choose scotch, but it's so limited compared to the ale option. There are just so many different kinds of drink that fit into that category, it's almost an unfair choice. IPA vs Scotch would be harder choice for me.


My bible study group is having a beer tasting tonight, currently sitting next to a four pack Great Lakes' Alchemy Hour Double IPA. It's moderately tantalizing.

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I voted for ales. Whiskey is a close second, and wine brings up the rear.


Although, I feel wine may take whiskey this year. Stay tuned.

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Guest Aserinsky

It's scotch WHISKY and Irish WHISKEY by the way.

Whoops, my bad. I'm always making that mistake, even though I've been told million times before otherwise.

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I haven't had Bourbon Whisky, but I wager I'd still prefer Scotch.


In regards to a shitty-cheap-beer, I had an Olde English 800 Malt Liquor 2 days ago, and I enjoyed it. I think Miller makes it, if I remember correctly.

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Some brews are refreshing on a summers day, some stronger, darker brews are perfect for winter. Everyones a winner.


Lager is too bland and one dimensional, good cider would be my second choice.


Perhaps in another decade malt whisky might be my favorite......

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